Claypole Parish Council

Minutes of meeting held on Monday 5th June 2017 at the village hall library at 7.00pm.

1 / Present
A-M Allsopp (A-MA), G Bignell (GB), John Briggs (JB), A Clark (AC), T Faulconbridge (TF), J Freeman (JF), P Furey (PF), C Simmonds (CS) and the clerk. There were 3 members of the public in attendance and also County Cllr Alexander Maughan until 7.45pm.
2 / Apologies and Reasons for absence
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Broadbent (work commitments), District Cllr Paul Wood and District Cllr Sarah Stokes.
3 / Declarations of Interest
None were declared
4 / Notes of last Parish Council Meetings- 8th May 2017
The notes of the Council meeting held in May were accepted as a true and accurate record. These were proposed by GB and seconded by JB and signed by the Chairperson.
5/vi / Clerk’s and Councillors’ reports
Litter bin on School Lane- clerk will check with Mr Wells (head teacher) if this bin can be located on the fence at the school.
Dog fouling- clerk is trying to arrange a meeting with the Neighbourhood team at SKDC (Yvonne Ancliffe) regarding dogs on the playing field.
Parish noticeboard- clerk will chase Mr Bob Oakham about wood worm treatment for the bus shelter and also the provision of a public noticeboard also to be sited in the bus shelter.
Barnby and Osterfen Lane level crossings- clerk still waiting for a response to determine whether similar contact information can be located at Osterfen Lane crossing as is available at Barnby Lane.
Best Kept Village 2017- entered
Standing orders, regulations and risk assessments- these to be reviewed over the next months and will be considered at future meetings. / Action
6 / Claypole Community Park
The sports pitch should be levelled, drained and seeded by the end of June. It will be maintained by contractors for 6 months.
More signage will be placed on the diverted footpath
Arrangements still need to be made for chipping and distributing the bark Further meetings are being held with play equipment providers and funding applications are being considered to SKDC (10k), ASDA (30k), Big Lottery (Awards for All) (10k), Persimmon Homes (1k) ) and several other smaller applications. A personal fund giving campaign is also being considered.
The PC aims to have the park completed by the end of the year.
7 / Village Hall
The annual meeting has been held and a treasurer is required.
Enquiries have been made by a person interested in running an after school club at the hall.
Work is continuing about the provision of a coffee shop.
8/iv / Cemetery
The spoil at cemetery- clerk will contact Revd Sonia about removal and payment for the spoil in the church yard. Contact will be made with Mr Jeffery and Mr Laffey about the timing of the removal of the spoil.
JB advised that the bags of gravel had been removed from the plot in the Garden of Remembrance. The area had been reseeded.
Footpath from the church to the cemetery- clerk had obtained a blank copy of a Faculty to determine the information required before completion. Cost of paving materials to be obtained and clerk will also contact a resident about provision of the footpath.
Bags for spoil- clerk will enquire about bags from a local builder for putting future spoil in. / Clerk
9/iii / Financial Matters
a)The following invoices were approved for payment:
£93.00- Glendale Countryside- playing field- April
£24.00- K Lennon- grounds maintenance at cemetery
£236.00- G W King& Sons- grounds maintenance- April and May
£40.00- LCC- survey to locate speed camera
b) On line banking- a further set of forms was completed as TSB had not received the first set which had been sent a few weeks ago. This is to enable viewing only of the accounts.
c) Completion of Annual Return and Adoption of Accounting Statements- these were approved unanimously.
10 / Planning Applications
S17/0757- Redthorn House, Main Street- 2 storey side extension- the application was discussed and there were no objections.
S17/0441- Draycott cottage 110 Main Street- single storey rear extension with pitched roof- permission refused 16th May 2017.
11/iv / Highway Matters
Reactive Speed Signs- PF has this organised with LCC.
Street light (LCC10) on the footpath between Brunts Farm Close and Swallow Drive- has finally been repaired.
Overgrown hedges and trees- a notice will be placed in the newsletter about cutting back to improve safety for drivers and pedestrians. Letters will be sent to residents where the problem is particularly hazardous.
Parish Walkabout- Cllr Alexander Maughan had advised in the public forum that the walkabout is to be reinstated and this was welcomed.
12 / Correspondence
The clerk is to attend a Networking/Good Practice workshop on Thursday 6th July at Toynton.
13 / Chairperson’s Closing Statements
Roger Ranson- Spatial and Economic Growth SKDC – will be contacted to determine status of draft Local Plan and when public consultation will begin.
Cllrs were thanked for their attendance at the meeting.
The meeting closed at 9.30pm.
Signed...... Date......

Page 5th June 2017