Star Elementary - SITAgenda


Date:February 13, 2017

Place: Conference Room

Time:3:00 pm

Attended: Crump, Dawkins, Dunn, Hall, C. Collins, Mashburn, S. Collins, A. Thompson, Stewart, Johnson, Tew

Agenda Item / Action(s)
  1. Celebrations
/ S. Collins called the meeting to order.
Mrs. S. Collins and Mrs. Shepherd both had their Donors Choose items met.
  1. 30 Minute Break for TAs
/ A Pre-K assistant would like to have a 30-minute break during the day. This was discussed and decided that it will be handled within that Pre-K classroom to be taken during nap time when there is coverage by another Pre-K TA. The 30-minute break was offered to all TAs; however, making up that 30 minutes at the end of the day was not something they wanted to do. A motion was made to exclude K-5 TAs and Mrs. Hall seconded the motion.
  1. Grab & Go Breakfast Expectations
/ Please review expectations with your class (ALL classes should follow this protocol)– Students who get Grab and Go should eat it in the cafeteria unless they get their bag AFTER 7:50. After 7:50 when the cafeteria doors have been closed, students may bring their Grab and Go bag to class and eat. All food should be put away at 8:05. If a student is late for school, they can get a Grab and Go breakfast until 8:30. Also, if a student gets Grab and Go before 7:50 and chooses to just put it away in their bookbag they must take the milk out first and dispose of it.
  1. Dismissal – Hallway Safety
/ Please talk with your students about this expectation – Younger students are getting ran over in the hallways. 3rd – 5th grade car riders should now line up across from Mrs. Miller’s room at the corner of the wall until all 2nd grade students are out of their class, then they can proceed out the door to car riders. Mrs. Morgan’s class and Mr. Parson’s class will now exit toward the Kindergarten hallway and bus riders will walk through the front door. ALL students should be reminded to walk single file on the right side of the hallway every day.
  1. NCTWC Survey - Review
/ The NCTWC Survey was discussed, please see attachment for more information. (This will be included soon – SIT members are recording their notes.) Heavy discussion was involved with cleanliness as this was our area where we scored the lowest. Teachers will be given a check off sheet for custodians. The classroom teacher will have this available for custodians when they clean the room. The custodian should mark off what has been completed, then the teacher will initial it. Ms. Dawkins is working on the list and will have that out to everyone soon.
  1. RAD – Writing Strategy
/ Our school TRC scores went down from 35% proficient to 30% proficient at MOY. Ms. Dawkins has already talked with grade levels about strategies to improve scores. Through collaboration with teachers, they have developed RAD writing. We will be implementing RAD Writing Strategies. Restate – Actually Answer the Question – Details with Evidence. Ms. Dawkins will model lessons across grade levels over this week and the next couple of weeks. Let her know if you need support.
  1. BOE Meeting
/ We would like this to be focused around technology. We have already asked for 2nd grade to talk about Pen Pals and Skype. Other grades should discuss what they can add to the BOE meeting. Ambassadors need to be thinking of what they’ve learned and what they’ve taken back to classrooms and used. We would like for each grade level to add something they are doing with technology to the BOE meeting. You will be responsible for working on a presentation and then presenting it to the BOE in April.
  1. Toner Cartridges – Art/Computer Lab
/ A request was made to purchase a toner cartridge for both the Art room and the computer lab. One cartridge for the art room is just under $50 and the cartridge for the computer lab is $424. A motion was made by Ms. A. Thompson and seconded by Ms. Stewart that the expectation is for all teachers to print to the copy rooms. If you need something printed in color you can have it printed in the office by sending it to Ms. V or Mrs. Tamra or bringing the work on a thumb drive to printed from.

Review of School Summary Data for NC TWC Survey

Instructional Practices and Support - Crump

F - Why aren’t all students working hard?

B – What Local Data isn’t available because mClass, TRC, and iReady are all immediate.

Need more information about why we don’t know what’s happening in other classes. Does this mean within a grade, across grades, or in Connect?

Collaboration is improving and now we can access all Lesson Plans online if interested in what’s going on in other classes.

ESL teacher wants more access to Data. – Solution is to attend PLC where data is shared.

Time – C. Collins

A. New law will affect classroom size.

Longer school day.

Class packets should be exactly the number you need with a master copy.

e. Limit fundraiser

g. Identify specific duties that are interfering.

Class sizes are extremely large.

Not stopping to take temperatures.

Professional Development – Dawkins

Staff would like a county survey for professional development.

Staff would like to choose their own professional development like the technology conference in spring of 2016.

Several staff wrote notes about having professional development that is grade level specific.

Make sure professional development applies to all grade levels attending (K-2 during i-Ready trainings this year felt like the presenter discussed more 3-5 issues and did not address K-2 issues).

Include Pre-K with kindergarten so they can see skills needed.

Have professional development based on student needs.

ELL/EC have more access to content areas for integration

More PD with differentiation and Special Education-We need help in these areas

Technology PD

Find YouTube/Technology to help supplement lessons

Use the Polycom to sit in on PD that is offered to other staff. (like if Candor is having a PD and someone here at Star is interested in seeing it.)

Teacher Leadership - Johnson

Q6.1 Please rate how strongly you agree or disagree with the following statements about teacher leadership in your school.

  1. Teachers are recognized as educational experts.

Units/programs are given and we are told what to use/teach.

b. Teachers are trusted to make sound professional decisions about educational issues.

Too many choices of programs. Can miss something if don’t follow one plan. Can pull them as resources but only need one program.

Teachers are told what to teach.

Some teachers are not accepting ESL teacher as one who is as

knowledgeable as other teachers.

c. Teachers are relied upon to make decisions about educational issues.

Teachers are told what to teach.

d. Teachers are encouraged to participate in school leadership roles.

Appoint an assistant on SIT

Appoint a Pre-k representative on SIT

ESL teacher has never served on SIT

School Leadership– Tew

New teachers are not supported in the areas needed before they need them. It would be nice if new teachers/assistants received a packet of information that explained how things were done in the school and who they could go see if they needed help.