The quarterly for those interested in what God wants everybody to know. He has revealed it in the most massive and directly dictated revelation to date, the 25+ volume workcalled NEW REVELATION. But since, HE has intensified His presence and contacts with humans, which is recorded and will be found here as well. See “New Content” below.For details please visit . Sponsored by the Friends of HisNewWord.
In this edition
Editorial / Q3, July to September 2017
1. Fundamentals / Consequence of Suicide (3331)
2. Today's focus / Who is WassulaRydén? (3335)
3. Reflection / Just Love, Heavenly and Earthly (3280)
4. Sermons / Jesus and the Feeding of the 4000 (LS32)
5aRecommended / Media ‘Must’ Links
5b The Downloads / Articles Waiting for You
5c. Our Web Site / Audio Features
5d. The Lord's Sermons / YouTube Links
6.More Resources / E-mail Library
7. The New Revelation / Overview
8. Finally / Last Word
ENCORE: ISIS, Islam and Jihad
Three Koran Verses you should know:
More below at 5a - media must links.
The Lord's Sermons are on YouTube!
Well, not yet all of them.See table 5d below. More next time.
Editorial Q3
Dear subscriber, dear reader,
If you followed popular media you may have noticed more reports about people receiving revelationsfrom God – or, even less easy to believe, conversing with the Lord. Interestingly the true cases mostly happen to ordinary people, rarely to high rank church members. No doubt, God has a plan.
Ok, mind you there are a lot of fake claims. People who tell us they have direct contact with the Lord, or Jesus, or angels and the like.
As for us, we did our homework years ago before we started this Newsletter and Website (hisnewword.org). It was the amazing worksof Jakob Lorber, Gottfried Mayerhofer and Leopold Engel which encouraged us to do so. The chance of suspecting the group around Jakob Lorber to be fake is, we believed, in the 1 to 1,000.000 area. As the years went by we were even more convinced.
During that time we came across other authors who were of this special category.
In our last issue we mentioned for the first time two more people who also had visions or received direct dictations from the spirit world: VassulaRyden and Neil Donald Walsch. We will selectively present you with excerpts of their writings.
This time we would like to mention one more person who had such a special relationship with the Lord. Her name is Maria Valtorta. She was Italian and lived from 1897 to 1961 in Italy. Confined to her bed from 1934 due to an unbelievably vicious attack that damaged her spine, she received dictations from Jesus Christ starting in 1943.
In her remaining years,confined to her bed, she noted these dictations producing over 15.000 handwritten pages in 122 notebooks. Her main work is “The Poem of the Man God”.
Here we can only give you a glimpse into the works of these “Instruments of the Lord”. But go and discover more by clicking on the links below. There is a lot online for you.
Why this increasing contact and care by the ‘Other Side’?
Looking at the world situation we can guess the reason. We are sliding more and more into what some call the Third World War. Focus is the Middle East but its ramifications by terrorist Islam extend to Europe, the US and East Asia. No wonder there are voices claiming that all this will develop into a clash around Israel, the mysterious Armageddon battle and the second coming of Christ.
Conclusion: we extend our coverage to the new messengers.
But you can too, if you Google:
VassulaRyden, Neil Donald Walsch and Maria Valtorta.
We hope you follow us.
Increase your love for the Lord. It will save you, and us.
and your NewWord Team
[email protected]
PS: We invite you to share this e-mail with friends. Do not hesitate to forward it to people who you know are interested in their spiritual development or may become so shortly.
PPS: Please help us to improve our web site or newsletters and report any typos or other mistakes (). Thanks.
AND: If you scroll down, you will find a listing of all blogs, audios and articles published as well as a listing of all published Sermon Videos on YouTube. They were revealed by the Lord Jesus Christ just after what Jakob Lorber received
do not miss – seen on the internet:
Bible Prophecy and the Coming Antichrist
End time prophecies:
More below at 5a: Media ‘must’ links
1 fundamentals
I am the light, the path, eternal truth and life. Who believes in Me and lives according to My teaching, has eternal life within him and will neither see nor feel death, even if he died bodily a thousand times…
Great Gospel of
John 9, 04
The Consequence of Suicide
In the Spirit World
A Lecture by LotharSchuller.
Dear Reader, in the brochure #9115, I spoke of the "unspeakably high value of earthly life", and we could learn, that from a divine point of view, the value of the earthly life is a truly ineffable one.
For God says "The life of a single man on earth is higher than all the suns and planets of an entire Shell Globe" and the little boy Jesus said to the high Roman Cyrenius Quirinius: "A child in the cradle is more than all matter in its eternal endless spaces”. But because humans today do not know God, they cannot have any idea about the value of earthly life and many commit suicide, as for them life seems no longer worth living, despite taking part in the general 'affluence society'.
Let´s take the German example: Various publications state that in 2001 in Germany, 11,000 people died of suicide, more (twice) than in all traffic accidents. And in some countries, the numbers grow every year.
This is a very sad fact and the WHO (World Health Organization) is of the opinion that it is absolutely necessary to do something about it. According to the therapy center for the suicide prone at the University Hospital Hamburg Eppendorf, this means that in Germany alone, a suicide happens every 45 minutes and an attempt to do so every three minutes. At least 90 percent of all suicides are associated with mental illness. Extrapolating, this amounts to about 175,000 suicide attempts per year.
This is the reason why I am taking up this subject again. You should also know the spiritual background, why a suicide is infinitely sad.
To continue reading click here and download 3331E
If this link does not work, go to ‘hisnewword.org’ and get it from the ‘Downloads’ tab in the Documents section.
2 today’s focus
Who is WassulaRydén?
VassulaRydén, born January 18, 1942 in Heliopolis, Egypt, is a psychic, seer and writer. Starting in 1985 she experienced a supranational phenomenon. Expressed first in her writing, finally she received the information that the archangel Gabriel had contacted her. The task for him was to prepare her during three months for her eventual spiritual contact und publication of messages from Jesus Christ.
During the following contacts with Jesus she understood that Jesus would giver her regular messages which she was supposed to publish to the world. One important aim of Jesus’ messages given her for humanity was that Jesus will work to eventually unify the three separated Christian churches, the Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox church.
Since 1980Vassula has received a great number of texts. She filled many “Notebooks” with her conversations with Jesus which are published in the 1160 page work “True Life in God”.
Despite the fact that many church people doubt her relationship with Jesus and that the three churches have not come together yet, Vassula continues her calling. She is constantly encouraged in her activities by the Lord and tours the globe giving seminars and lectures the world over.
Here is one of the messages by Jesus:
"Address ME, Vassula, in this way:
Tender Father, lash not Your wrath on this generation,
lest they perish altogether; Lash not on Your flock
distress and anguish, for the waters will run dry and nature will wither; all will succumb at Your wrath leaving no trace behind them;
The heat of Your Breath will put aflame the earth turning it into a waste! From the horizon a star will be seen; The night will be ravaged and ashes will fall as snow in winter, covering Your people like ghosts;
Take Mercy on us, God, and do not assess us harshly;Remember the hearts that rejoice in You and You in them! Remember Your faithful and let not Your Hand fall on us with force, But, rather in Your Mercy lift us and place Your precepts in every heart. Amen"
…For he who believes in Me, keeps My commandments and loves Me above all is within Me and I in spirit within him…
Great Gospel of
John 9, 04
Download the full Vassula prayer here(3335)
Vassula on the Internet:
and often to find on YouTube.
Enjoy, grow and strengthen your faith.
Rudolf Julius
Your editor
3 reflection
Just Love, Heavenly and Earthly
Gottfried Mayerhofer, on 28 January 1872, "Secrets of Life” (Lebensgeheimnisse).
"According to the heavenly ways, one cares for nothing
but the love and knowledge of God, the Lord cares for all else."
… And if I am within a person, eternal life is within him, too.
Great Gospel of
John 9, 04
You mentioned this passage from “The Spiritual Sun" as of reference for your doubts, on the basis of which you would like to regulate and prove your love of God and love of neighbor. In the Gospels you find similar words which have the same meaning expressed in other words, e.g. where I said to My disciples, "Do not care for tomorrow, for every day is has its own sorrow," or when I told them, "Look at the lilies in the field, they do not work, they do not spin, and yet Solomon's garment is nothing against their splendor, or if I forbade My wrestlers to carry neither two robes, nor a sack, nor a stick, etc. All these passages have their truth, and this should be observed. However, to interpret them literally, is wrong, is amiss.
The first sentence you cite is already disproved in the first word, in which it is said, according to heavenly nature. - Where are you now? Are you already in heaven or on earth? - Behold, every relation in which a man or spirit is received also has his laws, according to which must be acted. Thus, on earth, you cannot act quite as you do in the spiritual realm, as in heaven; - You are to modify these terms; you can effect celestial bliss in your actions here on earth by your own consciousness, but keeping these feelings permanent, or putting all the earthly things together, you cannot act; For thou art man, and not spirit; - You must start from other
To read more click here and downloadthe full article #3280E
(If this link does not work, go to Hisnewword.org and get it from the ‘Downloads’ tab in the Documents section.)
4 excerpt
The Lord’s Sermons
Sermon 32:
Jesus and the Feeding of the 4000
Click here to download Sermon 32
5a media ‘must’ links
The Religion of peace (!):
True face of Islam:
A Jew about Jesus: (53 Jesiah)
A Jew sees Jesus in the temple.
A IranianJew.
True face of Islam:
Salman Rushdie, Satanic Verses:
Muslim Culture:Salman Rushdie destroys Islam in a polite way.
Rushdie: Salman Rushdie on the Koran as story and history Innocence of Muslims: Brigitte Gabriel (highly important) : Muslim Brotherhood master plan:
From past issues, but worth seeing:Prophetic message about Donald Trump
We cannot give references here. There are too many videos for ’Trump’ combined with ‘Prophecy’. Just Google it.
A collection of videos by WalidShoebat:
Charles Clément Boniface Ozdemir: “A mosque in Europe is worse than a nuclear device”:
David Wood: 3 Question for Moderate Muslims:
Religion of peace?: What makes Islam so different?
Includes List of Islamic Terror attacks.
Iran Nuclear Deal will be a Catastrophe
Walid’s new book: ‘The Case for Islamophobia’. Get it, read it. Vital for your and your family’s survival !!!
Brigitte Gabriel:
1400 years of Islam history in a few minutes
Brigitte destroys AmerZahr’s lies with one Koran verse
Because They Hate
Radical Islam in France
Brigitte answering Muslim woman
Bill Warner
Jihad versus Crusades
A Taste of Islam:Various learning tools to learn about Islam!
Why We Are Afraid, a 1400 year secret.
Jim Caviezel
The Passion of Christ movie interview.
5b downloads waiting for you
All published blogs, reports and Sermon audios are listed in the NL BLOG LIBRARY.
As it has become pretty sizeable we put it on our WebSite.
To access ### NL BLOG LIBRARY click here.(Please enter your email address.)
For Audio Resources go toYouTube here. These will remain there until further notice.
Latest entries are marked yellow.
Doc # / Alpha order. Recent entries yellow. Audio blue
3183 / 12 Hours – The first Hour / NL #
3194 / A piece of Divine Health Advice / NL #
3262 / An almostimpossible Task / 15Q2
3177 / Angels at His Side / NL #
3152 / At the Right Hand of God / NL #
3331 / Consequence of Suicide in the Spirit World / 17Q3
3147 / Creation of Lucifer and the Spirits, and their Fall / NL #
3180 / Cross Reference Bible: New Revelation / NL #
3072 / Death and Resurrection of the Lord (Easter) / 17Q2
3157 / Dignity and Destiny of Man / NL #
3082 / Do Animals have a Soul? / NL #
3165 / Do we understand Salvation? / NL #
3088 / Dreams, Visions, Faces / 14Q2
3237 / Free Will of Man – Untouchable for God / 14Q4
3044 / Genesis One – The true meaning of this coded text / NL #
3119 / God and Sex – The Sixth Commandment / NL #
3272 / God reveals His Plan of Creation and Salvation / 16Q4
3209.1 / God’s Order, the Commandments (Part 1 of 2) / 15Q4
3209.2 / God’s Order, the Commandments (Part 2 of 2) / 16Q2
233 / GuidanceofHumanity / 15Q1
3236 / Have Trust – I have overcome the World (ScX35) / 14Q4
3311 / Health, Sickness and Death (G. Mayerhofer) / 17Q1
3221 / Heaven and Hell / 14Q2
3149 / How can God allow this to happen? / NL #
3077 / How God wants us to understand the Trinity / 15Q3
3085 / How to grow old staying Healthy / 14Q3
3086 / How to improve the Brain / NL #
3274 / Is the Antichrist a physical Person as well? / 16Q4
3234 / Is thereEternalCondemnation? / 14Q4
3040 / Jesus Christ – Who is He really? / NL #
3040.1 / Jesus Christ, I of II / 14Q1
3040.2 / Jesus Christ, II of II / 14Q2
3254 / Jesus explains Revelation of John 13 / 15Q2
3148 / Jesus‘ Great Prophetic Speech / NL #
3158 / Jesus’ Seven Words on the Cross / NL #
3280 / Just Love, Heavenly and Earthly / 17Q3
3314 / Mayerhofer - Secretsof Life / NL #
3248 / Mind Fermentation / 16Q2
3336 / Niel Donald Walsch: Conversations with God. / 17Q2
3249 / On the current Spiritual Flood / 16Q3
3200 / OurFather / 13Q3
3200.a / Our Father (mp3 and Audio on hisnewword.org) / NL #
3176 / Preparing for a Life after Life / NL #
3091 / Prophesy and the Return of Jesus / 15Q4
3266 / RemarkablePassages in GGJ.09 / 16Q1
3228 / Resurrectionofthe Flesh? / 14Q3
3160 / Science confirms New Revelation Predictions / NL #
3337 / Sex, Fornication and Lust of the Flesh / 17Q2
3172 / Speculators and Speculation / NL #
3316 / Sugar, Salt and Vinegar / 17q4
3244 / The Alleged Class Conceit / 16Q3
3164 / The Apocalypseexplained / NL #
3312 / The Apple (G. Mayerhofer) / 17Q1
3263 / The Art of Staying Healthy / 15Q3
3203 / The Blood of Christ / NL #
3179 / The Christian GodCommittee / NL #
3010.a / The Christmas Story (mp3 audio + audio on hisnewword.org) / NL #
3010 / The Christmas Story (pdf) / NL #
3270 / The Divine Nature of Jesus / 16Q3
3196 / The Earth and ist Abominations / 13Q3
3096 / The EssenceofGod / NL #
3131 / The Future of the (Roman) Catholic Church / NL #
3207 / The Future of this Earth / 17q4
3196 / The Horrors of the Earth
3198 / The Human Form and its Salvation / NL #
3054 / The Introduction to the ‘Great Gospel of John’ / NL #
3241 / The Last Supper / 15Q2
3269 / The Millennium Kingdom / 15Q4
3208.3 / The Origin of the New Testament / 16Q1
3208 / The Origin of the New Testament (3) 14Q1 / 16Q1
3242 / The OurFather / NL #
3020.a / The Passion of and according to Jesus Christ (mp3 audio) / NL #
3020 / The Passion of and according to Jesus Christ (pdf) / NL #
3191 / The Pharisee’sQuestion / NL #
2083 / The Prehistory of Mankind / NL #
3187 / The Purification prior to My Return / 13Q4
3271 / The Service of the Angels in the Universe / 16Q4
3163 / The Sign of the Son of Man / NL #
3238 / The three Beasts of Revelation / 15Q4
3310 / The Time (G. Mayerhofer) / 17Q1
3215 / The Trinity in God and in Man / 17q4
3201 / The trueTrinity (1) / 13Q2
3202 / The trueTrinity (2) / 13Q2
3139 / The up-comingJudgment / NL #
3265 / The Vision of Ebal / 16Q2
3168 / Three questions (we all want to know) / NL #
3156 / Understanding the Sermon on the Mount / NL #
3173 / Universe and Aliens, part I of II / NL #
3174 / Universe and Aliens, part II of II / NL #
3337 / Vassula: Heaven is real, but so is Hell
3336 / Walsch, Niel Donald, Conversations with God
3095 / What happens to dying Children? / 14Q3
3089 / What is the use of Prayer? / 14Q3
3232 / Whereis Paradise located? / 15Q1
3264 / Who is Lucifer-Satan? / 15Q3
3335 / Who is VassulaRydén– Intro / 17Q3
3170 / Why among the Jewish People? / NL #
3087 / Why does God tolerate Injustice, Mischief and War? / 13Q2
3219 / Why don’t they correct Bible Flaws? / 14Q1
3159 / WhyGodbecame Man. / NL #
3260 / Why had Jesus to die? / 16Q1
3235 / Whythe Cross? / 15Q1
3193 / WitnessesfromBeyond / NL #
3155 / You are Peter the Rock / NL #
5c The Lord’s sermons onYouTube
Doc # / Sermon Headline / Vol
LS01 / Signs of the Future
LS02 / John’s Inquiry about Jesus (Sermon 2) / NL #
LS03 / John’s Testimony (Sermon 3) / NL #
LS04 / John the Baptist Sermon of repentance (Sermon 4) / NL #
LS05 / The Birth of Jesus(Sermon 5) / 16Q1
LS06 / The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple (S.6) / NL #
LS07 / The 12 year old Jesus in the Temple (Sermon 7) / NL #