Mission: JWCC enriches lives through learning by providing accessible educational programs and services at an exceptional value.
Vision: JWCC will be the community’s partner and leader in education, workforce training and lifelong learning.
Core Values: excellence accountability Integrity Servant Leadership Lifelong Learning
Date: 11.08.17 Board of Trustees Meeting
From: Executive Committee – Larry Fischer, James Gay, Diane Ary
ITEM: Report
The Executive Committee met on Wednesday November 8, 2017 at John Wood Community College in the office of the President, at 8:30 a.m. Present were Mr. Larry Fischer, Ms. Diane Ary, and Mr. James Gay, trustees; Mr. Michael Elbe, president.
November Board of Trustees agenda
The Board reviewed the items on the Board of Trustees agenda for November. A suggestion was made to address an item regarding the Board of Trustees evaluation process in the Executive Committee report at the Board meeting.
University of Illinois
Michael Elbe and Larry Fischer will be visiting the University of Illinois on Friday, November 10, 2017 to meet with Dean Kidwell to continue conversations about formalizing the future of our key agricultural partnership. They will also discuss how JWCC can best structure and position our Agricultural program/curriculum to most appropriately serve this industry.
Ag Retreat Follow Up
President Elbe gave a follow up report on the Ag Retreat held on November 2, 2017 at the Sprague’s Lodge in Kinderhook. This retreat went well, with the following key follow up topics;
- Curriculum Upgrade, Exposure to industry technology and practices, Soft Skills and Internships
- Alignment of the AAS and AS degree programs
- Potential position to support recruitment and instruction
Collective Bargaining Agreement
Board Executive Committee discussed the Board/Administration Collective Bargaining agreement priorities for this year’s negotiation process.
ACCT Membership and Benefits
The board reviewed the ACCT membership dues and the benefits received. The board discussed that our membership was dropped several years ago. The Executive Committee wants to ensure that the Board of Trustees are aware of our non-membership status. Discussion was held on the cost and benefits of belonging to this organization. Nor recommendation is being made to renew membership at this time.
An update on a personnel item was shared and discussed, which will be deferred to closed session.
The Board holiday party will be held on December 19, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. at the Quincy Country Club with past Board of Trustee members being invited.
HLC – President Elbe reported that Mr. Josh Welker, Dr. Laurel Klinkenberg and Mr. Michael Elbe conferred with Dr. Barb Johnson from the HLC regarding our recent HLC Assessment. President Elbe stressed that continuous quality improvement is an on-going process for the college. Mr. Welker gave a report to approximately 30 faculty members on Friday, November 3, 2017 to discuss the “met with concerns” centered around assessment of college programs.
The college report responding to the HLC document is due by December 19, 2017. President Elbe also shared a 3 page document link from ICCB. This document outlined and provided clarification of faculty credentialing qualifications in relation to ICCB and HLC guidelines. This was provided to the College last week to provide greater detail and insight in response to a number of questions that continue to linger.
November 15, 2017 Regular Board of Trustees meetingMission: JWCC enriches lives through learning by providing accessible educational programs and services at an exceptional value.
Vision: JWCC will be the community’s partner and leader in education, workforce training and lifelong learning.
Core Values: excellence accountability Integrity Servant Leadership Lifelong Learning