This advisory recommendation has not been approved by the State Instructional Quality Commission

or the State Board of Education.



Publisher / Program / Grade Level(s)
Benchmark Education / Benchmark Advance / K–6

Program Summary:

Benchmark Advance (Program 2) includes: Teachers Resource System (TRS), Leveled Text Teacher’s Guides, Readers Theater Handbook, Language Mini-Lesson Handbook, Texts for Close Reading (TCR).


Benchmark Advance (Program 2)is recommendedfor adoption because the program includescontent as specified in the CA CCSS for ELA and the CA ELD Standards, as appropriate for the program type, meetsall identified standards in Criterion 1 fully, all identified standards in Criterion 2 fully, and meets all the Criteria in Category 1 with strengths in Categories 2–5. Edits and corrections required as a condition of adoption are listed on the last page of this document under the “Edits and Corrections” section.

Criteria Category 1: ELA/ELD Content/Alignment with Standards

The program supportsteaching to the CA CCSS for ELA and CA ELD Standards (as appropriate to the program type), and covers all of the evaluation criteria in Category 1.


  • Criterion #1: Grade K, RL.K.5: TRS,Unit 6, p. 158 (Preview the Genre);Grade 1, RF.1.2a: TRS, Unit 5, p.10; Grade 2, L.2.1a: TRS, Unit 1, p. 7; Grade 3, W.3.1a: TRS,Unit 5, pp. 74–75 (Engage Readers with a Strong Opening);Grade 4, RI.4.2: TRS, Unit 1, pp. 10–11;Grade 5, SL.5.1a: TRS,Unit 2, p. 136 (Share); Grade 6, RI.6.1: TRS, Unit 1, p.46.
  • Criterion #2: Grade K, PII.K.4: ELD TRS, pp.48–49; Grade 1, PI.1.2: ELD TRS, Unit 10, pp. 274–275;Grade 2, PI.2.4: ELD TRS, Unit 2, p.54; Grade 3, PI.3.6: ELD TRS, pp. 72–73; Grade 4: ELD TRS, Unit 3, pp. 76–77;Grade 5, PI.5.7: ELD TRS, pp.176–177;Grade 6: ELD TRS, Unit 5, pp. 124–125.
  • Criterion #8: Grade 2,Read Aloud Handbook, "The Basket Weaver," pp. 42–45.
  • Criterion #10: Grade 1, TRS, Unit 1, p. 5, Review Print Concepts; Period.
  • Criterion #18: Grade 4, TCR, Unit 10, pp. 11, 21, and 31.
  • Criterion #20: Grade 6, ELD TRS, Topic 4, pp. 78–79, Think-Speak-Listen.

Criteria Category 2: Program Organization

The organization and design of the instructional materials providestructure for what students should learn each year and allowteachers to teach the content efficiently and effectively.


  • Criterion #2: Grades K–6, TRS, back cover; Grades K–6, ELD TRS,Unit, Topic, and Essential Question, fold-out behind front cover.
  • Criterion #4: Grades K–6, Advancing Foundational Skills for English Learners online component.
  • Criterion #8: Grades K–6,Student Interactive E-Book.
  • Criterion #12j: Grade2, Additional Resources, pp. AR1–AR5.

Criteria Category 3: Assessment

The instructional materials provide teachers with assistance in using assessments for planning instruction, determining effective flexible grouping strategies, implementing other strategies for meeting the instructional needs of students, and measuring the effectiveness of instruction through progress monitoring.


  • Criterion #1c: Grade 1, Informal Assessments, Using Informal Assessments for Parent/Teacher Communication, p. 103.
  • Criterion #1d: Grade 3, Informal Assessments, Oral Reading Assessments, Level Screener, p. 19.
  • Criterion #2: Grade 2, Weekly and Unit Assessments, Unit 8, p. 251.
  • Criterion #5: Grade 5, TRS, Unit 4, Reinforce or Reaffirm Strategy, p. 187.
  • Criterion #5: Grade 4, TRS, Reader’s Theater Handbook, Unit 4, Lesson 4, Sample Expression Prompts, Self-Monitoring and Reflection, p. 66.

Criteria Category 4: Universal Access

Program materials ensure universal and equitable access to high-quality curriculum and instruction for all students so they can meet or exceed the expectations as described in the CA CCSS for ELA and, when appropriate, the CA ELD Standards, and provide teachers with the necessary content and pedagogical tools to teach all students the CA CCSS for ELA and help all English learners to achieve proficiency with the CA ELD Standards.


  • Criterion #1: Grade 1, TRS, Unit 8, p.146.
  • Criterion #2: Grade K, TRS, Unit 2, p.159.
  • Criterion #3b: Grade 4, TRS, Units9 and 10, Additional Resources, pp. AR30–AR33.
  • Criterion #6: Grade 6, TRS, Units 9 and 10, Additional Resources, pp. AR22–AR26.
  • Criterion #7: Grade 2, TRS Unit 3, p.33.

Criteria Category 5: Instructional Planning and Teacher Support

The instructional materials contain a clear road map for teachers to follow when planning instruction and are designed to help teachers provide effective standards-based instruction and ensure opportunities for all students to learn the essential skills and knowledge specified for in the CA CCSS for ELA and, where appropriate, the CA ELD Standards.


•Criterion #1: Grade 1, TRS, "Unit at a Glance" foldout behind unit tab.

•Criterion #2: Grade 2, TRS, Unit 2, p. 121.

•Criterion #3: All grades,every lesson in both the TRS and ELD TRS.

•Criterion #5: Grade 6, TRS, Unit 10, Additional Resources,pp. AR4–AR5.

Edits and Corrections:

The following edits and corrections must be made as a condition of adoption.

  1. Grade K, TRS, Unit 2: pp. 122–123 are missing.
  2. Grade K, TRS, Unit 3, Week 3, Day 5, p. 112: Collaborative Conversation section, in the last modeling sentence,“listen” is improperly divided between lines.
  3. Grade K, TRS, Units 7–8: paginated incorrectly.
  4. Grade K, TRS, Unit 8: Blank front page.
  5. Grade K, TRS, Unit 8, p. 150: iELD, “labelpictures” should be “label pictures”.
  6. Grade K, ELD TRS, p. 297: Emerging section, “Say: We are going to review nouns…” This direction does not apply to this section on prepositional phrases.
  7. Grade K, ELD SE, p. 90: Caption says “production – fill in table”.
  8. Grade 1, TRS, Unit 7, pp. 59–61: Should be “Week 2, Day 3”.
  9. Grade 1, TRS, Unit 7, p. 57: “Week X” should be “Week 3”.
  10. Grade 1, TRS, Unit 7,p. 77:Week X should be “Week 2”.
  11. Grade 1, TRS, Unit 8, p. 227: There is a heading for an editing checklist without a graphic of the editing checklist.
  12. Grade 2, TRS, Unit 1, p. 14: The “Review phonics” section, the directions read “point to the word them.” The word “them” does not appear in the paragraph. On this same page, the words “cut”, “trim”, and “pick” should all be the gerund form. (cutting, trimming, and picking).
  13. Grade 2, TRS, Unit 3, p. 63:There are no definitions on this definition chart.
  14. Grade 2, TRS: Labeling of the “Use Language ____" sections, omit the “Use Language” heading on pp. 42, 145, 186, 193, and 252.
  15. Grade 2, TRS, Unit 2, p. 158: The graphic omits a page reference.
  16. Grade 2, TRS, Unit 2, p. 196: The graphic omits a page reference.
  17. Grade 2, TRS, Unit 2, p. 228: The graphic omits a page reference.
  18. Grade 2, TRS, Unit 4, p. 198: The graphic omits a page reference.
  19. Grade 2, Writing Language Handbook, p. 5:Rehearse paragraph 2 guidelines for collaborative conversations are not on page viii as listed.
  20. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 254: “From Pine to Pizza Box on pp. 150–152” should be “From Pine to Pizza Box on pp. 170–172”.
  21. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p.252: Graphic label refers to p. 149 and should refer to p. 169.
  22. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 14: Graphic of student edition is labeled as p. 6–7 and should be p. 10–11.
  23. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 37: Emerging text quotes “Nearby there lived”. The text on p. 24 omitted “Nearby” and says “There lived”.
  24. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 142: The title refers to adverbs, but the lesson is actually about superlative adjectives.
  25. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 158:Incorrect image used.
  26. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 226: This page references p. 152. The reference should be to pp. 150–152.
  27. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 248: The graphic is labeled pp. 146–147, should be pp. 166–167.
  28. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 253: The bridging information refers to p. 149, page number should be 169.
  29. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 260: The graphic is labeled “p. 154,” the label should read “p. 174”.
  30. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 261: Emerging and expanding instructions refer to p. 14, the reference should be to p. 174.
  31. Grade 2, ELD TRS, p. 264: The graphic refers to pp. 156–157, should refer to pp. 176–177.
  32. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 2, p.140: Line #2 refers to prompt on p. “00.” There is no page “00”.
  33. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 2, p. 160: Selection in SE is not “Geese for the Queen” as listed. There are multiple references to this incorrect text title on this page.
  34. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 3, p.182: The charts are labeled “base words” not root words as in lesson.
  35. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 7, p.53: Spelling in the last sentence, “partner’s” should be “partners.”
  36. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 10, p.138: In the collaborative section, sentence #1, “PDF00” needs revision.
  37. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p. 54: Graphic labeled “Inner Outer Planets, p. 156” should be “Snow White, p. 36”.
  38. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p. 132: In section “Use Adverbials,” the last sentence in the directions indicates, “Use the second sentence in the second paragraph…” As it is the third sentence, replace the word “second” with the word “third”.
  39. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p. 133: Tab listed as Unit 10 Lesson 5 needs to be changed to Unit 5 Lesson 5.
  40. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p. 146: In the Effective Oral and Written Language Expression section there is a typo “sentenceusing” should be “sentence using”.
  41. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p. 182: Caption under graphic is incorrect. Image is of p. 121.
  42. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p.182: In the sentence “vRead and view closely,” delete the “v”.
  43. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p. 203: Bridging section reference to reviewing panels 5–8 for bold words within the text. There are no words in bold.
  44. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p. 215: Duplicate sentence “Encourage students to use a dictionary…” in the Emerging box.
  45. Grade 3, ELD Student Edition, p. 101: “188o.” Delete the “o”.
  46. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 1, p. 93: “The girl jumpsj” should be “The girl jumps”.
  47. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 4, p. 118: “you reasons” should be “your reasons”.
  48. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 4,p. 146: “langauge” should be “language”.
  49. Grade 3, TRS, Unit 5, p. 34: is listed as p. 134.
  50. Grade 3, ELD TRS, p. 118: The image does not match the label. The image from p. 79 matches the label on p. 118.
  51. Grade 3, TCR Communities Now and Then, Unit 7, p. 21:In the Writing to Sources section, the text that has been struck is still present(“visit stay”).
  52. Grades 3–6, TCR: All standards are the Grade 6 standards, repeated.
  53. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 4: The Unit 4 tab follows Unit 4 Lesson 1 instead of going before it.
  54. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 1, p. 95: “Share” section, Paragraph 2: “People” is actually “Citizens” in student edition.
  55. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 8, p. 184: Graphic does not correlate to student edition, p. 31 of U8 TCR.
  56. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 3, AR2: Title is “Write Poems.” The ELA Standards Map lists the title as “Create a Field Guide”.
  57. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 2, p. 136: Graphic does not correlate to p. 11 in Unit 2 TCR.
  58. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 5, p. 64: There is a reference to iELD next to modal auxiliaries topic; iELD is not related to modal auxiliaries.
  59. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 7: p. 80 is on the back of p. 77.
  60. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 3, p. 17: “vRead and Write”; delete “v”.
  61. Grade 4, TRS, Unit 4, p. 196: Formative Assessment Opportunities title is omitted.
  62. Grade 4, ELD Student Text, p. 15: Duplicate period in sentence 3.
  63. Grade 4, TCR, Unit 1: Standards Flip Book at end of book contains Grade 6 standards.
  64. Grade 4: Online Standards Flip Chart has Grade 3 Speaking and Listening Standards.
  65. Grade 4: Standards Flip Chart in TCR, Unit 1, has Grade 6 Standards.
  66. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 2, p.186: Graphic is of p.31, the caption reports p. 22–29.
  67. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 2, p.108: Typo in guided practice section, “actions or words of Tom’s”.
  68. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 1, AR, p.3: Make a science safety poster lists the objective to research information about James Madison/federalism.
  69. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 1, p. 61: Paragraph 3 has “i’ve” two times.
  70. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 4: Divider is at p.133, Unit 4 starts at p.99.
  71. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 8: Divider is at p.133, Unit 8 starts at p.99.
  72. Grade 5, TRS, Unit 1: TCR standards flipbook is Grade 6 standards.
  73. Grade 5, ELD TRS, p.36: Read and View Closely section.
  74. Grade 5, ELD TRS, p.298: “_entence” stems omitted “s”.
  75. Grade 5, TCR, Unit 2, p.24: “any one’s” is listed as anyone’s in ELA TRS U2 p.186.
  76. Grade 6, TRS, Unit 6, p.120: Graphic of page from student edition incorrect.
  77. Grade 6, TRS, Unit 10, p.176: Graphic does not correlate to student edition.
  78. Grade 6, ELD TRS, p.143: Bridging section directs students to “highlighted introduction and conclusion.” There are no highlights in student edition. The selection is underlined.
  79. Grade 6, ELD TRS, p.191: Emerging section guided practice is duplication of the previous lesson on p.189 and does not apply to this lesson.
  80. Grade 6, ELD TRS, p.215: Emerging guided practice section, read aloud “panlss”should be“panels”.
  81. Grade 6, ELD Student Edition, p.22: “In this except from Chapter 5” repeated as “in this excerpt from the last chapter of the book”.
  82. Grade 6, ELD TRS: “langauge” should be “language” throughout.
  83. Online version of Foundation Skills Assessments, Section 4:Divided phonemes into “initial”,” final”, and “medical”; “medical” should be “medial”.

California Department of Education

August 17, 2015