P09027 Weekly Status Report – Week 3

9/15/2008 – 9/19/2008

Progress and Feedback

Morning Session: Concept Selection Presentations (9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.)

·  (JJ) Joints are the most critical part of the brace design. Benchmarking with the Gypsy is difficult because we can’t see from the picture how the joints work

·  Investigate aluminum, applicability: will it make our customer happy?

·  (Dr. Phillips) Can you pull up the finalized specs on EDGE?

o  (Melissa) No, it is not uploaded yet

o  Team should use SVN

o  Put documents on EDGE!

·  (J. Peyton) Have you considered composites?

o  Yes, we have thought about it but not much research has been done

o  Melissa can talk to Dr. Ghoneim about the project and get some advice on composites

·  Specifications are finalized and uploaded to EDGE


·  (Mark) Have needs and specs laid out in the absolutely necessary

·  Work through a process to generate potential solutions and have a mechanism to rank and score to objectively decide the best one

·  (Alan) length of time for user, what kind of user? Disabled?

o  Imaging science: play games of squash, driving tests

o  Dr. Phillips/Dr. Amuso

o  (Mark) Multiple stakeholders – must clarify what they want, Dr. Amuso has final say as the customer

·  (Dan) where are the new concepts?

o  Camera to a $3000 box, only puts two

o  Capture EEG and EOG data and synch it up

·  (Matt Sones) Requirement: degree of setup for EEG and EOG?


·  System overview: narrow the project scope

·  Divided concepts by discipline and discussed

·  Chart for mechanical concept generation – front wheel gear system

o  Mechanism comparable to start of a lawn mower

o  Put something on the pedals? Something on the crankshaft?

o  (Joe F) Clarify the concept that “won” the selection matrix

o  (Melissa) Focus concept generation on spinning bikes?

o  (Dan) Break into bike and install once?

§  Keep install time and cost down

o  (Alan) Great product to charge different mp3 players, not so much laptops

o  Proof of concept for power generation?

o  Don’t burden end user with having to bring the iPod connector/USB cable

·  Do a survey at the gym – ask gym users what electronics they would bring in


·  Pump drive concept selection matrix

·  Upcoming deliverables?

·  Clarify visualization of concept of final project?

·  What is the final end product? Get before and after pics, annotate them

·  (Ed) Have a common understanding of where you are going

·  Themes: iterative process, i.e. WBS, its more than a breakdown of relationships

·  Accept the notion of iteration

·  May have a great idea, but does the team have the bandwidth?

·  Focus in on the deliverable, where will be? Where will you end up?

·  Color code specs list green, yellow, red

·  (Dr. Phillips) what is an important characteristic of spec?

·  Turn the big words into unambiguous

·  (Ed) Take away from the process: internalize the tools a lot better when you can see the progress you have made (uploading documents as you work on the project)

Ed Hanzlik: “The truth will soon reveal itself”

·  Project progress

o  Meeting or missing deliverables

·  Learn and use a project delivery process

o  Company/situation roadmap to success

o  Enable by creative and situation “use” of tools

o  Embrace the relationship

o  Update and communicate as you navigate the process

o  Navigate with a can-do attitude, positive and polite

·  Engineers want to be empowered

o  Understand the needs/wants/expectations

o  Understand the boundary conditions/constraints

o  Understand the need and responsibility of management to inspect, guide and correct

·  Who are you?

·  What do you do?

·  Why are you here?

·  How valuable are you?

·  Credentials BS/MS RIT

·  What are your capabilities? Personal and professional?

·  You need to demonstrate these in the arena

·  Presentations – how are you going to sell your idea?

o  Verbal – the message on the slides

§  Organized, factual, meet customers asks

o  Voice – how you convey the message

§  Confident, eye contact, engaging

o  Visual – how it all looks, the show, you

§  Presentations

§  Posture

§  Personal style

·  Two weeks from today: design review

·  Wants us to blow away everyone else

Concerns: Project Objectives, Scope, Resources etc.

·  Complexity of the brace concept – will we be able to investigate all?

·  (Ed) Is the team concerned about week 4 deliverables?

o  Yes, we’re afraid the intensity of the brace concept will limit our time next week for a system level design

o  We are closer to a system level design for the sensors

·  Have not narrowed down the project to a single concept due to further necessary testing of the brace prototype and the shortlisted concepts after today

Action Items for Week 4

Note: the table below is a snapshot of the Excel file located on EDGE homepage

Item # / Description / Responsible / Status / Due Date
A014 / Screening and Scoring matrices / All / In progress / End of Friday Week 3
A015 / Team role chart / Melissa / Not started / Mon 9/22/08
A016 / Gant chart for project schedule / Melissa / Not started / Mon 9/22/08
A017 / Download and familiarize with SVN / All / In progress / Mon 9/22/08
A018 / Upload docs into SVN / Melissa / Not started / Mon 9/22/08
A019 / Research final sensors extensively / Pooja, Adey and
Alan / In progress / Fri 9/26/08
A020 / Mechanical integration of sensors / JJ, Pooja and Alan / Not started / Fri 9/26/08
A021 / Contact CS department to discuss animation / Dan / Not started / Fri 9/26/08
A022 / Use BioRadio to test signals from targeted muscles / Adey / Not started / Fri 9/26/08
A023 / Contact Dr Ghoneim / Melissa / Not started / Fri 9/26/08

Schedule for Week 4

Saturday: JJ and Melissa meet, game plan on brace design

Sunday: Pooja and Alan meet for sensor research

Monday: Team meeting, 2:00 – 2:45 p.m.

Tuesday: Melissa one on one meeting with Dr. Brown, 2:00 p.m.

Wednesday: Pooja, Adey and Alan will test targeted muscles with BioRadio; Dan will consult a CS faculty to investigate animation

Thursday: Team meeting with Dr. Brown, 10:00 a.m.

Friday: Present deliverables, 9:00 a.m.

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