Personal Details
Address & postcode:
Telephone (Day/Mobile):
Volunteer Interest Please indicate all areas that interest you

All year round volunteering -See accompanying sheet for details

Dog Walking & Care / Doggie Housekeeping / Keep site/garden tidy

Sometimes available, or seasonal – See accompanying sheet for details

Meet & Greet visitors / Fundraising / Charity Shop Assistant
Education & Community / Help at Events / Adoption Follow Up
Photography / Event Management / DIY & Projects
Writing & Publications / Help in Office (M-F) / Groomer

When are you available to volunteer?

Weekdays / Weekends / Either/both

How much and how often do you think you could offer(per week/per month/other)?

Why would you like to be a volunteer for Manchester Dogs’ Home?

Please tell us a little about yourself, e.g. are you a student/working/retired? Do you have relevant skills or experience youhave not mentioned in the previous question? This could include animal care skills or useful professional skills.

Your age-group (indicate as appropriate)18-3030-5050 plus

Are you aware of any medical condition(s) that may affect your ability to undertake any of the volunteering activities that you have indicated on the form?

No / Yes

If yes, please give details:

Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence? (Declaration subject to the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974)

No / Yes / If yes, please speak to us or summarise details on a separate page. It will not necessarily stop you from volunteering, but will need to be taken into consideration.
Please provide details of a colleague who can give you a reference;eithera present or recent employer or otherwise a person in a position of responsibility who you have helped, worked, studied or volunteered with.
Name :
Address & postcode:
Telephone (Day/Mobile):
Why choose this person?:

Thank you!

We look forward to receiving your completed application form and will ensure that any information you have provided about yourself will be treated as confidential.

Signature: ______Date: _____/_____/_____

(not expected on emailed forms)

Please return this form to:

Cheshire Dogs’ Home, 225 Knutsford Road, Grappenhall, Warrington, WA4 3JZ



Date Contacted: / Person completing Orientation
Date of orientation: / Activates volunteer will carry out
Entered onto Database: