Arlington County Community Services Board

Executive Committee Meeting

December 8, 2014

Drewry Center – Rm. 107

1725 N. George Mason Drive, Arlington, Virginia

6:00 p.m.

Present: James Mack, Anne Hermann, Barbara Jones, Carol Skelly, Judith Deane, Shauna Alonge

Staff:Beth Tschopp, Farah Shakour, Kelly Mauller, Anita Friedman

The December 8, 2014 Arlington County Community Services Board (ACCSB) Executive Committee meeting was convened by the ACCSB Executive Committee Chair James Mack at 6:00 p.m. The meeting was held at the Drewry Center, 1725 N. George Mason Drive, Arlington, Virginia.

Approval of the November 3, 2014 Executive Committee Minutes

Chair Mack called for a motion to approve the November 3, 2014 ACCSB Executive Committee meeting minutes. Ms. Jonesmotioned to approve the minutes, Ms. Deane seconded the motion, and the minutes were approved with two corrections.

Review of Arlington County’s Legislative Process

Ms. Tschopp provided an overview of Arlington County’s legislative process as it relates to Human Services (Refer to Handout). She distributed a calendar of key General Assembly session meeting dates. She stated that Ms. Mauller is in the process of scheduling regular meetings between the County Board Legislative Liaison, Patricia Carroll, and Ms. Tschopp prior to a few of these key dates. The purpose of these meetings will be to discuss CSB legislative and budgetary concerns.

Ms. Shakour announced that theRegional Hearings on the State Budget are scheduled for Wednesday, January 7, 2015. The purpose of the hearings is for the state legislators to receive comments on the Governor’s proposed amendments to the 2014-2016 biennial state budget. Persons wishing to speak may register at each hearing site no earlier than one hour prior to the start of the hearing. Speakers will be taken in the order of registration. Each person may register only one speaker at a time. Speakers are asked to limit their comments to three minutes or less.

The hearings will be held at the following times and locations:

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 10:00 a.m.

  • Prince William County – George Mason University, Manassas Campus, Hylton Performing Arts Center, Gregory Family Theater
  • Abingdon – Southwest Virginia Higher Education Center

Wednesday, January 7, 2015 at 12:00 p.m.

  • Williamsburg – College of William and Mary, School of Education, Professional Development Center
  • Martinsville – New College Institute, Building on Baldwin
  • Central Virginia – City of Richmond, General Assembly Building, House Room D

Ms. Friedman mentioned an organization called the Virginia League of Social Service Executivesthat provides regular email updates on all human services bills. She asked the members if they would like to have these emails forwarded to them. The members responded that they would like to receive the updates.

Mr. Mack stated that it is important that representatives from Arlington’s CSB attend the hearings.

Ms. Shakour presented anoverview of the Outline for Successful CSB Advocacy Document (Refer to Handout). The document was developed as a reference and planning tool for the CSB and highlights key dates in the state and local budget cycles.

Discussion on Prioritizing Budget Requests

Chair Mack opened a discussion on the CSB FY 16 Preliminary Local Budget Requests document.

Ms. Shakour read aloud part of the Code of Virginia defining essentials services: “The core of services provided by CSB’s within theCities andCounties that they shall serve include Emergency Services and, subject to the availability of funds appropriated for them, Case Management Services. The core of services may include a comprehensive system of in patient, out-patient, day support, residential, prevention, early intervention and other appropriate mental health, developmental and substance abuse services necessary to provide individualized services and supports to persons with mental illness, intellectual disability or substance abuse. Community Services Boards may establishcrisis stabilization units that provide residential crisis stabilization services.”

Ms. Friedman asked if the code is up to date. Ms. Shakour responded that the code is a living document on the State’s website.

The members discussed their local budget priorities. The total of the current requests is $1,080,747 for8.7 Full Time Employees (FTEs) and 5.0 Contract Staff.

The CSB FY16 preliminary local budget priorities are as follows:

Mental Health (MH) Committee

  • Psychiatric Services Provider – ($122,027) Fund additional hours for the part-time merit position psychiatry staff to better integrate psychiatric services into the behavioral health teams and improve access to and the continuity of psychiatric services
  • Crisis Intervention Center (CIC) – ($171,488) Fund 2.0 FTE Mental Health Therapist positions to provide 24/7 coverage in Emergency Services
  • Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Coordinator – ($75,000) Replace funding for the grant-funded Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) coordinator position that expired in FY14 and was funded with one-time dollars in FY15
  • Mental Health Peer Supports –The request was for $228,000 to provide a total of 4.0 contract positions to provide peer specialist services to each of the following mental health programs: Client Services Entry, PACT, Clarendon House and young adult mental health services
  • Mental Health Therapists in the Jail (Substance Abuse Committee special support) – ($85,744)Fund 1.0 FTE jail therapist position to provide services to inmates located in the jail’s general population, preparing for re-entry into the community

Substance Abuse (SA) Committee

  • Peer Recovery/Recovery Support Staff – ($57,000) Fund the addition of 1.0 contract peer-based Recovery Coach in substance abuse services to give greater focus to working with consumers pre-treatment, during treatment and after primary treatment
  • Arlington Jail Addictions, Corrections and Treatment (ACT) Unit Case Management – ($85,744)Fund a designated 1.0 FTE case manager position who will be responsible for providing assessment, individual and group therapy and education services to a caseload of incarcerated substance-dependent men and women, many of whom have co-existing mental disorders

Drug Court Substance Abuse Counselor –($85,744) Fund 1.0 FTE Substance Abuse Counselor to cover Arlington consumers who violate their probation and qualify or are admitted to the Arlington Drug Court Program as part of the opportunity to remain in the

Child and Youth (CY) Committee

  • Bilingual Behavior Intervention Services (BIS) Provider – ($85,000) Fund 1.0 Bilingual Behavioral Intervention Services (BIS) to work with parents/guardians of children/youth who present with behavior issues that could indicate, or lead to, mental health problems (children between the ages of 3 -13)
  • Parent Support Specialist – ($85,000) Fund 1.0 Parent Support Specialist to work with parents/guardians of children/youth who present with behavior issues that could indicate, or lead to, mental health problems (teenagers between the ages of 14 – 18)

Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Committee

  • No requests at this time

Ms. Friedman stated that there may be other funding resources available for some of the CSB’s requests. If other funding can be secured, the peer positions and the Drug Court counselor positions may be eliminated from the CSB’s requests. The CSB members will be notified as more information on this becomes available.

Brief Updates/Information

  • Ms. Skelly brought a draft letter before the membersaddressed to Governor McAuliffe regarding a Waiver Rate differential for individuals with an Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) residing in northern Virginia. Ms. Skelly reported that the State deadline for public comment is Friday December 12th. She noted that Senator Favola indicated that she, along with the remaining General Assembly members representing Arlington County, would support the CSB’s request. The letter states in part that “the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) has proposed new waiver reimbursement rates for approval by the federal government next year, but the proposals approximate the current locality differential of 15 percent, which has been in effect since FY 2008. An increase to an average of at least 30 percent is necessary to resolve regional disparities and achieve a successful transition to community-based services under the Department of Justice (DOJ) settlement agreement.” Ms. Skelly asked the membersif they would be willing to approve theletter as a public comment on behalf of the Arlington County CSB. The membersreviewed and approved the letter. The membersconcluded that if the letter is submitted as public commentfrom Arlington County, that the letter will be signed by Mr. Mack and submitted via email to the Governor.
  • Ms. Hermann reported out about scheduling a meeting to discuss Senator Howell’s recommendation to the CSB to prioritize their request for either Discharge Assistance Planning (DAP) or Housing for individuals with Serious Mental Illness (SMI). Ms. Hermann noted that support from the Virginia Association of Community Services Board (VACSB) and the Regional Management Group (RMG) will play a role in the decision. She stated that a meeting to discuss prioritizing the requests has been scheduled for December 15th from 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Drewry Center, 1725 N. George Mason Drive, in the office of Dr. Alan Orenstein, Mental Health Bureau Chief. Ms. Hermann asked the committee members to email comments to her prior to the meeting if they are not able to attend. She stated that the resulting decision will be presented to the CSB full board members for final approval at the December 17th CSB full board meeting. Once approved, the CSB will issue correspondence to Senator Howell.
  • Ms. Tschopp announced that Dr. John Palmieri, M.D. has been hired as the new Medical Directorfor the Community Services Board’s programs. Dr. Palmieri is currently a Community Psychiatrist in Chelsea, Massachusetts. Ms. Tschopp stated that Dr. Palmieri will begin on May 26, 2015 and that she and Ms. Friedman will act as interim administrators.
  • Ms. Hermann stated that the deadline for donating Secret Santa gift cards for the Mary Marshall residentshas been extended until the December 17th CSB full board meeting. Gift cards may be donated in $10 and $20 denominations. It is preferred that the cards are for use atTarget,CVS, Walmart or K-Mart. Ms. Shakour will email Ms. Hermann with the number of gift cards she has received send a receipt for tax purposes. Ms. Shakour will email a reminder about donating the gift cards to the full board members.
  • Ms. Hermann announced that the Mary Marshall Assisted Living Residence is holding an Open House on December 18th from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Ms. Shakour will email a reminder to the full board members.
  • Ms. Shakour distribute an updated FY15 CSB Tracking Calendar for the committee to review. She stated that the tracking calendar is a reference tool for the CSB to be aware of upcoming mandated and non-mandated responsibilities. She further stated that the calendar reflects the staff, board or committees responsible for each item. Ms. Shakour requested that the members email any changes or comments to her by December 10th. The tracking calendar will be distributed to the CSB full board members at the December 17th meeting.
  • Ms. Skelly asked the committee if they would agree to submit a letter requesting that the County board send a letter to the Governor to request the reinstatement of Virginia Housing Development Authority(VHDA) funding for the group homes. She noted that the structure of the Department of Justice (DOJ) Settlement Agreement no longer allows the VHDA to assist with funding for congregate housing.
  • Ms. Shakour reminded the committee members to submit their Financial Disclosure Form required annually by the County Board by the December 15th deadline. Ms. Shakour will email a reminder to the full board members.
  • Ms. Deane announced that a luncheon for PACT staff will be held on January 12th from 12:00 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the George Mason Center (GMC) located at 1801 N. George Mason Drive. She noted that County Board member and CSB staff liaison, Mary Hynes, will present a proclamation from the County Board.
  • Ms. Hermann announced that the Friends of Clarendon House will hold their Annual Holiday Party on December 11th from 12:30 to 3:00 at Spider Kelly’s located at 3181 Wilson Boulevard in Arlington.

Upcoming Items for CSB Full Board Meeting on December 17, 2014

Mark Doering, PACT Assistant Manager/Former Team C Case Manager was nominated to receive the December 17, 2014 CSB staff recognition award.

A Group Home Report will be provided if necessary.

A Monthly Financial Report will be provided if necessary.

Chair Mack will ask the full board members if they would like an update from any of the CSB Ad Hoc Initiative Committees

Ms. Hermann will report out about the Mary Marshall Assisted Living Residence (MMALR).

Ms. Shakour will provide an update about the number of individuals on the Extraordinary Boundaries List (EBL).

The Arlington County Community Services Board Executive Committee meeting was adjourned by Chair Mack at 8:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Kelly Mauller.