Context-Relationship Procedure

1. Give students a list of new vocabulary words and divide them into groups.
2. Have them write their own paragraphs and questions following the directions below.
3. Afterwards have them exchange their paragraphs with other groups and come up with the meaning of the words.

·  Sentence 1 Uses word in context.

·  Sentence 2 Does not use the word, but further explains it

·  Sentence 3 Uses the word and contrasts it to an antonym

·  Sentence 4 Uses the word and defines it

4. Next, a multiple choice item is created to check meaning.


Joe was very happy to move to a safe, quiet suburban are. His neighborhood had a community pool and lots of kids his own age to play with. The suburban area was very different from the downtown or urban district he had once lived in. The suburban neighborhood on the outskirts of town, near the big city was just the place for Joe.

Suburban means:

______a type of car

______a neighborhood on the outskirts of town

______another name for city

K.I.M. -- for vocabulary words and new ideas

Write the term or key idea (K) in the left column, the information (I) that goes along with it in the center column, and draw a picture of the idea, a memory clue, (M) in the right column.

The key idea may be a new vocabulary word, or a new concept. The information may be a definition or it may be a more technical explanation of the concept. The memory clue is a way for students to fully integrate the meaning of the key idea into their memories. By making a simple sketch that explains the key idea, students synthesize and interpret the new information, making it their own. Then, students can reference their drawings to easily remember new key ideas.

Key idea / I
Information / M
Memory Clue
1. drought / Little or no rain over a period of time /
2. coup / Takeover of government by military /
3. sovereignty / Political independence /

Marzano’s Building Academic Vocabulary

Step 1: The teacher will give a description, explanation, or example of the new term.

·  Provide learners information about the term.

·  Determine what the learner already knows about the term.

·  Ask learners to share what they already know as a means of monitoring misconceptions.

·  Ask learners to share what they already know to use this knowledge as a foundation for more learning.

·  Utilize examples, descriptions, but not definitions. Definitions are not a recommended method for vocabulary instruction as they do not provide learners an informal, natural way to learn new vocabulary.

·  Instruct learning of proper noun terms through identifying characteristics of the proper noun.

Step 2: The teacher will ask the learner to give a description, explanation, or example of the new term in his/her own words.

·  Remind learners to not copy, but use their own words.

·  Monitor students to determine if any confusion exists.

·  Provide more descriptions, explanations, or examples if necessary.

·  Request that students record these in their Academic Notebook Worksheet. These notebooks can travel with the learner as he/she moves through each grade level and become a compilation of vocabulary terms mastered.

Step 3: The teacher will ask the learner to draw a picture, symbol, or locate a graphic to represent the new term.

·  Provides learners a nonlinguistic method of vocabulary mastery.

·  Share examples of other learners' drawings or allow students to work in teams to help those who complain that cannot draw.

·  Teach the concept of speed drawing for those who labor too long over their work.

·  Ask learner to share their work.

·  Use graphics from magazines or the Internet.

Internet Clipart Resources:

o  Madrid Teacher

o  Vocabulary Quiz Using Images

·  Illustrating terms through symbols, drawing the actual term, illustrating with a cartoon, or drawing an example of the term should be encouraged.

Step 4: The learner will participate in activities that provide more knowledge of the words in their vocabulary notebooks.

·  Remind learners to not copy, but use their own words.

·  Distribute the Academic Notebook Worksheet to assist learners in organizing their vocabulary terms.

·  Encourage learners to identify prefixes, suffixes, antonyms, synonyms, related words for the vocabulary term as "new info" on the Academic Notebook Worksheet.

·  If English is a second language to the learner, provide an opportunity to translate the word into their native language (BabelFish).

A list of activities can be found at: TeachNet, GameAquarium, ESL Bears, Word Scrambler,.

Step 5: The learner will discuss the term with other learners.

Pair-Share Strategy:

  1. THINK: Allow think time for learners to review their own descriptions and images of the terms.
  2. PAIR: Put learners in pairs to discuss their descriptions, images, and any new info related to the terms.
  3. SHARE: Provide opportunity for groups to share aloud and discuss conceptions and misconceptions.

Monitor as learners help each other identify and clear up confusion about new terms.

Step 6: The learner will participate in games that provide more reinforcement of the new term.

·  A variety of games are available at this website: PowerPoint Games, Word Game Boards, Excel Games, WORDO, Twister, Fly Swat.

Social Studies Morphemes

The Word Bench activity in which you ask your students if they know any other words that look and sound like a new social studies term and if they think any of these words might be related will help your students become more morphologically sophisticated. In addition, you have the unique opportunity to teach your students the meaning for some morphemes that occur most commonly in social studies words. Seize this opportunity when introducing one of these words, because your students might not notice these morphemes in any of their other classes:

Morpheme / Social Studies Usage / General Usage
anti (against)
com, con (with, together)
counter, contra (against)
ex (out)
form (shape)
geo (earth)
im, in (in)
im, in (opposite)
inter (between)
ism (state of)
ist (person)
mono (one, same)
non (opposite)
sub (under)
trans (across)
uni (one, same / antitrust, antislavery
community, congress, conspiracy
counterintelligence, counteroffensive
exports, explorers
conform, reformers
geography, geopolitical
imports, immigration, invasion, inauguration
immoral, independence
international, intervention
communism, capitalism
communist, nationalist
monarchy, monopoly
nonviolence, nonpartisan, nonproliferation
transAtlantic, transcontinental
unilateral, unified, universal / antibody, antisocial
compile, committee, company, conform
counterfeit, contradict
expedition, exit
deformity, formula
geometry, geology
implant, impoverish, indent, intruder
impatient, inefficient
interrupt, interfere
pianist, scientist
monorail, monastery
nonprofit, nonstop
subway, substitute
transport, transfer
uniform, united

Vocabulary Prediction Chart

Predict the meaning of the vocabulary words below before you read the text. After you read, go back and write what you think the word means. After reading, place a check in the box if your first prediction was correct. If you changed your prediction after you read, write your new definition. Identify the clue words in the reading that helped you with the definition.

Vocabulary Word / Predicted Meaning / After Reading / Clue Words

The Frayer Model