A Bill to End Economic Sanctions on North Korea to
Promote Effective Diplomacy

SECTION 1. All economic sanctions on the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea shall be lifted.
SECTION 2. Economic sanctions shall be defined as all commercial and financial penalties applied to DPR Korea, and to penalties against those conducting economic business with DPR Korea. This does not include any military sanctions and weapon imports restrictions.
SECTION 3. The Department of State will be responsible for enforcing this legislation.
SECTION 4. The process of lifting sanctions shall begin immediately upon passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Newton South HS

MSDL Authorship Power to Senator Sheetal Krovi

A Bill to Organize Federal Restrooms

Be it enacted by the Student Congress here assembled that,

Article I All persons utilizing public multi-person restrooms on property owned or administered by the United States federal government shall be restricted to the use of that restroom labeled for the gender with which they were born and legally registered as.

Article II All public single-person restrooms on property owned by the United States federal government shall not be labeled for the use of either gender.

Article III The above provisions shall take effect on January 1, 2017.

Article IV The Office of Facilities Management and Services Program of the Public Buildings Service (PBS) will assume responsibility for the implementation of this legislation.

Article V Any and all legislation in conflict with the provisions listed above is hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully submitted,

Senator John Dashe

Catholic Memorial School


Section 1A. The Committee of Tax Reform shall be established to reform and replace current

U.S. tax code.

Section 1B. A flat tax rate of 10% for individuals and 16% for corporations shall be established.

Section 1C. Any individual below 115% of the Federal Poverty Level will be exempt from

paying federal income tax.

Section 1D. United States citizens with legal established residency abroad will not be required to pay federal income tax to the United States government until and unless they re-establish residency in the United States.

Section 2A. A flat tax rate will be defined as a tax rate paid on all income by all naturalized citizens, permanent residents, and documented and undocumented non-citizens, presently residing in the United States.

Section 2B. "Reform and replace" shall be defined as a complete repealing of the current U.S.

tax code and the implementation of a new tax code, consisting of the reforms

mentioned in Section 1 and further reforms to be decided by the Committee of Tax


Section 3. The Department of the Treasury shall oversee the implementation of this bill.


Section 4. This bill shall be enacted upon its passage.

Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Shrewsbury High School

A Bill to Repeal the and10 Year Bar to

Push for Comprehensive Immigration Reform


SECTION 1 . A. Due to unwieldy and unnecessarily harsh immigration policies, the Three

and Ten Year Bar will be repealed.

B. The current system for adjudicating I-601 hardship waivers requires

immigrants to leave the U.S.

C. Once the petition for a permanent residency has been approved, the

applicant will submit a hardship waiver application for pre-adjudication.

D. This bill will review and request additional evidence to issue a

recommended approval that will be transmitted to DOS for final


SECTION 2 . A. Sections 212(a)(9)(i) and 212(a)(9)(ii) of the Immigration and

Nationality Act impose re-entry bars on immigrants who are present in the

U.S. illegally for a period of time, leave the U.S., and want to re-enter


B. Unlawfully present individuals in the United States for more than 180

days but less than one year are barred for three years. Ten year bar applies

to individuals unlawfully present in the United States for more than one


SECTION 3 . A. The United States Citizenship and Immigration Services and the

Department of Homeland Security will oversee the enforcement of this


SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect immediately upon passage.

SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rep. Talitha Nascimento

AMSA Charter School

A Bill to Improve Social Security by

Encouraging Private Retirement Investment


Section 1. A. The Private Retirement Investment Tax Credit (PRITC) is hereby created, and will provide recipients a tax credit of 6.2% of gross annual income.

B. Any entity subject to federal income tax that invests a minimum of 2% of its gross annual income into private retirement investments is eligible to receive the PRITC.

C. Any entity who receives the PRITC for 15 tax years is rendered ineligible to collect Old-Age and Survivors Insurance under the Social Security Act Amendments of 1939.

Section 2. A. “Private retirement investments” include but are not limited to all Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) as well as plans categorized under § 401(k), § 403(b), § 457, and § 529 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 3. A. The Internal Revenue Service of the United States Department of the Treasury shall oversee the implementation of §1A and §1B.

B. The United States Social Security Administration shall oversee the implementation of §1C.

SECTION 4. The stipulations of this legislation shall take effect upon passage.

Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Introduced for Congressional Debate by Charles Gagnon, Natick High School.

Super Scenario-

December 19, 2016. –News Item- It appears official, following yesterday’s meetings of the Electoral College in the several states and District of Columbia. Despite pressure, the six electors for the state of Utah did indeed cast their votes for Evan McMullin for President. That leaves Democratic Candidate Hilary Clinton with a 269-263 Electoral College lead. Republic Donald Trump defied polls to finish with a slight popular vote lead over Hilary Clinton. The percentage total is below. While the US Constitution calls for each Congressional State delegation to cast a single vote for President in such circumstances, they have agreed to honor the decision made by the twelve congress people in the Dighton-Rehobath Super Session held on October 29, 2016

Please note that we will otherwise be abiding by the rules set forth by the US. Constitution. To wit, Senator Clinton, Mr. Trump, and Mr. McMillin are the only options.

Election Totals

Hilary Clinton (D) 59, 419, 408 269 Electoral Votes

Donald Trump (R) 59, 923, 402 263 Electoral Votes

Gary Johnson (L) 8, 423. 231 0 Electoral Votes

Jill Stein (G) 5, 342,231 0 Electoral Votes

Evan McMillin 516, 201 6 Electoral Votes