HSA Investments – Email Campaign

Subject Line: HSA Investments Made Easy

Put Your HSA to Work for You

Did you know you can put your Health Savings Account (HSA) to work for you by investing your funds?

·  Begin today. Once you have more than $1,000 in your HSA (plus the amount needed to purchase your desired funds), you may begin investing. Even if you’ve not yet met your minimum balance, you may research and begin selecting your investment options today.

·  Setting your investment options takes just minutes. Once you have logged into your ConnectYourCare account, simply click on the HSA Investments link under Accounts & Balances to get started. With a long list of funds available, you’re sure to get the most out of your investing experience.

·  Take control of your account. It’s easy to manage your investments in your online account. You can change your investment allocation, liquidate investments, or make additional investment purchases at any time. With extensive funds research, an investment calculator, and investment FAQs all available online, you have the tools to take control of your account.

Savings That Really Add Up

Say you contribute $3,000 a year to your HSA each year until retirement. Assuming you use $1,500 a year for medical expenses, earn 6% a year in interest and investments, and reinvest all earnings, your savings can really add up*.

Starting Age / HSA Value at age 65
25 / $246,072
35 / $125,703
45 / $58,489
55 / $20,957

*ConnectYourCare calculator: HSA Growth Estimator

Become a saver today and watch your investments grow!

Investments in mutual funds are not FDIC insured, not bank issued or guaranteed, and are subject to risk, including fluctuations in value and the possible loss of the principal amount invested. Please consult your financial planner for more information.