January 2016 2015 Volume 46 #1


Knights of Columbus Council 6192

GRAND KNIGHT ~ Ray Romero, Sr.

General Membership Meeting..……..……..… 5 Jan. at 6:30 p.m.
Planning/Building Corporation Meeting……. 19 Jan. at 6:30 p.m.



Grand Knight Ray Romero, Sr.

Deputy Grand Knight Joe Ruff

Chaplain Rev. Dennis Hanneman 402-291-1350 –

Associate Chaplain Rev. Thomas Shaughnessy 402-291-1920 -


President Michael Parente


Hall Rental Mike Parente 402-291-6887 – (Cell) - 706-9481©

Sick or in Distress Ray Guggenberger

Insurance Agent Doug Kelly 402-884-0364 –

Newsletter Editors Mike Parente

Ray Guggenberger

Knights of Columbus Omaha web site: OmahaKC.org

Council 6192 email address:

Council 6192 web site: http://www.koc6192.com/

Knights of Columbus State web site: NebraskaKofC.org

Knights of Columbus Supreme web site: KofC.org

Council 6192 Facebook: www.facebook.com/kofc.columban.council.6192.bellevue.ne

CHAPLAINS MESSAGE: With a new year stretching out again before us full of promise, hope and possibilities — the Scriptures for January invite us to take an “inventory” of sorts as we consider anew all the wondrous gifts and benefits that have accrued to us by virtue of “the Christ-event.” The Christ-event is a term that encompasses all the decisive moments of the earthly and risen life of Jesus, from his incarnation to his resurrection and return to the Father’s side in glory. This event has radically transformed human existence. By grace and God’s good favor, human beings are privileged to accept salvation as God’s gift to sinners and blessed to share in the very life of God.

On the feast of the Epiphany (Jan. 3), the sacred authors will remind us that another benefit of the Christ-event is the fact that ours is a universal community, admitting all, excluding none. Before Jesus, it had been customary to think in terms of “Israel” and “the rest of the nations.” But, by virtue of the Christ-event, we are challenged to think of ourselves as one people before one God. Even though Jesus’ epiphany took place more than two millennia ago, accepting and embracing the universal intent of God clearly remains a challenge for people, as we continue to think in terms of “them” and “us.”

Paul will join voices with Luke on the feast of Jesus’ baptism (Jan. 10) to regale us with the good news that we, too, are God’s children, washed in baptism and filled with the Spirit. Children of God, brothers and sisters of Jesus, we are also brothers and sisters to one another. Through grace, we are to live accordingly.

As Ordinary Time begins (Jan. 17), Isaiah will offer a different insight regarding the relationship each of us can share with God: a spousal one. Imagine the joy the Israelites felt when, after their exile and return home, they were told that their name would no longer be “Forsaken” or “Desolate.” Reconciled and forgiven by God, they were to be called “Espoused” and “My Delight.”

On this same Sunday, Paul will begin his treatise on the spiritual gifts that are ours by virtue of the Christ-event. This treatise will continue through three Sundays, reminding us that the Spirit of God is the source of all the gifts with which we have been blessed. Our gifts are not for ourselves alone. Every gift is to be put at the service of others and used for the well-being of the community. Although God’s gifts are many and diverse, each can complement the other when they are practiced humbly and wisely. With all these gracious gifts, we can enter into this new year well-equipped for every eventuality. May our witness to the Christ-event be authentic, persistent and persuasive so that others may come to know God’s blessings and believe. Father Denny Hanneman

PLEASE PRAY FOR US: Here is a list of our Brother Knights, immediate family members, and widows are ill and in need of our Prayers: Thomas Parente, John Romero, Glenn Millerd Jr., Philip Weimer, and Joe Sypal This list is for only our Brother Knights and the Widows of our deceased Brothers in order that those members and friends that are not on our prayer chain are made aware of their need for prayers. Should we have missed anyone in need of prayers, please contact Ray Guggenberger or Dan Whitehead. Please contact Ray Guggenberger via phone or email if you know of a Brother Knight or a widow of a deceased Brother Knight who is sick or in distress.

MILKCAN DRAWING: Tears to Stephen Buckley, Dr. Michael Burke, Thomas Dunkleman, Thomas Dutko, Gary Hemingway. They were not present at the meeting to claim their $25.00. Congratulations to Mike Cook winning $25.00. The January Meeting Drawings will be for $25.00, $25.00, $25.00, $25.00, $25.00 and $25.00.

FS REPORT: I thank all the members who have paid their 2016 dues. I mailed the notices out after Christmas. I ask that you pay your dues in a timely manner.


Bill and Kathy Kibler are the Knights of Columbus Family of the Month for December. Bill has been a Knight for more than 30 years. He and Kathy, who have been married for 37 years, have four children -- Bridgette Laney, 48, Dylan Kibler, 48, Adrienne McGargill, 44, and Amanda Kibler, 35. Bill, who is currently a trustee, is former recording secretary and treasurer as well as a past Grand Knight. He has takenpart in too many knight events to list, including Tootsie Rolls Drives, spaghetti feeds and other activities, but right now he is the degree team captain for first and second degree, serving as chancellor on first degree and grand knight on second degree. He is also currently the garage sale chairman, and also the Faithful Navigator to the Cardinal Francis Spellman Assembly 3486. At Bellevue St. Mary Parish, both Kathy and Bill have had a perpetual adoration hour for longer than 30 years. Both also serve as EMHC and teach children’s liturgy. Kathy is a member of the Ladies’ Guild and Catholic Daughters – she is retired from St. Mary’s School, where many children, including mine, came to know and love her as the day care director. Bill has been a bus driver with Metro for more than 20 years. Congratulations, Kathy and Bill!

GRAND KNIGHT: Brothers, as another year has drawn to an end, we should reflect on the joys and sorrows we experienced in 2015. Sadly, since January, 12 of our council brothers, as well as several spouses of our members, passed on to their heavenly reward. Let us continue to keep their souls and their families in our prayers. On a more joyous note, our council has accomplished much for the church, the community, and families during 2015. These accomplishments were only possible with the continued support of you, our members. As we all grow older, we want to keep our council vibrant by bringing in new members, so our council can continue all the good that we do. We are below where we should be in terms of recruiting new members. Let’s all make a stronger effort to have others join our great council. As our Membership Director always says, there are many Catholic men out there who would probably want to become a Knight, but have never been asked. With the beginning of a new calendar year, I want to wish each of you and your families a very Happy and Healthy 2016.---Ray Romero Sr., Grand Knight

FIELD AGENT REPORT: As you all know, on Sunday, January 10th, our council is holding a major degree exemplification and it gives us a great chance to increase our membership. Today, I want to address the growth of the Order. Membership growth is the fuel that keeps this great fraternal engine running. All of our charitable works at the council, state, national and international level are thanks to our hard-working members. And more members equals more charity. We know that the membership blitz is a tried and true way for councils to get more men to join. We see these pushes often in March, in celebration of Founder’s Day, and again in October. These drives are successful because brother Knights have increased visibility speaking or presenting during and after Masses and at special events. We must remember that we have a duty to ask each and every Catholic gentleman to join our ranks for the good of the Church, the community and the Order. During the rest of the year, we often “forget” to ask men to join and to bring their families into the Knights of Columbus family. You probably know an eligible Catholic man you could ask today. What if the only reason he hasn’t joined is because no one has asked him yet? When telling a prospect about the strengths of the Order, don’t forget our greatest fraternal benefit: our insurance program. This is often a “selling point” to a potential member who is on the fence. Many members become Knights simply to be able to buy coverage to protect their family. Soon after, they realize the good our charitable works do for their community, and they are proud to be members. As your professional Knights of Columbus insurance agent, I look forward to helping us grow in fraternity in any way that I can. God bless, Doug Kelly, (402) 578-5563 (Cell)


The following members celebrate their wedding anniversary this month. Note, we only list the anniversaries in 5-year increments to conserve space. However, we wish all of our Brother Knights and their Wives who have an anniversary in the month of January. Blessed and Happy Anniversary.

Gary and Ronda Bash 2nd 30 yrs

Thomas and Chong A Kiefel 14th 40 yrs

Dominic and Vicki Mendolia 14th 50 yrs

D. Paul and Marjorie Hartnett 20th 65 yrs

Dale and Mary kay Davenport 21st 45 yrs

THE HOLY FATHER’S GENERAL INTENTIONS FOR JANUARY 2016: That all may experience the mercy of God, who never tires of forgiving.

THE HOLY FATHER’S MISSION INTENTIONS FOR JANUARY 2016: That families especially those who suffer, may find in the birth of Jesus a sign of certain hope.

"I HATE WINTER" PARTY: This year the "I Hate Winter" Party will be run by the Council 6192 Bldg. corp. in memory of Vic Hoelting. The date is Saturday, January 30, 2016. Social hour from 6 - 7 p.m. and dinner at 7 p.m. Line dancing class at 7:30 p.m. The band will be the Humdingers for your dancing and listening pleasure. There will be a BBQ dinner, raffles and lots of door prizes, all for $15 per person just like in years past. Half of the money raised will go to Diabetes Scholarship for kids to attend Diabetes Camp. Plan to attend so the event will be successful and continue for many years to come. If you would like to help by selling tickets contact Mike at 402-706-9481 or leave a message on the hall phone 402-291-6887.


January 2016 February 2016

1st New Year's Day 2nd Membership Meeting, 7:30 p.m.

5th Membership Meeting, 7:30 p.m. 6th Priest Appreciation Dinner, Social 6:00 p.m.

9th Take down the Nativity Scene after Mass Dinner 7:00 p.m.

10th Major Degree 10th Ash Wednesday

19th Planning Mtg 6:30 p.m., Bldg Corp Mtg 11th Set up Hall for Fish Dinner

immediately following 12th Lenten Fish Dinner

30th "I Hate Winter" Party 14th Valentine's Day

Bldg Corp Hall, 6 p.m. till mid-night 16th Planning Mtg 6:30 p.m., Bldg Corp Mtg

immediately following

18th Set up Hall for Fish Dinner

19th Lenten Fish Dinner

21st One Rose One Life, all Masses

25th Set up Hall for Fish Dinner

26th Lenten Fish Dinner


(January 1, 2016 to March 1, 2016)

COUNCIL No. 6192

____ Yes, I want to show my support to the Pro-Life effort. Enclosed is my gift to help these efforts.



City: ______State:______Zip:______$25

____ New Member ____ Renewing Member ______$50

Please make your tax-deductible gift payable to: NE KC Pro-Life Foundation

Please send to: G.K. Ray Romero Sr. (B-A-M), 205 Industrial Drive, Bellevue, NE 68005

ANNUAL PRIEST DINNER: Our annual Priest Appreciation dinner is on Saturday, February 6, 2016 in our clubrooms.

Social Hour starts at 6:00 pm with dinner at 7:00 pm. We have two dinner choices this year: Prime Rib for $21.50 or a

Chicken Cordon Bleu $16.50. Dinner includes a tossed salad, baked potato, vegetable and dessert. This is a sit-down, table

service dinner. We do need reservations. Please make your dinner reservations and payment with Ray Guggenberger by

February 1, 2016. Last year we had 12 clergy join us, please join us in expressing our appreciation to our clergy.

SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE: Since 1993, the Bellevue Knights of Columbus Council 6192 has awarded four $1,000 scholarships to a graduating senior from Bellevue East, Bellevue West, and Daniel J. Gross High Schools plus one At-Large Scholarship. The student’s family must be a member of St. Mary’s Parish, St. Matthew’s Parish or Offutt Catholic Chapel. The At-Large scholarship is awarded to a relative of an active or deceased member of Council 6192. At-Large applications are available from Larry Gold at 402-916-0291. Students must attend a Catholic college or university to be eligible for this scholarship. Students who qualify for this $1,000 scholarship may pick up an application in the counseling office at each of the 3 high schools.

Knights of Columbus

Council 6192

205 Industrial Drive

Bellevue, NE 68005