Daily Calendar
California Public Utilities Commission Monday, January 8, 2001
Public Utilities Commission of the State of California
Wesley M. Franklin, Executive Director
Headquarters / Southern California Office505 Van Ness Avenue / 320 West 4th Street, Suite 500
San Francisco, CA 94102 / Los Angeles, CA 90013
(415) 703-2782 / (213) 576-7000
Website: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov
Online Calendar Archive: http://www.cpuc.ca.gov/daily_calendar_archive/
Daily Calendar
Monday, January 8, 2001
· Regular Commission Meetings
· Notices
· Subscription Information (Daily Calendar and Agenda)
· Commissioner Office Hours
· Public Meetings and Workshops
· Notice of Draft Resolutions (PU Code § 311(g))
· New Filings
· Petitions for Modification of Applications for Rehearing
· Draft Decisions/Proposed Decisions/Alternates/Presiding Officer’s Decisions/Arbitrator’s Reports/
· Advice Letter Filings
· Miscellaneous Transportation Items
· Miscellaneous Telecommunication Matters
· Adjournments/Resettings/Submissions
· Removals from Calendar
· New Settings
· Law and Motion Hearings
· Hearings
· Notice of Denial of Request for Ex Parte Meeting
· Notice of All-Party Meetings (PU Code §1701.3(c))
· Notice of Ex Parte Communications
Commission Decision and Resolution Summaries for the Conference of December 21, 2000, are included in this calendar.
January 18, 2001 / 10 am / San FranciscoFebruary 8, 2001 / 10 am / San Francisco
February 22, 2001 / 10 am / San Francisco
(Not Open to the Public)
Ratesetting Deliberative Meeting dates are reserved as noted but will only be held if there are ratesetting matters to be considered.
January 16, 2001 / 1:30 pm / San FranciscoFebruary 5, 2001 / 1:30 pm / San Francisco
February 20, 2001 / 1:30 pm / San Francisco
The CPUC encourages all Californians to participate in its meetings, hearings, workshops, and proceedings. We try to hold our public meetings only in places that are wheelchair accessible and which can accommodate specialized equipment and other services useful to people with disabilities. Please see the notice of the meeting you wish to attend for more specifics (also posted in the Daily Calendar on the CPUC website).
If you plan to attend and need specialized accommodations for a particular meeting that are not listed in the notice, request them from the Public Advisor’s Office at least three business days in advance of the meeting. Contact the Public Advisor’s Office by any one of the following:
· e-mail:
Voice: 415-703-2074
FAX: 415-703-1758 (Attn: Public Advisor)
· TTY: 1-866-836-7825 (toll-free)
· 1-415-703-5282
Delivery of Formal Pleadings for Filing
Unless otherwise directed, all courier-delivered documents submitted for filing as part of the formal record in a proceeding should be hand-carried directly to the Commission’s Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue in San Francisco; Suite 500, 320 West 4th Street in Los Angeles; or Room 4006, 1350 Front Street in San Diego. All documents sent through the mail for formal filing should be addressed ONLY to the Commission’s Docket Office, Room 2001, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102.
Charge for Commission Documents
To purchase Commission documents, there is a charge of 20 cents a printed page (postage prepaid) with a minimum purchase of $2.00.
Subscription Notice for Draft Agenda Items
In compliance with Public Utilities Code Section 311.5, parties who wish to subscribe to receive draft agenda items may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, or by calling (415) 703-1798. The cost for a one-year subscription to the entire public agenda package (which excludes Executive Session materials) is $1,000. You may also order a partial agenda package (energy agenda items only or telecommunication agenda items only) at the cost of $500 per year. The package you receive via mail will include only those agenda items available at the time of the agenda distribution date, which is usually 10 to 12 days prior to the Commission meeting. If agenda items (including revisions) are not ready on the distribution date, they will be made available at no charge in the lobby outside the Commission Auditorium at 9:00 a.m. on the morning of the Commission meeting, but not earlier.
In addition, the Commission will make draft agenda items available for viewing and photocopying (at 20 cents per page) at the Commission’s Central Files Office (Room 2002), 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, and in the Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento field offices. Since the agenda package will be mailed to these locations, it will be available at these locations a day or two after the distribution date. These locations will not receive agenda items that are not ready on the distribution date.
If an agenda item is held over to a subsequent Commission meeting, that agenda item and any revisions to that agenda item that were available on the morning of the initial Commission meeting (as well as any further available revisions) will be mailed in the Escutia package for the subsequent Commission meeting; the item and its revisions will also be available for viewing and photocopying in the Commission’s Central Files Office and field offices as set forth above.
Intervenors who have a financial hardship determination pending or granted shall be eligible to receive draft agenda item packets at no charge.
The cost to receive the agenda only, without copies of draft agenda items, remains at $75 per year.
Subscription Notice for Daily Calendar and/or Agenda
Parties who wish to subscribe to the Daily Calendar and/or the Agenda may do so by writing to the Public Utilities Commission; Attention: Poly Arca, Room 1003, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102, or by calling (415) 703-1798. The subscription cost for the Daily Calendar is $225 per year. The Biweekly Daily Calendar is $50 per year. The Agenda is $75 per year. Checks are to be made payable to the Public Utilities Commission.
Workshop Notice
January 9, 20019:30 am / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue,
Ground Floor Training Room
(Corner of Van Ness and McAllister)
San Francisco
The Administrative Committee of the Electric Education Trust (EET) meets to discuss the CBO outreach grant program and the non-CBO grant program. The contact person is Judy Cooper at (415) 703-2188.
Workshop Notice/Public Meeting
January 9, 20019:30 am - 3:30 pm
January 10, 2001
9:30 am - 3:30 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 2204
(Corner of Van Ness and McAllister)
San Francisco
The ULTS Marketing Board (ULTSMB) will hold its regular meeting to discuss the following: Review/Approve Meeting Minutes, Discussion of ULTSMB Interim Marketing and Outreach Activities, Discuss How to Solicit Community Participation in ULTSMB Outreach, Program Assessment Update, Call Center Solicitation Update, Select Chair and Vice Chair for 2001, Discussion on Board Vacancy and Non-reappointment of Expiring Positions, Discuss ULTSMB Activities and Timeline for 2001, CPUC Staff Report and Action Items, SB 669 Transition Plan Update, Review/Approve Petition to Modify D. 97-12-105, Review and Approve Administrative Report and Action Items, Review and Approve ULTSMB Expenses, Review ULTSMB Correspondences, Announcements, Set Future Agenda Items, and Hear Public Comments. The Board will meet in Closed Session to: Review and Approve Interim Marketing Phase II RFP Scoring Criteria and Discuss Contract Evaluations.
The general meeting is open to the public. The Board reserves the right to limit the time allocated to public comments and each speaker. If you would like to receive an agenda or full meeting packet, please notify the ULTS Trust Office at (510) 452-2757.
Public Meeting - Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Equipment Program Advisory Committee (EPAC)
January 11, 200110 am - 4 pm / Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program Offices
505 14th Street, Suite 400,
Conference Room
The EPAC of the Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program will hold a meeting to address the following: I.) Administrative Business, A.) Agenda Modification and Approval, B.) Review of Minutes from the Previous Meeting, C.) Review of Action List Items, D.) Report from the Chair, E.) DDTP Staff Report, F.) Outreach Report,
G.) Consumer Affairs Report, H.) Consumer Contact Manager's Report, II.) Public Input, III.) Equipment Program Manager's Report, IV.) Distribution policy for speakerphone headsets, V.) Tracking DDTP Equipment By Serial Numbers, VI.) Using The ADA Definition Of Small Businesses For DDTP Equipment Distribution, VII.) Discussion About Adding A Portable VCO Device The DDTP Equipment List, VIII.) Discussion Of Three-Way Calling For Two Line VCO Users, IX.) Adding Anti-Stuttering Devices To The DDTP Equipment List, X.) Discussion Of Nu-Vois Alaryngeal Device, XI.) Review Of Policy For Retiring Equipment In The Field, XII.) Review And Approval Of The Standard Operating Procedures, XIII.) Discussion About Adding The Ablephone To The Program, XIV.) Discussion About Adding The CT 10 To The Program, XV.) Policy On Replacing Batteries In DDTP Equipment, and XVI.) Other Business.
Meeting Information: For more information, please contact Laine Proctor, DDTP Committee Coordinator at (510) 302-1100 x109 voice or (510) 302-1117 TTY.
Environmental Notice: People with environmental illness or multiple chemical sensitivities must reduce their exposure in order to attend this meeting. Please refrain from wearing perfumes or scents to DDTP meetings.
Public Meeting
January 12, 20019:30 am – 12 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Room 3204
(Corner of Van Ness and McAllister)
San Francisco
The Administrative Committee of the California High Cost Fund A (CHCF-A), the California High Cost Fund B (CHCF-B), and the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF) will hold a meeting. Following is the agenda for the meeting: 1. Introductions; 2. Public Comments; 3. Review and Approval of December 14, 2000 Public Meeting Minutes;
4. CHCF-A: a. Review/Approval of Expenses and Claims, b. Review/Approval of Payment Letter(s), and c. Status Report on Financial Condition; 5. CHCF-B:
a. Review/Approval of Expenses and Claims, b. Review/Approval of Payment Letter(s), c. Status Report on Financial Condition, and d. Discussion on Carriers Audit; 6. CTF:
a. Review/Approval of Expenses and Claims, b. Review /Approval of Payment Letter(s), c. Status Report on Financial Condition and d. Discussion on Carriers Audit; 7. Proposed Timeline for April, May and June 2001; and 8. Schedule for the Next Public Meetings and Agenda. The contact person for this meeting is Hassan Mirza at 415.703.1638.
Public Input Workshops Notice
Bill Savings & LIEE ExpendituresJanuary 16, 2001
10 am - 12 noon / Pacific Gas & Electric Energy Center
851 Howard Street
San Francisco
Pay-For-Measured Savings
January 16, 2001
1 pm – 4 pm
Pursuant to the July 6, 2000 Commission Decision 00-07-020, the Public Utilities Commission’s Energy Division will hold two workshops to facilitate public input on the Joint Utility Proposals and/or individual utility proposals that will be filed with the Commission on February 1, 2001. The February 1, 2001 proposals will address consistent statewide Pay-For-Measured Savings Pilot Design and consistent LIEE Bill Savings and Expenditures data collection and reports.
SDG&E will distribute a joint Pay-For-Measured Savings Pilot proposals to all persons on the service list for R.98-07-037 on January 11, 20001. PG&E will distribute a Bill Savings and LIEE Expenditure proposal to all persons on the R.98-07-037 service list on January 10, 2001. Both workshops are forums for public input into the utilities’ proposals. If you are not on the service list for R.98-07-037 you may obtain a copy of these proposals by contacting:
Mary O’Drain of PG&E for the Bills Savings & LIEE Expenditures proposal at (415) 973-2317 () and Don Wood of SDG&E for the Pay-For-Measured Savings proposal at (858) 636-5749 ().
Teleconference Information: The meeting is accessible through teleconference. To use this option, please call: 1-888-452-3494. After hearing the prompt, enter the access code (22726) followed by the pound sign (#). This location is wheelchair accessible. The meeting is open to the public. Questions regarding the workshop should be addressed to Stephen Rutledge of the Energy Division at (415) 703-1809 () or Donna Wagoner of the Energy Division at (415) 703-3175 ().
Energy Division Technical Conference - Rulemaking 00-10-002 (Interruptible Load Programs/Curtailment Priorities) - NEW DATES AND LOCATIONS! (AS OF 1/5/01)
January 16, 20019:30 am - 4 pm
/ California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Training Room
(Corner of Van Ness and McAllister)
San Francisco
January 17, 2001
10 am - 5 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Training Room (am)
Rooms 4000 and 4010 (pm)
(Corner of Van Ness and McAllister)
San Francisco
The Energy Division will hold the following Technical Conference to receive input on, and critical analysis of, an Energy Division Report scheduled to be filed and served on or about January 11, 2001. The Report will discuss both Interruptible and Curtailment Programs. Because of the number and complexity of issues, however, the Technical Conference will only address the Report's proposed Interruptible Programs. The Technical Conference is not a forum to raise policy concerns, or address issues raised in the comments. The Commission’s consideration of proposals is not limited to those presented in the Energy Division Report.
The agenda for the second day will be decided on the first day.
The contact for this conference is Laura Martin at 415-703-2149; e-mail .
Public Meeting
January 17, 2001Lottery begins at 1:30 pm / California Public Utilities Commission
505 Van Ness Avenue, Training Room
(Corner of Van Ness and McAllister)
San Francisco
209, 310, 323, 408, 415, 510, 530, 559, 619, 650, 707, 714, 760, 805, 818, 909, 916, 925 AND 949 NUMBERING PLAN AREAS
The Telecommunications Division of the California Public Utilities Commission will be conducting a lottery to determine allocations of central office codes (NXXs) in the 209, 310, 323, 408, 415, 510, 530, 559, 619, 650, 707, 714, 760, 805, 818, 909, 916, 925 and 949 area codes pursuant to the provisions of D.96-09-087. Applications should be submitted to the California Code Administrator prior to the close of business on
January 9, 2001. All companies applying for central office codes must have their Jeopardy COCUS (Central Office Code Utilization Survey) on file with the California Code Administrator. For information on the Jeopardy COCUS filing, call (925) 363-8736. For information on the lottery process, call (415) 703-3473. If specialized accommodations for the disabled are needed, call the Public Advisor at (415) 703-2032 five working days in advance of the event. Companies, who wish to have a sealed envelope prepared for them on an ongoing basis containing their confidential letter designations for each NPA lottery drawing, should submit such a request in writing. Requests should be submitted prior to the close of business on January 9, 2001 to: Lorann King, Telecommunications Division, California Public Utilities Commission, 505 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102.