MAY 24 2001

12:30 p.m.


Meeting called to order by Victor Hanson at 12:35 p.m.


Victor Hanson Chairperson

Marcia Wade President’s Appointee

Rocky Bonura President’s Appointee (Alternate)

Florence Johnson President’s Appointee (Alternate)

Ricardo Villarruel ECCE

Steve Cocca ECCFT

Judy Salmon ECCE

Lance Widman ECCFT

Valerie Jeffrey President’s Appointee (Alternate)

Janet Clarke President’s Appointee (Alternate)

Allene Quarles President’s Appointee

David Westberg ECCFT (Alternate)

Roger Quadhamer President’s Appointee (Alternate)

Keenan & Associates

Debbie Smith Senior Account Manager

·  Fortis Life Insurance - Cindy Taylor from Fortis Benefits reviewed the benefits currently available through the District paid level term plan. Discussion was held regarding the transition from Crown Life’s decreasing term plan to the current level term plan through Fortis. The employees that were covered during the transition were sent a flyer advising them of the change.

·  Review Notes of March 29, 2001 and May 2, 2001 - The meeting notes were reviewed. The following change should be reflected on the March 29, 2001 notes:

Keenan & Associates reviewed the experience reports for the Delta Dental and Vision Service Plan (VSP). Both plans are running on target and by adding the 3% per year, the integrity of the fund should be restored. While the benefits were increased in the past, the premiums were not.

No other changes were noted.

·  The Part-Time Faculty Medical Premium Reimbursement Program - Marcie Wade stated that the goal of the Federation is to have $20,000 in the fund. Motion was made and passed to allow a part-time faculty employee to maintain their position in the queue once it is established after the first year.

·  Domestic Partners – After a brief discussion on this topic and a review of Domestic Partner Eligibility Example, it was decided that this issue is tabled until the next meeting. At that time, there will be further discussion on the definition of a domestic partner.

El Camino Community College

Benefits Committee Meeting Notes

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·  Section 125 – The meeting packet included information on eligible expenses, example of savings and frequently asked questions. The Keenan & Associates representative, Debbie Smith, further clarified this information.

·  The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 30, 2001 at 12:30 p.m. The agenda will include:

ü  Domestic Partner

ü  Open Enrollment

ü  Revised AB 420

·  The meeting was adjourned at 2:05 p.m.