Gwynedd SquareAmbassador Contract

Below is a contract for Gwynedd Square students and their parents to review, sign, and follow. These provisions are designed to ensure that the Gwynedd Square Ambassadors fulfill their obligations and represent Gwynedd Square Elementary in a way in which we can all be proud. Any violations of these provisions could lead to dismissal from the program. Ambassadors are expected to be role models of the Panther Pride expectations.

*Any reference to the “Dignitaries” refers to Mr. Bowen and Mrs. Vaszily who will supervise the Ambassadors. If you would like to volunteer to help our program, please let us know!

1. Ambassadors will arrive to their duties with smiles on their faces, kindness in their hearts, and an eagerness to assist those around them in any way that presents itself. Every Ambassador will strive to be the best individual that he or she can be and will take responsibility for his or her own actions without blaming others for problems that may arise.

2. Ambassadors may be faced with challenging situations when carrying out their duties. You are expected to use your best judgment in the moment and then to keep the Dignitaries aware of any major difficulties.

3. It is a privilege to be a Gwynedd Square Ambassador. Ambassadors’ behavior will be exemplary. We will not tolerate any Ambassador who bullies, uses bad language, or makes hurtful comments. Any Ambassador who receives a discipline referral to the office must address the situation with the Dignitaries who will determine the consequences. Additionally, if an Ambassador makes multiple mistakes that are hurtful to anyone in our school community, even if they do not result in a discipline referral, they can be removed from the Ambassador program. The Dignitaries are committed to handling such matters fairly, and our decisions will be final.

4. Parents are asked and expected to encourage their Ambassadors to behave responsibly. This may involve dropping off and picking up their children at various times, coaching them on how to behave in certain situations, and encouraging their Ambassadors to seek counsel from the Dignitaries when a difficult situation arises.

5. Every Ambassador will do his or her best in each subject area. If teachers report a lack of effort on the Ambassadors part to complete school work to the best of their ability can result in termination of Ambassador status. This is not intended as a punishment – we simply don’t want to distract any child from his/her educational goals.

6. Ambassadors will arrive to all of their assigned duties on time. If you are sick or have an appointment that cannot be scheduled at another time, then you will be excused. Please let one the Dignitaries know ahead-of-time if you will be out for an extended time period for scheduling purposes.

7. Ambassadors will have simple uniforms (Ambassador t-shirts). These uniforms are to be treated well. If an Ambassador loses or doesn’t take good care of their uniform, that ambassador will be asked to be responsible for replacing the item.

This is an exciting program – our Ambassadors can improve our school environment; reach out to assist individual students, staff, and visitors in a myriad of ways; and strengthen their own character each day! It is a privilege to be a Gwynedd Square Ambassador, and there are consequences to an Ambassador’s actions. We are excited that you want to join the Gwynedd Square Ambassadors!

Note to parents of potential Gwynedd Square Ambassadors:

The Ambassador program is a wonderful opportunity for your child to exercise independence and demonstrate responsibility and leadership. This is not the proper venue for your child to learn how to be responsible. You know your child better than any of us here at school. Please only encourage your child to apply to be an ambassador if you believe that he or she is prepared to undertake this responsibility.