November 2004 Volume 66 Number 5 ISSN 0026-895X


Ca2+ Channels As Integrators of G Protein-Mediated Signaling in Neurons

Jesse Strock and Maria A. Diverse-Pierluissi1071


The Ants Go Marching Two by Two: Oligomeric Structure of G-Protein-Coupled Receptors ID

Jonathan A. Javitch1077


Transcriptional Response to Corticotropin-Releasing Factor in AtT-20 Cells

Pieter J. Peeters, Hinrich W. Gb'hlmann, Use Van den Wyngaert, Sigrid M. Swagemakers,

Luc Bijnens, Stefan U. Kass, and Thomas Steckler1083

A Common Antitussive Drug, Clobutinol, Precipitates the Long QT Syndrome 2

Chloe Bellocq, Ronald Wilders, Jean-Jacques Schott, Benedicte Louerat-Oriou, Pierre Boisseau,

Herve Le Marec, Denis Escande, and Isabelle Baro1093

Mapping of Maurotoxin Binding Sites on hKvl.2, hKvl.3, and hIKCal Channels

Violeta Visan, Ziad Fajloun, Jean-Marc Sabatier, and Stephan Grissmer1103

An Investigation of the Neuroprotective Effects of Tetracycline Derivatives in Experimental Models of Retinal Cell Death

Darryl C. Baptiste, Andrew T. E. Hartwick, Christine A. B. Jollimore, William H. Baldridge,
Gail M. Seigel, and Melanie E. M. Kelly1113

Multiple Interactions between Transmembrane Helices Generate the Oligomeric alb-Adrenoceptor

Juan J. Carrillo, Juan F. Lopez-Gimenez, and Graeme Milligan1123

Biological Activity of the G-Quadruplex Ligand RHPS4 (3,ll-Difluoro-6,8,13-trimethyl-8#-quino[4,3,2-kl] acridinium methosulfate) Is Associated with Telomere Capping Alteration

Carlo Leonetti, Sarah Amodei, Carmen DAngelo, Angela Rizzo, Barbara Benassi, Anna Antonelli, Raffaella Elli, Malcolm F. G. Stevens, Maurizio D'lncalci, Gabriella Zupi, and Annamaria Biroccio 1138

Specific Inhibition of Nuclear Factor-KB-Dependent Inflammatory Responses by Cell Type-Specific
Mechanisms upon A2a Adenosine Receptor Gene Transfer
William A. Sands, Anthony F. Martin, Elaine W. Strong, and Timothy M. Palmer1147

Targeting Ischemic Stroke with a Novel Opener of ATP-Sensitive Potassium Channels in the Brain

Hai Wang, Ying-li Zhang, Xing-Chun Tang, Hua-Song Feng, and Gang Hu1160

A Three-Dimensional Model for the Substrate Binding Domain of the Multidrug ATP Binding Cassette Transporter LmrA

Gerhard F. Ecker, Karin Pleban, Stephan Kopp, Edina Csaszar, Gerrit J. Poelarends,
Monique Putman, Dominik Kaiser, Wil N. Konings, and Peter Chiba1169

The Catecholamine Kelease-Inhibitory "Catestatin" Fragment of Chromogranin A: Naturally Occurring Human Variants with Different Potencies for Multiple Chromaffin Cell Nicotinic Cholinergic Responses

Sushil K. Mahata, Manjula Mahata, Gen Wen, William B. Wong, Nitish R. Mahapatra,
Bruce A. Hamilton, and Daniel T. O'Connor1180

A Model of Inverse Agonist Action at Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone Receptor Type 1: Role of a Conserved Tryptophan in Helix 6

Xinping Lu, Wei Huang, Sharon Worthington, Piotr Drabik, Roman Osman, and
Marvin C. Gershengorn1192

The Low-Potency, Voltage-Dependent HERG Blocker Propafenone—Molecular Determinants and Drug Trapping

Harry J. Witchel, Christopher E. Dempsey, Richard B. Sessions, Matthew Perry, James T, Milnes,
Jules C. Hancox, and John S. Mitcheson1201

A Novel Nonpeptide Ligand for Formyl Peptide Receptor-Like 1

Masakatsu Nanamori, Xiyuan Cheng, Jianghua Mei, Hairong Sang, Yunxia Xuan, Caihong Zhou,
Ming-Wei Wang, and Richard D, Ye1213

5/3-Reduced Neuroactive Steroids Are Novel Voltage-Dependent Blockers of T-Type Ca2+ Channels in
Rat Sensory Neurons in Vitro and Potent Peripheral Analgesics in Vivo
Slobodan M. Todorovic, Sriyani Pathirathna, Barbara C. Brimelow, Miljen M. Jagodic,
Seong-Hoon Ko, Xin Jiang, Kent R. Nilsson, Charles F. Zorumski, Douglas F. Covey, and
Vesna Jevtovic-Todorovic1223

Molecular Determinants of Frequency Dependence and Ca2+ Potentiation of Verapamil Block in the
Pore Region of Ca^l.2
Nejmi Dilmac, Nathan Hilliard, and Gregory H. Hockerman1236

Molecular Dissection of the Butyrate Action Revealed the Involvement of Mitogen-Activated Protein
Kinase in Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Biogenesis
Makoto Sugita, Hiroyasu Kongo, and Yoshiki Shiba1248

RNA Interference Suggests a Primary Role for Monoacylglycerol Lipase in the Degradation of the
Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol
Thien P. Dinh, Satish Kathuria, and Daniele Piomelli1260

Cloning, Up-Regulation, and Mitogenic Role of Porcine P2Y2 Receptor in Coronary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells

Jianzhong Shen, Cheikh I. Seye, Meifang Wang, Gary A. Weisman, Peter A. Wilden, and
Michael Sturek1265

Long-Term Administration of A9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Desensitizes CBr, Adenosine Ax-, and GABAB-
Mediated Inhibition of Adenylyl Cyclase in Mouse Cerebellum
Dana E. Selley, Michael P. Cassidy, Billy R. Martin, and Laura J. Sim-Selley1275

Role of mPKCI, a Novel ja-Opioid Receptor Interactive Protein, in Receptor Desensitization,
Phosphorylation, and Morphine-Induced Analgesia
Wei Guang, Hongyan Wang, Tao Su, I. Bernard Weinstein, and Jia Bei Wang1285

His452Tyr Polymorphism in the Human 5-HT2A Receptor Destabilizes the Signaling Conformation

Lisa A. Hazelwood and Elaine Sanders-Bush1293

p53 Elevation in Relation to Levels and Cytotoxicity of Mono- and Bifunctional Melphalan-DNA
Katherine A. Gould, Catty Nixon, and Michael J. Tilby1301

Kinin BxReceptors Stimulate Nitric Oxide Production in Endothelial Cells: Signaling Pathways Activated by Angiotensin I-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Peptide Ligands

Tatjana Ignjatovic, Sinisa Stanisavljevic, Viktor Brovkovych, Randal A. Skidgel, and

Ervin G. Erdos1310

RNF4 Is a Coactivator for Nuclear Factor Y on GTP Cyclohydrolase I Proximal Promoter

Sheng-Ming Wu, Wen-Chih Kuo, Wuh-Liang Hwu, Kuo-Yuan Hwa, Roberto Mantovani, and

Yu-May Lee....1317

Reciprocal Signaling between the Transcriptional Co-Factor Eya2 and Specific Members of the Gai
Alan C. Embry, Jennifer L. Glick, Maurine E. Linder, and Patrick J. Casey1325

Modulation of Cellular Cholesterol Alters P-Glycoprotein Activity in Multidrug-Resistant Cells

Joachim Troost, Heike Lindenmaier, Walter Emil Haefeli, and Johanna Weiss1332

The Involvement of PTEN in Sleep Deprivation-Induced Memory Impairment in Rats

Chun-Lin Su, Chun-Hung Chen, Hsin-Yi Lu, and Po-Wu Gean1340

Protein Thiol Modification by 15-deoxy-A12'14-Prostaglandin J2 Addition in Mesangial Cells: Role in the Inhibition of Pro-inflammatory Genes

Francisco J. Sanchez-Gomez, Eva Cernuda-Morollon, Konstantinos Stamatakis, and
Dolores Perez-Sala1349

Correction to "Maitotoxin induces biphasic interleukin-1/3 secretion and membrane blebbing in murine
