2012 Common’s Committee Report
1. A new diaphragm kit was installed in the aerator in the North Pond after it quit working early this spring.
2. Aim High Tree Service has been contracted to remove dead branches from the trees along Antelope Creek and to raise the canopy of existing trees throughout the commons. When contracted last week, they indicated that work would not start for about 10 weeks. They will not prune new trees.
3. Dondlinger Lawn service is completing the final year of a two year contract. With unanimous agreement from the Common’s Committee, a new two year contract has been signed with Dondlinger for the next 2 seasons. The only increase in the new contract will be $20 per mowing. All other costs and conditions will remain the same.
4. Rob Hofpar has treated the ponds on two different occasions. He had to come back recently due to an upsurge of algae.
5. As usual, we will contact Eric’s Electric to service and store fountains and Nate Conroy for snow removal on commons sidewalks.
6. The North Pond has seen its greatest use as a “fishing pond” this summer. Many youngsters from the area have enjoyed catching the “big one”. Most have been very respectful of the area and we would hope that this would continue. The suggestion has been made that our commons should be posted as private property. This is something that our committee probably needs to investigate.
7. With the on-going drought, we all need to monitor trees in our areas and help with watering. We have had a few trees at the North end of the commons that have been plagued with a bore infestation. We did have to replace a tree that died and are monitoring two other trees.
8. Thanks also to all of the various homeowners who have helped in any way with the upkeep in the commons throughout the year. Whether picking up trash or branches, watering new and existing trees, etc – all these small individual acts help to keep our commons area looking nice throughout the year.
9. Finally, a BIG THANKS to members of the Common’s committee who have given of their time and talents. You are a tremendous asset to our Association. We would invite those living on the commons to consider being an active part of this group. We meet on an “as needed” basis. Please leave your name and email address or phone number with us before leaving tonight or contact Joe Shandera at 402-486-9291 or .
10. Questions and/or comments?