1997-98 / Report of the Preliminary Survey of Technical Issues in International Distribution of Distance Education Programs by ICDE Members / AT&T and the Business- Education Roundtable / $25,000
1997-98 / Gift / Schumann Foundation / $12,000
1998 / Information Technology in American Households / Bush Industries Inc / $30,000
1998-2000 / Research on Universal Service / Bell Atlantic Corporate Headquarters / $120,000
1998 / Gift for mapping information resources / Libraries for the Future / $33,000
1998-99 / The Impact of the FCC’s Broadcast Licensing Policies on Minority Ownership / Minority Media and Telecommunications Council, Rainbow/PUSH, Viacom / $200,000
1998 / Research on Telecommunications Competition in Pennsylvania / Bell Atlantic - Pennsylvania / $10,000
1999 / The Telecommunications Policy Act of 1996: Assessing Its Impact on Pennsylvania Businesses and Consumers / PA Telephone Association, PA Cable and Telecommunications Association, PA Association of Broadcasters / $15,000
1999 / The Future of Public Interest Media in the Digital Age / Penn State, Continuing Education and Outreach / $8,500
1999 / The Future of Public Interest Media in the Digital Age / Corporation for Public Broadcasting / $100,000
1999 / The Future of Public Interest Media in the Digital Age / The Benton Foundation / $10,000
1999 / The Global Telecommunications Industry and Consumers / IDI Consulting / $15,000
1999 / Research on Universal Service / Verizon / $30,000
1999 / Universal Service for a New Integrated Digital Environment / The Ford Foundation / $100,000
1999 / Opening Doors: An Evaluation of Programs to Promote Diversity in CorporateAmerica / The Walter Kaitz Foundation / $11,500
1999 / Information Warfare: Understanding the Paradigm and Its Policy Implications / Lockheed-Martin Corp / $4,000
2000 / The Impact of Technology Parks in Asia on the Digital Divide / The East-West Center/The Ford Foundation, / $108,000
2000 / Partners in Public Service / Corporation for Public Broadcasting / $400,000
2001 / Research on Globalization / IDI Consulting, / $7,000
2002 / Gift in Support of research on universal service/digital divide / Verizon / $40,000
2002 / Rural Americans in the Digital Age / Gift in support of development of digital divide bibliography as part of project, Leslie Harris Associates / $12,000
2002 / Gift in support of research on statistics on rural digital divide / Rural Policy Research Institute / $6,000
2002 / Gift in support of work on information metrics / IBM Faculty Partner grant / $40,000
2004 / China-US Experts Forum / East-West Center / $25,000
2005 / Gift in support of IIP research on information metrics / Microsoft / $25,000
2006 / Gift in support of universal service research / Benton Foundation / $22,000
2008 / Gift in support of “Playing to Win” videogame conference / Verizon / $5,000
2007-08 / Grant in support of “and Communications for All” book and program / Media Democracy Fund / $110,000
2008-09 / Low Power FM and Localism (in partnership with the Prometheus Radio Project) / Social Science Research Council / $7,500
2009 / Gift in support of research on intrastate telecommunications interconnection charges / AT&T / $57,500
2009 / Gifts in support of the “Beyond Broadband Access” Workshop / New America Foundation (in-kind), AT&T, Google, Verizon, T-Mobile, the Media Democracy Fund and the Social Science Research Council / Approx.
2010 / Grant for Report on broadband and small-medium business enterprises / Media Democracy Fund / $20,000
2010 / The Information Policy Forum and the Journal of Information Policy: “Making Policy Research Accessible” / The Ford Foundation / $300,000
2012 / The Information Policy Forum and the Journal of Information Policy: “Making Policy Research Accessible” / The Ford Foundation / $100,000
2012 / A Broadband Bridge for the Disability Divide: Identifying Best Practice Solutions / Pacific Telecommunications Council / $41,200
2011-15 / Gift in support of IIP / Google / $25,000
2012-16 / Grants in support of the Journal of Information Policy / Penn State Information Technology Services / $120,000
2016 / Grant in support of IIP workshop / Penn State Center for Global Studies / $5,000
2016 / Grant in support of IIP National Broadband Agenda workshop / National Science Foundation / $76,145
TOTAL / $2,311,345