Family Planning Knowledge Sharing Initiative
Update Dec 2008
CO / Activities / Immediate Next Steps / Support neededHonduras /
- Debrief CD, HSM, Emergency Response Coordinator
- Presented KSI to the regional health director of the Secretary of Health and to FP program coordinator at the La Paz department
- Planning SAA introduction training for health personnel working in 5 municipalities in which we will have the intervention. 4 more participants; 2 from the Local FP NGO (Asoplanza- FP Assoc. of Honduras) and 2 from CARE Health Sector Staff. Training will emphasize SAA, will use two values clarification tools (one from ISOFI)
- Coordination with local USAID mission to review the FP materials (printed and audiovisual) and explore incorporation into KSI activities. Will explore community conversations and using other forms of radio/novellas to challenge community assumptions (this may be later)
- Honduras and Nicaragua submitted concept paper to participate in the pre-selection process of the European Commission. Paper incorporated SAA and MISP.
Follow-up training in Feb. /
- Dacia will let us know after Dec 12.
Peru /
- Dec 15: meeting with health team to introduce SAA concepts for CO health strategy and plans for next year
- Working in 1 school in AHMAR target area (after school program, with some Saturday activities, in a safe space with games, etc.)
- Will work with youth, teachers, providers, and parents on issues of FP
- Exploring the use of a radio messages
- Exploring bringing on (Mr.) Benu de Quesa (sp.?) from Mexico to help training of providers (TBD in December)
- Arzum to contact Patricia Pope re local communication tools and resources
- Luis to send Spanish SAA, ISOFI, and Balkans masculinity report
Sierra Leone /
- Debrief with HSC, CD, and health team re Rwanda
- Putting together research team of 20 CARE staff and partners (including Yuki, Juliette, Vocali)
- KS work linking with Strategic Support grant and LIFT-UP
- Working on TOR for a consultant to facilitate research;
- Logistics for three-day FP/SAA workshop in January
- Research to be complete by late March
Will share TOR
Joseph to share Sissy Aminata docs. with Ariel /
- Review TOR
Cambodia /
- Debrief with CO staff re Rwanda
- TOR developed for a consultant to lead research
- Two sites (PP and Koh Kong), Vantha will lead the former, two PMs to lead the latter
- Paula Gleeson and Caroline McCausland, program director of health and education, are involved and very interested in this initiative
- Luis to touch base with Jesse on consultants
Ghana /
- Debrief CD re Rwanda
- Working in 1 community in 4 districts of PCTFI to improve SRH in schools (2 communities to be engaged in Dec, other two after Christmas)
- In process of recruiting a facilitator, that Mercy will oversee, to coordinate activities (focus on staff transformation, literature review, engage providers, elders, stakeholders, teachers, youth)
- Jan: Development of an activity plan and intervention
- Feb/Mar: Implementation
- April: Documentation
- Luis mtg with Joyce Adolwa about support to this initiative
Madagascar /
- Debrief staff re Rwanda
- In process of identifying other staff to work on this initiative.
- For January 2009, we will hold staff training on SAA, communication and facilitation. We’ll program a reflective practice with the staff to improve our implementation for the community champion project.
- After these trainings with staff, we will begin reflection with the community.
- Plan is to use a consultant (still working this out)
- Luis/Jennifer exploring consultants