Student Services Cabinet

Meeting Notes

October 27, 2009

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Student Services Cabinet Meeting

October 27, 2009

Present: Rick Perez, Sharon Combs, Joy Cook, Pat Hurley, Brenda Jones, Jewel Price, Alfred Ramirez, Paul Schlossman

Guest: Annie Reed

Discussion Items

Rick introduced Annie Reed, who is shadowing him for the day as a participant in the ACCCA Mentor Program. Ms. Reed is an associate dean at LA Valley College and is in charge of student discipline.

BP 4070

  • Auditing and Auditing Fees
  • New language is pulled from the CCLC. Minor changes were also made to the final sentence.

Outcome: Policy will be presented for a first reading at the November Student Affairs Committee meeting.

AR 4070

  • Regulation that corresponds with BP 4070.
  • Language for the regulation is primarily language that was deleted from the old board policy.

Outcome: Regulation will be presented for a first reading at the November Student Affairs Committee meeting. Sharon will also be bringing the board policies for the previously presented regulations to the next meeting.


Pat Hurley

  • GUSD College Fair will be held Oct. 28 at the Civic Auditorium. The Financial Aid office will be giving presentations throughout the evening.

Jewel Price

Jewel thanked Joy for leading the Matriculation Committee meeting on Oct. 22.

  • A letter was sent from the Chancellor’s office clarifying the relief of mandates. Rick indicated that the relief will last until 2012/2013. Also received a reminder of Accreditation requirements for assessment and counseling.
  • Discussion took place at the Matriculation Committee meeting regarding accepting scores from other schools. There was also discussion of creating a home-grown test. Both plans would result in a cost savings.
  • Next meeting of the Matriculation Committee is set for March, however, the Assessment Committee will likely meet before then.

Sharon Combs

PeopleSoft group met with the ASGCC to discuss their recommendations for the MyGCC layout. The login page will have formatting similar to the new college website layout. The students have recommended the following components be included:

  • From the MyGCC login page, students would like to have access to: college catalog, schedule of classes, applications forCredit and Non Credit programs, ASSIST, scholarship information.

Students also requested that a faculty/staff directory. This is not something the college currently has on its website.

  • Inside will be the student center where students will have access toemail, registration, transcript ordering.

Students also want access to: Bookstore (access to class book lists and ordering), direct link to WebCT, link to the ASGCC organizations.

Students have also indicated that they would like the ability make counseling appointments through MyGCC along with appointment reminders. Jewel indicated that SARS.GRID and SARS.TRAK have the ability to do this, but it could be problematic. Have tried it before and there were glitches, but would be willing to re-look at it.

Once things have been a little more finalized, a demonstration will be given.

Alfred Ramirez

  • Construction continues and parking is still an problem. Campus Police has agreed to take over the issue and find a solution. There is a proposal on the table to use part of the medical center parking across the street. Currently, the center is not charging any staff who park in designated stalls as long as the GCC permit is displayed.
  • Non Credit Passport Day is under way. Priority was given to students who indicated an intent to transfer.
  • State’s Department of Rehab has a lot of money from ARA funds. May impact the number of student referrals. Was told that the department was hiring. Excess funds need to be spent before Sept. 11, 2011.

Paul Schlossman

  • Outreach Office is busy with college fairs and the Non Credit Passport Day.
  • First run through with the electronic scholarship application selection system. Sue Borquez has been holding training sessions for the selection committee on how to run the queries.
  • GCC was well-represented at the California Community College Student Affairs Association student conference two weeks ago. Five GCC staff members and three alumni gave presentations.
  • Working with PeopleSoft group and marketing to get information out about the new system, starting with the Spring 2010 schedule. There will be information on the cover and first pages to alert students about the launch of the new system and MyGCC. This will be followed up with more direct pieces.
  • ASGCC saw a demonstration on a possible new debit card system which would allow students to receive financial aid and/or student employment payments electronically. This would reduce the cost of printing and mailing checks.

In general, the students thought the system was too limiting.

Rick indicated that Amir Nour has been working with several banks to get proposals.

Alfred requested that he be included in the discussion. Welfare system has been trying to get the cards that they issue linked up with ancillary services.

Rick reported that the card from US Bank is a student ID card with multiple tracks on the swipe card for financial information and student services tracking.

Need to make sure that students don’t need to have an account at the bank issuing the cards and that there are no hidden fees.

Brenda Jones

Finished the changes to Standard II-C and sent document to Jill Lewis on Oct. 23.

Joy Cook

  • Progress is being made on the formation of a green list task force to oversee 508 implementation. There is still some question about which standing committee the task force should report to. Brenda suggested asking Governance Review what their recommendation would be when the committee proposal is presented.
  • Need to link SARS.TRAK and PeopleSoft for MIS reporting. Joy has emailed multiple schools to see how they deal with it, but has not yet heard back from them. All of the touch points need to match.

Alfred indicated that Long Beach is giving GCC the bolt on that they use for CalWORKs. Joy said nothing similar seems to be coming for Matriculation and DSPS.


Holiday Lunch

Joy will contact the Raymond in Pasadena to inquire about availability in December for a holiday lunch.


Jeanette has sent out the final draft of II-B. There are still some areas where she has questions. Please look over the document carefully and follow-up with her if any information for your area is missing.