Anti Predatory Lending Initiative (APLI)
Chairs: Aggie Brose & Stacey Hans (Northwest Saving Bank).
Staff:Randi Lowe
Overview: APLI is a coalition of local and statewide stakeholders whose goalis to encourage sound, viable lending practices for our communities and residents and to encourage investment of Banking resources.
Community DevelopmentWorking Group (CDWG)(NEW!)
Chairs: Maelene MyersDolores Swartworth, Scott Brown (Citizens Bank)
Staff: Emily Anderson
Overview: This new working group is to focus on “bricks and mortar” community and economic development, setting a new agenda and development principles for large scale residential and commercial development to increase the availability of resources for revitalization in Pittsburgh’s low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
Government Affairs Group (GAG) (formerly State Budget Coalition)
Staff: Bethany E. Davidson
Overview: GAG continually analyzes and publishes the ‘state of neighborhoods’, advocates for fair and responsible government fiscal management systems; and establishes, refines and advocates for the Community Development Platform.
Safe Neighborhoods Network (SNN)
Chair: Lauren Byrne
Staff: Emily Anderson
Overview: SNN brings communities together to address public safety issues through the sharing of information and resources across neighborhoods, focusing on:
- Educating community groups on best practices in neighborhood safety
- Collectively developing creative approaches to dealing with crime reduction and public safety
- Building capacity for neighborhood safety organizations
- Linking public safety to blight and abandonment, housing, and economic development
- Pairing community groups with public agencies to help bridge information gaps
Transit Working Group (GoBurgh)
Chairs: Jim Richter & Grant Ervin (10,000 Friends)
Staff: Chris Sandvig
Overview: TWG seeks to improve community and economic vitality by linking transportation and land development together to:
- Reduce household transportation costs
- Increase access to jobs and affordable housing
- Improve equitable linkages between communities and economic opportunity
- Enhance and drive revitalization within the core of our region
- Decrease the carbon footprint of our urban life
Vacant Property Working Group (VPWG)
Chairs: Aggie Brose & Kendall Pelling
Staff: Bethany Davidson
Overview: VPWG is a coalition of community stakeholders working collectively toward the eradication of vacant and nuisance properties in the City of Pittsburgh and AlleghenyCounty.
The VPWG mission is “to build and refine the policies, programs and resources necessary to recycle vacant land and promote community revitalization.”
Working Group on Consumer Lending Products (CLP) (NEW!)
Chairs: To Be Established
Staff: Melanie Holloway
Overview:This new working group is to focus on “Consumer Products” - tounderstand the new home buyer and their needs, and work with lending institutions to craft innovative products that allow residents of the Pittsburgh region access to capital for home ownership, as well as home improvement, and other personal banking services. It will examine demand, supply and accessto small business capital to help new businesses start and current and new businesses operate and grow. The working group is setting a new agenda and developing principles to increase the availability of capital in Pittsburgh’s low- and moderate-income neighborhoods and for low and moderate income families.
Annual Meeting
2010 co-chairs: Darla D’Anna/Joanna Deming
Staff: Emily Anderson
Overview: it shall be the duty of the committee to oversee the planning and implementation of the PCRG Annual Meeting Event– including logistics, sponsorships, awards, and programming, as well as the Annual Membership Retreat.
Chair: Jim Richter (Board Treasurer)
Overview: it shall be the duty of the committee to ensure the fiscal health of the organization. The committee serves to regularly review the revenues and expenditures of the organization before Board review and approval, oversee the planning and implementation of fundraising, and write and track the budget on an ongoing basis.
Chair: Dru Simeone
Staff: Bethany Davidson
Overview: it shall be the duty of the committee to continually review and update as necessary, the by-laws, personnel policies, financial policies, Working Group processes and policies for the organization to ensure they are current and in compliance with legal requirements and industry best practices.
Chair: Joanna Deming
Staff: Emily Anderson
Overview: it shall be the duty of the committee to consider all membership applications and to recommend new members to the full PCRG membership for approval. The committee is to recommend and manage the PCRG board elections annually.
Chair: Joanna Deming
Staff: Ernie Hogan / Bethany Davidson
Overview: it shall be the duty of the committee to work with the Directors of PCRG regarding staffing of the organization.