DPS International (R.K Puram)

Autumn Break Assignment-Oct’10

Class – IV

Name ______Section ______



Q1 Write True or False.

a)The smallest 5-digit number ending in 4 is 10234. _____

b)The place value and face value of 1 is the same . ______

c)The smallest 4-digit number is the successor of the largest 3-digit number. ___

Q2 How many different 3-digit numbers can be formed by using 0, 2,5 without repeating any digit.

Q3 Write 1007532 in words and re-arrange the digits to get the smallest number.

Q4 Find the difference of the place value and face value of 3 in 613728.

Q5 Find the product of the place values of the underlined digits in 18273

Q6 The word form of a number is seven crores forty three lakh twenty thousand.

a)The number in figures is ______

b)The predecessor is ______

c)Expanded form of the number _____

d)What should be subtracted from the number to get the largest 6-digit number?

Q7 Alka was asked to add 42652 with 117. She did the sum as

4 2 6 5 2

+ 1 1 7


54 3 5 2

Has she done correctly?

Q8 Sarah gets Rs1500 on Saturday. On Monday, she spends Rs350. On Tuesday, she is given Rs500 more. On Thursday, she spends Rs450. How much money is left in the end?

Q9 There are 7585 pens to be kept in boxes. Each box can have 25 pens.

a)How many boxes are needed?

b)How many pens will be left over?

c)If Rahul sells all the left over pens for Rs55each, how much will he earn?

Q10There are 235 rows of trees with each tree having 16 fruits.

a)Estimate the total number of fruits.

b)Find the actual number of fruits on all the trees.

c)If the gardener packs 47 fruits in each carton, how many cartons does he need?


Q1 Do as directed.

a)I am a number between 45 and 50. Two of my factors are 2 and 6. What number am I?

b)What is the smallest number that should be added to 1371 to make it divisible by 2 .

Q2 Make the factor tree of the largest 2-digit number .

Q3 Find all prime numbers between 30 and 40.

a)Find the product of the numbers obtained.

b)Estimate the product to the nearest 10.

Q4 Fill digits in the blanks to make the numbers divisible by

a)63492 __ (by 2)

b)38217__ (by 10)

c)634_9 (by 9)


Q5 Write the multiples of 9 and 12 and find their LCM.

Q6 Write the common factors of 21 , 56 and also find their HCF

Q7 In a race , hurdles are placed at a distance of every 5m. Where are the first 5 hurdles kept in the field?

Q8 a) The greatest 2-digit multiple of 3 is ____

a)The smallest 3-digit multiple of 3 is _____

Q9 Anjum got 3 dozen apples .Shekhar got 2 score apples and Sam got a dozen more apples than Shekhar.

a)Find the number of apples bought by all three.

b)Find the HCF of the number of apples bought by all three children.

Q10 Three bells ring together at 10 am . If the first bell rings every 10sec , second rings every 15sec and third one rings every 20sec. At what time will they all ring together?

Animal Adaptations

All animals live in habitats. Habitats provide food, water, and shelter which animals need to survive, but there is more to survival than just the habitat. Animals also depend on their physical features to help them obtain food, keep safe, build homes, withstand weather, and attract mates. These physical features are called physical adaptations. Physical adaptations do not develop during an animal's life but over many generations. The shape of a bird's beak, the numbers of fingers, color of the fur, the thickness or thinness of the fur, the shape of the nose or ears are all examples of physical adaptations which help different animals to survive.

Look at the following pictures, take help from Assignment Booklet and text book and complete the given exercises:

Q: Camels have many adaptations that allow them to live successfully in desert conditions. List these adaptations and how they benefit the camel.

Q: Why can king snakes eat rattle snakes?

Q: Mosquitoes, spiders and scorpions are called invertebrates. What do you mean by this term?

Q: What are the different features of birds? Why do they have light bodies?

Q: How are polar bears able to survive in the freezing conditions? How are animals like seals, penguins and walrus adapted to live in the freezing conditions?

Q:I Classify the animals listed below into the following groups:

Snake, snail, Fish, slug, Frog, Platypus, Cow, Horse, Human, Ant,


(With a backbone) / Invertebrates
(Without a backbone)

Q:II Name them:

  1. Animals that can live on both land and in water ______.
  2. Animals that live mostly on trees______.
  3. Animals that eat plants as well as animals______.

d Those that live on or inside a living body ______.

e. Animals that spend most of their time flying ______.

Q: III Define:

  1. Aestivation
  2. Hibernation
  3. Migration
  4. Parasites
  5. Chitin
  6. Blubber
  7. Cold-blooded animals
  8. Warm blooded animals
  9. Arboreal animals

Q: IV Differentiate between the following:

  1. Reptiles and Mammals
  2. Arboreal and Amphibians
  3. Scavengers and herbivores
  4. Terrestrial and Aquatic animals
  5. Insects and Birds

NOTE: Prepare one presentation on any one animal of your choice ,it should include its habitat, adaptation, physical features and the type of food it eats. (With the help of a PPT/model/chart).


  1. Find /discover using Spanish dictionary 5 new verbsof each type

‘AR ‘ , ‘ER’ and ‘IR ‘ ending verbs .

  1. Write these verbs and their meanings in English.
  2. Write their 06 conjugation forms with or without the subject pronouns.
  3. Make at least three sentences [with any subject pronoun/s ] with each verbs .
  4. Students should not do it in their Spanish notebook.

GERMAN ((For students having German as 3L)

Exercise 1 : Gender

A ) Directions:Odd Man Out. All of the items except one in each group are the same gender: der, die, or das. Mark the odd man out. You may consult a dictionary and write the meanings of these nouns.

B) Illustrate neatly any 10 Nouns on an A4 sheet. Please write the Noun with the Gender (ex. das Auto)

Top of Form

1. A. AutoB. ZugC. FahrradD. Flugzeug

2 A. ZeitB. UhrC. StundeD. Tag

3 A. HoseB. Rock C. BluseD. Brille

4. A. MontagB. Nase C. FrühlingD. Woche

5. A. ZeitungB. ZeitschriftC. Heft D. Postkarte

6. A. KopfB. FuβC. HandD. Arm

7 A. BadB. Küche C. WohnzimmerD. Schlafzimmer

8 A. FirmaB. Geschäft C. BankD. Fabrik

9. A. LokalB. RestaurantC. Kneipe D. Cafe

10. A. Glas B. Mädchen C. HausD. Gitarre

Exercise 2 : Numbers

Write in your notebooks the numbers from 51 to 100 in german.

Bottom of Form

Exercise 3 : Verbs

Make a list of the verbs you have learnt alongwith their meanings. Conjugate them in your notebooks. Illustrate these verbs.

Bottom of Form

Exercise 4 : German speaking countries

Research and collect names of countries where German language is spoken. Collect information on these countries & present them in the form of a collage. (Country map, Capital, location, any other languages spoken there, etc)

FRENCH (For students having French as 2L )

  • Ecrivez un petit paragraphe sur votre sport préféré et collez sa photo.
  • Ecrivez le sport national de cinq pays de votre choix et collez leurs photos.
  • Faites cinq phrases avec «jouer» et «faire».
  • Regardez pg-61 Q4b de Métro 1, et complétez la fiche pour votre mère et pour votre père. Ecrivez l’information sur une fiche colorée.


  • Paste any 5 objects on a coloured sheet and answer-Qu’est-ce que c’est?
  • Paste pictures of any 5 people on a coloured sheet and answer-Qui est-ce?
  • Make a profile of each of your family members. Describe them using the adjectives learnt.
  • Make 5 sentences each using ‘etre’ and ‘avoir’.


naIcao ilaKo gaVaMSa kao pZ,kr ]nako ]%tr ilaKoM.

hmaaro Aasapasa ka vaatavarNa gaMda haonaa ‘p`dUYaNa’ khlaata hO.Aaja p`dUYaNa kI samasyaa lagaatar baZ,tI jaa rhI hO.p`dUYaNa caar p`kar ko haoto hOM-Qvaina p`dUYaNa `vaayau p`dUYaNa `jala p`dUYaNa AaOr BaUima p`dUYaNa.saD,kaoM pr gaaiD,yaa^M [tnaI baZ, ga[- hOM ik ja,maIna pr pOr rKnao tk kI jagah nahIM hO.[nakI paOM-paOM kI Aavaaja, svasqa [Msaana kao BaI baImaar kr dotI hO.fOi@T/yaaoM AaOr karKanaao sao inaklanao vaalaa Qau^MAa saaro vaatavarNa kao dUiYat kr hvaa maoM saa^Msa laonaa mauiSkla kr dota hO.

p` 1 p`dUYaNa iksao khto hO?


P`a 2 p`dUYaNa iktnao p`kar ka haota hO?


P`a 3 gaaiD,yaaoM ko ha^na- kI Aavaaja, sao @yaa haota hO?


P`a 4 Aajakla hvaa maoM saa^Msa laonaa @yaaoM mauiSkla hao gayaa hO?


P`a 5 gaVaMSa ka kao[- SaI-Yak ilaKoM.


P`a 6 vaa@ya banaaAao---

P`adUYaNa ------

karKanao ------

p` 7 ivalaaoma Savd ilaKoM-

maora saaf, kla GaTnaa Asvasqa Aasamaana.


P`a 8 Aap saba baccao imalakr p`dUYaNa kao iksa trh kma kr sakto hao [sa pr Aaz sao dsa pMi@tyaa^M ilaKao.


P`a 9 AByaasa puistka Assignment book pRYz 53 sao 57 tk kroM.


INSTRUCTIONS: Submit it on the email id: or give hard copies of it.

  1. Tony has to attend her cousin’s marriage in Goa. Her mother has told her to write an application to the principal for a four-day leave. Help her write and save the application in MS Word.
  2. Namya has been asked prepare a list of items she would need for her Birthday party. She typed the following list in MS Word.

List of Items

  1. Litchi Juice
  2. Pasta
  3. Burger
  4. French Fries
  5. Chowmein
  6. Custard
  7. Ice Cream

Help her execute the following commands:

  1. Move the first two items at the end.
  2. Insert a blank line before Ice Cream and type ‘Pudding’.
  3. Save the file with the name ‘Party List’.
  4. Use borders, word art , add appropriate pictures to make it attractive.
  5. Add bullets
  6. Copy burger and chowmein and paste it after custard.


Mathematics Syllabus for Monday test on 19/ 10/2010

Topic - Fractions


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