St. Michael Church
Spiritual Life Commission Minutes 11/24/2015
Members Present: Fr. Joe, Cheryl Spencer (Chair), Pam Waller (Sacristans), Mike Shireman (Lectors), Rose Nealy (Eucharistic Ministers), Jeanne Schroeder (Ministers of Hospitality), John Jacobi (Altar Servers)
Guest: Karen Harbeson
Members Absent: Tim Murner (Music)
Karen Harbeson opened the meeting with prayer and then led the Spiritual Life Commission through a reflection to gain feedback on our liturgies for the Connected in the Spirit process. Commission members completed a survey of information about the liturgical life of the parish and discussed some open ended questions about liturgy as well. This information will be used to assist our parish in going through the process. Karen thanked the commission for their feedback.
The minutes from the January 2015 meeting was reviewed and approved.
· Some of our Altar cloths are getting stained and Pam suggested that we look into getting new ones. Mike will have Rosanne check on the green and gold altar cloths.
· Baptismal Candles – Pam reported that we received a supply of new baptismal candles.
· Drapes – Mike asked about the condition of the drapes as to whether they needed cleaned. Pam said they look fine.
· Spirit Song Books – The questions was brought up about the song books getting rather tattered. John reported that there is a volume 2 to the Spirit Song and that there is now a book with both volumes 1 & 2 in the same bound book and it comes in a hard bound book that would last longer. It was decided that when the books are replaced we would look into this. Mike reminded everyone that we would want Tim to decide if this is the book he would like or perhaps there is another music book that would be better for the parish.
Musicians: Cheryl reported for Tim. The piano needs tuned and one string needs replaced. Permission was given to Tim to have this done.
Lectors: Nothing new to report. Lectors are doing well. The new lector books are in for the coming year. They will be out in the narthex the weekend of November 28 & 29.
Hospitality: Jeanne asked if a bulletin announcement could be made to ask for new Hospitality Ministers. It was decided to wait until January and do all the ministries at the same time in conjunction with the Stewardship cards going out.
Eucharistic Ministers: Rose reported that we can use more ministers at the Masses, especially 5:30 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. There was discussion on whether to reduce the number of Eucharistic ministers used at a Mass. It was decided to keep it the same at this time.
Altar Servers: There are two new servers ready to be trained. This will be done soon.
Sacristans: Poinsettias have been ordered for Christmas. Pam will be decorating for Advent this weekend.
Mike Shireman will continue as the Spiritual Life Commission representative on the Pastoral Council.
Cheryl Spencer will continue as the Spiritual Life Commission Chairperson.
Thanksgiving Day Mass – 9:00 a.m.
Immaculate Conception – December 8th – 8:00 a.m. St. Michael – 7:00 p.m. St. Bernard
Christmas Eve – 4:00 p.m. St. Bernard – 5:30 p.m. St. Michael – 10:00 p.m. St. Bernard
Christmas – Midnight St. Michael – 9:00 a.m. St. Michael
Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God – December 31st – 5:30 p.m. St. Michael and January 1st – 9:00 a.m. at St. Michael
Ash Wednesday – February 10th – 8:00 a.m. St. Bernard – 7:00 p.m. St. Michael
There will be no Communal Celebration of the Sacrament of Reconciliation during Advent this year due to the availability of the Sacrament every Wednesday.
Cheryl asked about a Lenten Mission. John reported that this is our off year for a mission but reported that with the coming Year of Mercy as proclaimed by Pope Francis we might want to do something around that. He will talk with Fr. Joe about the possibility.
John also brought up that it has been some time since we have held a Day of Reflection for our liturgical ministers and would like to get this on the commission’s radar for the future.
The next Spiritual Life Commission meeting will be scheduled when we have a firm date as to when the Stewardship cards will be mailed out.
Meeting was closed with prayer
Humbly submitted by: John Jacobi