What is DACA and who are the Dreamers?

ByJoanna Waters, The Guardian, adapted by Newsela staff

09/18/2017Word Count656

OnSeptember 5, the Trump government said it would end the DACA program. DACA stands for "Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals."

Some people were brought to the U.S. as children. But the U.S. did not give their parents permission to come. Now, many of these children are older. They are often called Dreamers.

The DACA program protected these Dreamers.Hundreds of thousands of people use the DACA program. It allows them to live and work in the U.S.

DACA may end by March 2018.All these people might have to go to their home country. But U.S. PresidentTrump says a new program may be made to protect Dreamers.

So what is DACA? Who are the people affected, and what will happen to them?

What is DACA?

DACA was made in 2012 by U.S. President Barack Obama's government. It lets Dreamers study and work in America.

TheseDreamers have to ask the government for permission to stay in the U.S. They can only stay if they didn'tdo any crimes. They have to be students, have finished school, or be in the army. Then, they can stay for two years.

If they pass all these tests, they can get a driver's license. They may also go to college or work in the U.S.

Whoare the Dreamers?

Many Dreamers came to the U.S. when they were little. It is the only country they have ever known.

Mostare from the countries of Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. These are all in Central or South America.

MostDreamers live in California, Texas, Florida and New York.They are 15 to 36 years old.

Whyare they called Dreamers?

In 2001, lawmakers tried to makea new program. It was called the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM).

It was like DACA. It would protect people who came to the U.S. as children without permission. But the DREAM Act didn't become law.

What did Trump announce?

Trump became president in 2016. Up until then, he had promised to end DACA.

About 11 million people may be living in the U.S. without permission. Before, Trump said he would send them all back to their home countries.Trump also said he would build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Obama used his power as the president to make the DACA program.NowTrump is president. He has the power to change Obama's plan.

What will happen to the Dreamers?

DACAis no longer accepting more people. All Dreamers couldlose their protection by March 2020.But new laws may be created to protect Dreamers.

Dreamers could be sent back to the countries where they wereborn.It is still not clear if this will happen.

What has Trump said about Dreamers?

After becoming president, Trump said he wanted to “work something out” for Dreamers. "We don’t want to hurt those kids,"he said. "We love the Dreamers."

He said the government would not try to send all Dreamers home. It would only look for people who "are criminals."

Whosupports DACA?

Most Democratic lawmakers want to keep DACA. Democrats are one of the political groups in the government.

The other group is made of Republicans. Most Republican lawmakers did not want Trump to end DACA either. But, someRepublicans are against DACA. They say Dreamers take jobs from Americans. They tried to get Trump to stop DACA.

Possible Response Questions:

•Share your thoughts on the president’s plan to end DACA.

•Pick a passage from the article and respond to it.

•Discuss a writing decision (i.e. vocabulary, use of quotes, appeal to emotion/logic/trust) made by the writer in this piece that you think is good/interesting. Explain.