CPCC Advisement Check Sheet

Name: / Advisor: / Date:

2008-2009 Catalog year

The Associate in Arts degree is designed for students who plan to transfer to four-year colleges and universities. The components of the degree meet requirements for majors in the Liberal Arts. The degree will transfer as a block without loss of credit to many North Carolina public universities and other institutions with articulation agreements. Semester credit hours used to satisfy the AA degree will apply to university graduation requirements of the university major for which the AA is designed. See for more details on the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.

64 Credits (numbered 110 and above) required for degree

General Education Core Requirements(46 Credits) / Credits / Credits / Comments
Required / Completed
English Composition (6 Credits)
ENG 111(prerequisite: must have tested out of or completed ENG090 and RED 090) / 3
ENG 112 or 113 (prerequisite: must have completed ENG111) (May take ENG114, but some colleges do not accept this as a transfer course) / 3
Humanities and Fine Arts (12 Credits) must cover 3 different subject areas; only 1 COM course applies in this category
COM 110 or 120 or 231 / 3
Literature (ENG 231, 232, 241, 242, 251, 252) (prerequisite: ENG 112, ENG113, or ENG114) / 3
HUM/FA (from list on page 2, cannot be COM) / 3
HUM/FA (from list on page 2, cannot be COM) / 3
Mathematical Studies (6 Credits)
Quantitative Requirement (MAT 155/155A, CIS110, CIS115) / 3 / CIS110 is recommended
MAT 140 or higher(MAT 140 has prerequisite of MAT070. MAT 161 and MAT171have a prerequisite of MAT080) MAT161 is recommended. / 3
Natural Sciences (8 Credits) (AST, BIO, CHM, GEL, PHY)Can use any two courses from this category on Page 2
NS / 4
NS / 4
Social and Behavioral (12 Credits) must cover 3different subject areas(ANT ,ECO ,GEO ,HIS ,POL ,PSY ,SOC)
HIS (111, 112, 131, 132) / 3
SB / 3
SB / 3
SB / 3
Health/Physical Education (2 Credits)Any two credits from the list on Page 2
Total / 46

Additional Requirements to complete 64 credit minimum(18 Credits)

Please refer to the 2008-2009 Catalog (pgs. 185-188) for a list of acceptable General Electives in the Associate of Arts Degree. Transfer elective courses for Associate of Arts Degree completion change periodically. For the most current list, refer to or Students should cross reference both lists or meet with an academic advisor to ensure transferability of general elective courses.

Students who choose the take CIS 110 or CIS 115 to fulfill their Technology and Quantitative Math course requirement must complete an additional elective to meet credit hour requirements.

Course / Credits / Credits
Required / Completed
Technology(CIS110/CIS115) /General Elective (Must take CIS110 or CIS115 only ifMAT155/155a was used for the Math Quantitative Requirement.)
General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
General Elective
Total / 18


Students who want to transfer to a senior institution should work with an academic advisor, a student counselor or a college transfer advisor. These officials will advise college-transfer students on the strategic selection of courses that meet their two-year degree requirements and also, lower division general education requirements at the four-year schools in North Carolina. Because these requirements vary among the four-year schools, students should obtain a current catalog from the 4-year school they plan to attend and discuss their plans with a representative from the given institution.

Students must complete a minimum of 64 semester hours of transfer courses including the required general education courses. A minimum of 21 semester credit hours must be earned at CPCC; 12 of them must be the final credit hours prior to graduation. (Exceptions may be made with the approval of the appropriate academic dean)


!!!Please be aware that many NS courses have higher math prerequisites!!!!
ART 111 Art Appreciation /  AST 111/111A Descriptive Astronomy & Lab(Prereq: MAT070)
ART 114 Art History Survey I /  AST 151/151A General Astronomy & Lab
ART 115 Art History Survey II /  AST 152/152A General Astronomy II & Lab
ART 116 Survey of American Art /  BIO 110 Principles of Biology(prerequisite: MAT070)
ART 117 Non-Western Art History /  BIO 111 General Biology I(Prerequisite: MAT070)
ART 116 Survey of American Art /  BIO 112 General Biology II(Prerequisite::BIO111)
ART 117 Non-Western Art History /  BIO 120 Introductory Botany(Prerequisite: BIO 111)
DAN 110 Dance Appreciation /  BIO 130 Introductory Zoology(Prerequisite: BIO 111)
DAN 211 Dance History I /  CHM 131/131A Introduction to Chemistry(Prereq: CHM121)
DAN 212 Dance History II /  CHM 132 Organic and Biochemistry(Prerequisite: CHM131)
DRA 111 Theatre Appreciation /  CHM 151 General Chemistry I(Prerequisite: MAT080/CHM121, or MAT161, or MAT171, or MAT175)
DRA 112 Literature of Theatre
/  CHM 152 General Chemistry II
DRA 122 Oral Interpretation /
 GEL 113 Historical Geology(Prerequisite: GEL120)
HUM 115 Critical Thinking /  GEL 120 Physical Geology (Prerequisite: MAT070)
HUM 130 Myth in Human Culture /  PHY 110/110A Conceptual Physics(Prereq: MAT070)
HUM 160 Introduction to Film /  PHY 151 College Physics I(Prerequisite: MAT161 or higher)
HUM 211 Humanities I /  PHY 152 College Physics II(Prerequisite: PHY151)
HUM 212 Humanities II /  PHY 251 General Physics I(Prerequisite: MAT271)
HUM 220 Human Values and Meaning /
 PHY 252 General Physics II(Prerequisite PHY251)
*ENG 231 American Literature I / * CHM 121 will not satisfy Natural Science Requirement
*ENG 232 American Literature II
*ENG 242 British Literature II / ANT 210 General Anthropology
*ENG 251 Western World Literature I / ANT 220 Cultural Anthropology
*ENG 252 Western World Literature II / ECO 151 Survey of Economics
MUS 110 Music Appreciation / ECO 251 Principles of Microeconomics
MUS 112 Introduction to Jazz / ECO 252 Principles of Macroeconomics
MUS 213 Opera And Musical Theatre / GEO 111 World Regional Geography
PHI 220 Western Philosophy I / HIS 111 World Civilizations I
PHI 221 Western Philosophy II /
HIS 112 World Civilizations II
PHI 230 Introduction to Logic / HIS 131 American History I
REL 110 World Religion / HIS 132 American History II
  • REL 211 Introduction to Old Testament
/ POL 120 American Government
  • REL 212 Introduction to New Testament
/ POL 210 Comparative Government
  • REL 221 Religion in America
/ POL 220 International Relations
SPA 111 / SPA 181 / PSY 150 General Psychology
SPA 112 / SPA 182 / PSY 241 Developmental Psychology
FRE 111 / FRE 181 / PSY 281 Abnormal Psychology
FRE 112 / FRE 182 / SOC 210 Introduction to Sociology
GER 111 / GER 181 / SOC 213 Sociology of the Family
GER 112 / GER 182 / SOC 225 Social Diversity
MAT 140 Survey of Mathematics (Prerequisite MAT070)
MAT 161 College Algebra (Prerequisite MAT080)
MAT 171 Pre-calculus Algebra (Prerequisite MAT080)
MAT 172 Pre-calculus Trigonometry
MAT 175 Pre-calculus
 MAT 263/263A Brief Calculus
MAT 271 Calculus I
MAT 272 Calculus II
MAT 273 Calculus III
MAT 272 Calculus II
 HEA 110, 112, or 120 /  CIS 110 Introduction to Computers RECOMMENDED!
 Any PED course /  CIS 115 Introduction to Programming & Logic
 MAT 155/155A Statistical Analysis w/ Lab