SDRME Executive Committee (EC) Fall Meeting

San Francisco, November 4, 2012

Minutes recorded by Elza Mylona, Secretary


1)  The SDRME President (Dr. Nicole Borges) welcomed the new treasurer Dr. Allison Ownby

2)  Treasurer Report and Updates – Allison Ownby

·  It was reported that the starting balance was $29,599.39. The ending balance is $26,090.84. The October statement is not included in the ending balance at this time. The ending balance in the SDRME saving account is $18,638.53.

·  Nicole Borges looked into investing the money into a CD but the interest is very low.

·  Dues statements will go out soon.

·  Those that have completed their invited reviews have been paid.

·  Allison is investigating systems that will allow her to track and report expenses in more detail.

3)  Membership Issues – Nicole Borges

·  The Executive Committee has approved Deb Simpson and John Littlefield to Emeritus status.

·  The Executive Committee proposed to put a time limit on how long a school can have to transfer membership when the currentSDRME representative resigns his/her position. After a one-year period, the institutions should submit a new application.

·  Nicole will review the procedures and discuss this proposed change with the Membership Committee chair. Then a message will be sent to the SDRME membership requesting their vote.

·  Some concerns have been expressed about who should be a SDRME member considering the growing number of members and applicants with senior leadership roles. The Executive Committee felt that this is an important topic that needs consideration and input from the larger SDRME membership. It was proposed to ask the Emeritus members to work in a consultation role with the Membership committee at the summer meeting and come up with a solution that will satisfy the expressed concerns.

·  It was proposed to continue the discussion about the Future of Offices in Medical Education by having a follow up session at the summer meeting.

·  The Executive Committee also discussed the recent concern raised by the Membership Committee as to what constitutes meritorious service. The Executive Committee discussed that areas of contributions may include attendance of meetings, presentations and facilitation of sessions during annual meetings as well as any significant role in one activity such as an editorship, committee or conference support of unusual and/or continuing nature.

4)  Invited Review Update - Nicole Borges

·  Awardees can present their work either at the spring or fall meeting. If they present in the fall, they need to make arrangements with the SDRME Executive Committee early on so adjustments to the executive and business meetings can be made. To avoid additional IT expenses, especially at the fall meeting, it was suggested to ask presenters to bring handouts.

5)  2013 AAMC Meeting: Reception and Business Meeting – Nicole Borges

·  Recent changes regarding the annual AAMC meeting have affected the SDRME meeting schedule. The numerous other events scheduled on Sunday evening have affected attendance at the SDRME reception. To maintain and perhaps increase participation both at the business meeting and the reception, the Executive Committee will consider combining these two events in 2013.

6)  2013 Summer Meeting - Carol Capello

·  The meeting is scheduled for July 21-23 in Portland, Oregon, at the Vintage Plaza Hotel (a Kimpton hotel). A contract has been signed; 24 rooms have been reserved for each day (Saturday and Sunday) at $139/night. We have 30 days before the meeting to reduce the number of rooms if needed. We have a cap of $2,500 min. for food and beverage.

·  The Committee will start working on the program. Possible names of keynote speakers were discussed. The honorarium for the keynote speaker can be $1,000 or another amount decided by the Executive Committee. Elza Mylona will follow up with ideas for speakers. Ideas for meeting topics should be sent to Carol Capello.