9:30 AM Worship
(*Please stand if you are able)
*Call to Worship
*Songs of Praise: “Amid the Thronging Worshipers” G239
*God’s Greeting
*We Greet Each Other
Prayer of Confession
Assurance of Pardon
Song of Preparation: “Jesus Loves Me” G571 vs. 1
(Children ages 3 years through 4th grade may come forward for the Children’s Message during the song.)
Children’s Message by Ken Homan
(Afterwards, children ages 3-6 may leave for Children’s Worship in the upstairs Youth Room.)
Song: “The B-I-B-L-E”
Congregational Prayer
*Scripture: Colossians 4:2-6
We Study God’s Word: “Words of Grace”
*Response in Song:“Take My Life and Let it Be” R597 vs. 1,2,3, 5
Offertory Prayer
Offering for Local Budget
*Doxology:“My Friends, May You Grow in Grace”
7:00 PM Worship
(*Please stand if you are able)
*Call to Worship
*God’s Greeting
Songs of Praise led byElaine Homan
Prayers of the People led byAl Venhuizen
Offering for Building Fund
*We Study God’s Word: Genesis 14
*Song of Response:“Wonderful Grace of Jesus” R338
*Affirmation of our Faith: “Apostles Creed” G813
*Doxology:“All Glory Laud and Honor” G375 vs. 1-2
We welcome our visitors and hope that you enjoy worshiping with us. If you are presently seeking a church home, we welcome you to join our fellowship. If you would like further information about our church, check out our website at or contact Pastor Craig (324-2249) or the church office (324-2898).
The songs and responsive readings will be displayed on the video screens, but feel free to use the hymnals if you wish. The Celebration Hymnals (R) are located under the pew in front of you.
Large-print bulletinsand children's bulletins are available in the back sanctuary rack. Please feel free to check one of the “Visitor” mail slots in the narthex for additional materials.
Worship Notes
This morning’s offering is forLocal Budget—to pay the church’s operating expenses, which includes the minister’s salary and living expenses, church utilities, support staff wages, and other supplies and services needed to run the church.
This evening’s offering is for the Building Fund—to pay for repairs and purchases for the parsonage, church building, and church equipment, including maintenance of the buildings and grounds and any needed additions to accommodate the growing church.
Verse of the Week:Colossians 4:6“Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”
Our Family
Remember Katie De Jager as she recovers from a broken elbow. We are thankful that her pain is manageable with medicine.
We thank the Lord that Sandy Greenfieldcontinues to improve. Please continue to pray for complete recovery along with relief from the back pain that she continues to struggle with.
Jim Groenewoldunderwent a cardiac aversion this week to get his heart back in rhythm. Please pray for peace as he and Lois wait to see if the procedure will have long-term effects.
Martin and Margaret Miedema are in Arizona, awaiting an early March surgery to remove scar tissue in Martin’s back. Please pray for wisdom for the medical staff and peace for the Miedemas.
Louie and Nancy Wierenga will be celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary with an Open House this Saturday from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM in the church basement. A luncheon buffet will be served. The congregation is invited to join them in celebrating God's goodness and faithfulness to them.
We rejoice with the following who will celebrate an anniversary or birthday this week:
Anniversary: / Feb / Birthday: / FebLouie & Nancy Wierenga / 23 / Kaleb Parmelee / 23
Dan & Clarissa Roets / 24 / Jessica Laabs / 25
Bob & Junice Rens / 26
Word of Thanks
“Thank you for your prayers after Sandy’s surgery.” – Glen & Sandy Greenfield
Church News
Council Notes from February 14, 2011:
- Our Maundy Thursday service will be held at 7:00 PM on April 21.
- The combined Cadets Sunday service will be in our church on May 1 at 7:00 PM.
- Gregg Zonnefeld and Sue Buwalda reported on our church’s vision.
- We have volunteers for the photo directory committee. They will begin their work shortly.
- Pastor Craig presented information on articles written by two professors at CalvinCollege regarding Creation and in particular the question whether Adam and Eve are literal or figurate people. CalvinCollege board will have a meeting to decide the future of these two professors in May, at which time the council will discuss the outcome.
- Elder Dale Huizenga and Pastor Craig Van Hill will be representing us at Classis on Tuesday with Bob Mulder as the alternate.
Monthly Budget Update
7 Months ended January 2011
Fund / Year to Date Receipts / Year to Date Budget / Difference
Local Budget* / 82,354.14 / 81,768.00 / 586.14
Denominational Ministry Shares / 11,741.84 / 43,713.00 / (31,971.16)
Classical Ministry Shares / 9,188.75 / 11,885.00 / (2,696.25)
Faith Promise Fund** / 10,828.08 / 9,100.00 / 1,728.08
*Local Budget balance = $9,609.18 after Designated funds are withdrawn
Building Fund balance = $10,279.61
**Faith Promise Balance = $1,590.14
Have you been looking for a way to help others? With the prisons in our area, we have a wonderful opportunity to help those who have served their time. Circles of Support is an organization that surrounds those who have been imprisoned, helping them to find their place in society. Many of these men and women have little, if any, support and struggle to fit back in. You can help or get more information by calling Danel Burchby at 920-968-6832. You can also pick up a pamphlet on the narthex counter.
The Youth Group will be assembling care packages for our college students on Wednesday, March 2. Due to the large number of college students we currently have we would appreciate any help you can give us. If you are willing to help in any way there is a sign up sheet in the narthex, please put your name by the item needed. All items need to be brought to church and placed in the kitchen by next Sunday, February 27. Thank you for your help, - The Youth Group
Connections/Friendship Bible Study will meet at Bethel CRC tomorrow. Connections at 5:45-6:45 PM; Kids Friendship (ages 7-18) at 5:45-6:45 PM; Adults Friendship at 7:00-8:00 PM.
Classis Wisconsin will be held at 9:00 AM this Tuesday, February 22, at Alto CRC. Members are welcome to attend.Pastor Craig Van Hill and Elder Dale Huizenga will be representing us, with Elder Bob Mulder as the alternate.
Are you ready for Summer? The Youth Group is looking forward to summer because that means they are heading to Grand Rapids for a Serve Project where they will help the homeless, fix up houses, take care of kids, and more. Come out and help them raise money for the trip. When: this Wednesday, from 4:45 PM to 7:00 PM. What's to eat you ask? It is a yummy Baked Potato Bar with all the fixings: chili, sour cream, chives, bacon, and more with salad and brownies with ice cream for dessert.
Women’s Bible Study will meet this Wednesday, 6:30 PM, at Mary Nell’s.
If you are looking for a Bible study to join, come to Randall & Kim Greenfield's house this Thursday. The Third Thursday group will be meeting at 6:00 PM with a meal, followed by Bible study afterwards. No preparation is needed. If you would like to come please call the Greenfields (324-5227) or Pastor Craig (324-2249).
MOPS(Mothers of Preschoolers) will meet at 6:30 PM this Thursday. Please call Gina Homan (324-2662) if you have any questions or need child care for the evening.
Ladies: Grab your favorite project and join us in the church basement this Friday. We’ll start at 6:00 PM. Come when you can and stay as long as you’d like.
Our church is planning a special event to help enrich your Easter season. We will be attending The Passion Play, a powerful musical drama which retells the timeless story in a new, exciting stage production. This event is appropriate for all ages. This event will take place on Saturday, April 16 at 7 PM at Xavier Fine Arts Theatre in Appleton. We will start taking sign-ups in one week.
SWaTwill meet next Sunday at Bethel CRC.Please note the change in date from the 20th. We will meet at 5:00 PM for pizza/sodaand White Elephant exchange, followed by our regular meeting and then attend church. Watch your email for more details.
Needed: Items for the next issue of First Family Ties. Do you have a favorite old photo you are willing to share? Do you have a recipe that needs sharing? Maybe you know something about another member that is newsworthy, or your child has written something worth sharing.... Please help us keep the newsletter full of interesting bits of information by sharing with us—we need your help! Articles can be emailed to Lois at or placed in her mailslot by next Sunday.
Attention Mary/Martha Ladies: We will resume our meetings on Wednesday, March 2, now that our winter break is coming to a close. We invite any new people to join us at 1:30 PM. We will study the first letter of John in this segment of our season.
The youth group will be making SUB Sandwiches on Wednesday, March 16. If you want to order subs, please contact a youth group member by March 6.
Advance Notices:
March 25St. Ben’s Project
April 1 & 8Community Meal Project
School Notes
Looking for a new way to prepare your heart and mind for Easter? Join CWC teacher Matt Hofman for a 6-session Bible study beginning Wednesday, March 9. “Passion Week: the True and Unfamiliar Story” will challenge you to re-examine this most famous of Bible stories. Classes will be held in Mr. Hofman’s room at the secondary campus on Fox Lake Rd. on Wednesdays at 7:00-8:30 PM. Call the school office at 324-4233 or Mr. Hofman at 763-2639 to reserve your spot!
Community Happenings
The annual Easter Cantata practices begin at 5:30 PM today at First Randolph Reformed. Join us in bringing the gospel story of salvation in the cantata "You Thought of Us."
The Senior High Youth Group of Alto Reformed Church will be having a Chili Supper/Auction Fundraiserthis Friday at the AltoCommunity Center to raise money for their mission trip to Baltimore, MD. Chili will be served from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM with the auction immediately following. BIG items on the auction! Come. Eat. Bid. Win. Thanks!
"How to Support Your Aging Parents" is the topic of a seminar this Saturdayfrom 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM at the Trosten Haus (1223 Madison Street, Beaver Dam). The event, planned by the Active Adult Resource Council who also plans the Senior Expo in May, has included a legal presentation, financial and housing options panel with a variety of speakers, information about area services specifically for seniors, and a special luncheon presentation from the Alzheimer's Association.This one-day seminar hopes to help grown children answer pertinentquestionsabout their aging parents. Come away with the knowledge you need when your parents need you. The event is $10 per personand includes lunch. Registration forms may be picked up at Summit Credit Union, Beaver Dam Activities and Services, Murray Funeral Home, SeippelArtsCenter, SIA Insurance Services in Waupun and Mayville Nursing and Rehab in Mayville. For more information or to register by phone, call Doreen Goetsch at 386-3639.
Agnesian HealthCare Hospice Hope is seeking new volunteers. There are as many volunteer opportunities as there are individual preferences for service! Application deadline for the March 26 and April 16 training sessions is Friday, March 4. See the bulletin board for more information.
Community Day of Prayer will be Friday, March 4, at 1:00 PM at Emmanuel Reformed Church. Pastor Cal Vande Zande will be the speaker. Both men and women are urged to support this ecumenical community effort.
ReserveTuesday, April12,for the 21st AnnualBethany Banquet to be held at CentralWisconsinChristianSchool.Anotherenjoyable evening is being planned including a delicious meal. The New Generation Singers from CWCSchoolwill provide the evening’s special music.The purpose of this banquet is to raise support for Bethany Christian Services, an adoption and family services organization.
Around the World
DordtCollege Offers Learning Vacation in Netherlands: There’s still room for you to be part of DordtCollege’s learning vacation to the Netherlands May 17-28, 2011. Don’t miss this opportunity to travel with storyteller James C. Schaap and Professor Leendert van Beek who will share their expertise on Dutch culture and history. This motor coach tour includes medieval castles, the homes of Anne Frank and Corrie Ten Boom, and the Rijksmuseum, and so much more. Cost includes airfare, motel accommodations and most meals. For more information, contact Dianne De Wit at or 712-722-6029 or see full details at
Today:8:15 AM11th/12th Catechism
8:45 AMFirst Fellowship
9:30 AM Morning Worship
10:45 AM4K-10th Sunday School & Catechism
10:45 AMChoir Rehearsal
5:30 PMEaster Cantata Rehearsal @ First Randolph Reformed Church
7:00 PMEvening Worship
Mon:5:45 PMConnections & Kid’s Friendship Bible Study @ Bethel CRC
7:00 PMAdult’s Friendship Bible Study @ Bethel CRC
Tue:9:00 AMClassis Wisconsin @ Alto CRC
Wed:4:45 PM-7:00 PMYPS Fundraiser - Baked Potato Bar
6:30 PMWomen’s Bible Study @ Mary Nell’s
Thu:6:00 PMThird Thursday @ Randall & Kim’s
6:30 PMMOPS @ Bethel CRC
Fri:6:00 PMLadies Night Out (come when you can)
Sat:11:00 AM–2:00 PMWierenga Open House
Next Sun:8:15 AM11th/12th Catechism
8:45 AMFirst Fellowship
Next Week
Laura Ten Pass
Children’s Message
Brian O’Donovan
Children & Worship
Teacher:Brenda Kamphuis
Helpers:Becca Smits
Dylan Vander Berg
Fellowship Coffee
Phil & Mary Nell Hofman
AM – Martin & Margaret Miedema
PM – Wayne & Faith Miedema
Lori Kitchner
Winnojean Scheuers
Marcia Buteyn
Musical Praise
Praise Team 3
Prayer List
Gerald BossenbroekClayton Buteyn
Bea HeidemanJunice Kamphuis
Eugene KikkertMillie Kuiper
Josie LoomanWilma Navis
Minnie Tobak
Wiebe Buwalda as he struggles with weakness and shoulder pain.
Katie De Jager – that her broken elbow will heal quickly and completely.
Sandy Greenfield as she recovers from gall bladder surgery and continues to struggle with back pain.
Jim Groenewold as he struggles with an irregular heart rhythm.
Martin Miedema as he anticipates back surgery.
Arky Navis’ sister (Pat Wetzel) as shedealswith cancer.
Nancy Vande Berg’s sister (Sandy De Maa) as she goes through cancer treatments.
Comfort and relief from pain for Harry Homan.
Brother Bob, Neen, and Angel as Brother Bob’s health declines.
Larry & Trix Daane’s grandson,Jeff Daane(NAS Pensacola, FL)
Sam Daane (Beal AFB, CA)
Jack & Marla De Jager’s nephew,Jonathan Sturing (Fort Carson, CO)
Chaplain Peter Hofman (Afghanistan)
Marge Vande Streek’s grandson, Brian Vande Streek (Afghanistan)
Louie & Nancy Wierenga’s grandson, DevinTerry (Guam)
Charlene Miller’s daughter, Julie, who was diagnosed with a brain disease and Julie’s son, Kyle, who has an eye disease that could cause blindness.