6.4. Parnell District School Uniform Policy

Purpose of a School Uniform

  • To give the students a sense of unity, belonging and pride in their school.
  • To enhance the image of the school in the wider community. All pupils will have a neat and tidy appearance.
  • To minimise competition from students wearing more expensive, fashionable or labelled clothing
  • To identify Parnell District School students from other students who visit the school, and to identify our students easily at inter- school functions.


  • It is a condition of enrolment at Parnell District School to accept the wearing of a uniform. The school enrolment form will specifically state this and ask for a parental signature to signify agreement.
  • The school will endeavour to maintain a supply of second hand uniform items for sale.
  • Parents of children who are frequently out of uniform or in part uniform will receive a letter from the Principal requesting an explanation. If the situation is prolonged the Board of Trustees will write to the family.
  • The Board reserves the right to make modifications to the uniform in future years to ensure it remains appealing, attractive, comfortable and cost effective. The Board of Trustees will form a sub committee which will oversee the recommendations regarding possible changes of uniform items. Any changes will be phased in.
  • Pupils will be granted a uniform pass for a short period of time to “get around” such issues as supply problems, or a one day failure on the part of the family clothes dryer.


  • Modifications to the Dress Code. Parents of students who for religious, cultural or health reasons need to modify the school dress code are required to make an appointment with the principal. Staff members will be informed of any student granted a modification to the dress code. The principal may refer on to the Board of Trustees in some instances.
  • Sports uniform should be worn for some sports practices – rugby etc and children may wear warmer outer garments in colder weather.
  • Groups of visiting overseas students may wear their own school uniform.
  • Safe “closed in” footwear is required for science and technology education instruction. Long hair should be tied up in workshop situations.
  • No jewellery except watches and small sleeper or stud earrings is to be worn. Generally children will not wear necklaces under their uniform. However these are admissible for cultural or spiritual reasons. Students are cautioned about the potential danger these items can represent in sporting situations.
  • “Mufti” clothing is more appropriate for some activities – camps, bush walks, cross country etc
  • No nail-polish unless clear.
  • No make-up is permitted at school
  • School uniform sun hats are compulsory during Terms 1 and 4.
  • The uniform should always be clean and tidy.
  • Appropriate footwear (sneakers / sports shoes) for PE.

Revised August 2013

Parnell District School

School Uniform Requirements