/ Minutes of Event Safety Advisory Group
15 January 2014

Sean Suckling, Food & Safety Unit, City of York Council - Chair

Janice Cockerill, Licensing Services, City of York Council

Lesley Cooke, Licensing Services, City of York Council

Alex Fletcher, Health & Safety, City of York Council

Pat Dalby, Electrical Engineer, City of York Council

Alistair Briggs, Network Management, City of York Council

Jim Breen, Emergency Planning, City of York Council

Paul Beckwith, North Yorkshire Police

Mick Wilkinson, North Yorkshire Police

Jack Ewing, Yorkshire Ambulance Service

Simon Meynell, North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service

Gill Cooper, Events & Festivals, City of York Council

Liz Topi, Events & Festivals, City of York Council

Helen Ridge, Events & Festivals, City of York Council

Dominic Berry, Events & Festivals, City of York Council

Dave Fleming, Events & Festivals, City of York Council

1.Apologies for absence

John Fowler

2. / Role and Responsibility of the SAG
a) SS introduced a discussion on the role and responsibility of the SAG:
  • SAGdirected to advice produced by HSE -
  • Must make applicants know if the SAG has not considered anyaspects of an event (eg health and safety, fire). Agreed to look at developing a pro-forma to record this.
  • Where event manual/details are not submitted in sufficient time, acknowledged that the group may not be able to properly consider an event. Where this happens we must make the event organiser aware.
  • There is still a perception that the SAG ‘approves’ events. SAG role is to provide independent advice to event organisers, who retain the legal responsibility for ensuring a safe event.
  • Clarified that where CYC is the event organiser or co-organiser, or has legal responsibilities by virtue of its control of premises / land, it cannot rely on the SAG process to discharge its legal responsibilities.
  • CYC events team advised that they can stop events where event manuals aren’t provided by required timescales.
b) A working group will be set up to revise existing guidance for event organisers and to create a proforma for event feedback to organisers. / JC, AF & PB to revise guidance
3. / Brass Monkey Half Marathon
19 January 2014
a) PB stated that this was an event which had been held for 30 years and had gradually grown in size over time, this year it is a substantial event with approx 1500 runners participating. It has never been brought to the attention of SAG previously. The event manual had recently been circulated to SAG members. A traffic management company employed by the organisers had liaised with highways authorities and road closures were in place for the start of the event.
b) Whilst not wishing to deter the event, serious concerns were raised in relation to runner / traffic interaction on the route.
c) SS to write to organisers immediately expressing concerns and asking for them to be addressed throughout the race by robust stewarding on route.
d) Agreed that more robust measures needed to be in place for next year’s event. AB suggested that organisers may need to consider signage on route and limiting participant numbers.
e) Organisers to be invited to a de-brief after this year’s event and to attend SAG about June time to discuss next year’s event.
f) AB to investigate any powers available to regulate events on the highway. / SS to write immediately to organiser to highlight concerns.
Organisers to be invited to a de-brief after event and to a future SAG meeting to discuss next year’s event.
4. / Jorvik Viking Festival
22 February 2014
a) Event manual had been submitted and circulated to all members. DB had discussed risk assessments (RAs) for fireworks with AF.
b) AF stated that RAs needed to specifically address;
- working out distances and clarifying the drop zone area
- the securing of grass platforms
- clarification of spectator location.
c) DB stated in addition to main event at the Eye of York there would be a marquee containing information stands in St Sampsons Square and a marquee in Parliament Street. The market will also be in Parliament Street at the same time.
d) AB stated he had not had time to consider the manual in relation to road closures, but would do so in the next week and feed back to the group. / DB to address points raised by AF and feedback to JC to circulate to SAG.
AB to feedback on need for road closures.
5. / Tour de France
6 July 2014
a) GC gave a brief outline of event and stated that a ‘SuperSAG’ was being formed (possibly by late May) to oversee the event from the regional perspective. It is yet to be determined whether local SAGs will deal with spectator levels. There will be 7,000 volunteer marshalls trained for the whole event. The central city area, Campleshon Road and Bishopthorpe Road areas will be fully barriered. Event expected to finish about 12:30pm.
b) SS queried whether food businesses would be allowed to place stalls on route. GC stated that probably wouldn’t allow anything on the footpaths in city centre. Any queries re street trading during event should be referred to LT. GC also stated need to re-locate regular street traders in city centre for the event.
c) AF stated HSE had concerns re the use of demountable structures and would be carrying out sampling visits throughout event.
d) LT and Mike Brown overseeing pop-up campsites and people intending to set up campsites for the event will be invited to register on website.
e) GC stated that shops and licensed premises would be encouraged to open early as this would assist in making refreshments and toilets available to spectators.
f) GC will provide plans of barriered areas asap in order that licensed premises etc can be advised of the potential for fire exits to be blocked by spectators. / GC and LC to discuss re-locating street traders.
6. / Tour de France Cultural Festival
a) HR stated that numerous 3rd party events were being planned in the lead up to the TDF, details of events will be provided at the end of January. Bishopthorpe Road residents were planning a street party on the day of TDF. GC stated that advice for holding street parties to be found on the website.
b) JB requested that full details of events planned for the day be forwarded asap as this may help in planning for crowd control and crowd movement.
c) PB suggested that there was a need to look at support provisions for the public once the TDF had passed through the city leaving large numbers of spectators behind.
d) GC advised that after TDF was finished the regular market would be held on Parliament Street whilst the market area was being refurbed. As a result the Food and Drink Festival will be held between 20 to 29 June this year. / HR to provide spreadsheet of events once available.
7. / De-Brief
Illuminating York
a) DB reported no problems. AF stated visitor feedback was good.
York Marathon
a) LT stated event in the main went well, the minutes of the de-brief had been circulated and minor problem points identified would be addressed for this year’s event.
b) Attention to be paid to changes to the route where it doubled back on itself, as it had not been possible to get medical aid into that area. There would also need to be changes to route where it will be affected by building work being carried out at the University at the time the marathon takes place.
Kaboom Fireworks
a) DB reported that there were numerous problems including staffing and noise which he will be addressing with the organiser at a meeting at the end of January. The site had not been set up as indicated on the plan of the event layout due to the fairground turning up early and locating near to the entrance.
b) HR reported that event organiser and safety officer were not contactable and control room unmanned for most of the event.
b) SS to liaise with Charlie Croft to discuss serious concerns highlighted by SAG members.
Dringhouses Sports & Social Club Fireworks
a) PB reports that at the event people were congregating on St Helen’s Road Bridge overlooking the sports ground to view the fireworks. They were spilling onto the road and leaning against the bridge railings which did not appear to be very secure.
b) SAG had not been made aware of the event prior to it taking place. JC will write to the club, to express concerns and invite them to submit event manual to SAG for advice prior to next event. As bridge railings believed to be property of Network Rail, JC will contact them to make them aware of the state of the railings.
St Nic’s Fayre and Festive Fayre
a) DB reported problems in setting up the event and that he considered the event was now too big to manage from a safety aspect.
b) GC stated that she was looking to address the problems by considering introducing a pedestrian one-way system and/or spreading the duration and location of the event.
c) AF reported that chalet roofs had blown off in the high winds experienced on the Thursday of the event because they had not been fitted properly and securely. There had been a build up of waste on site on the Sunday as there had been no collection, this presented a fire risk. There was no fire fighting equipment on the stalls; each required either an extinguisher or fire blanket.
d) DB stated that whole event had been closed on the Thursday due to the weather.
e) PB suggested looking at changing hut design/construction in order to increase space.
f) SM stated that individual fire risk assessments should be provided by each stall and recommended the stall holder are given a proforma to complete to cover this requirement. Also a document should be given to each stallholder setting out expectations of traders taking part.
g) SS suggested that a working group be formed to discuss operation of the next event.
Festival of Angels
a) GC stated that she had attended a meeting with Steve Burrill, the police traffic management officer, prior to the event. They discussed the concerns he had had with last year’s event relating to congestion and emergency vehicle access. Concerns addressed at this year’s festival and problems resolved. DB stated that the footprint of the event had increased to previous years.
b) PB suggested limiting the size and content of participating stalls for future events. He stated all stalls should be easily moveable in an emergency; points to consider how much street space and how moveable are the structures.
c) LC confirmed that congestion in Little Stonegate had been caused by stalls from Kennedy’s and Banyan. She also stated that there was extensive use of indoor electrical wiring being used outside and use of multiple electrical extensions. Also some stalls being still being set up as customers congregated.
d) AF stated early planning for next event was essential and information relayed to participants in good time prior to the event so they are made aware of the criteria of stall size etc.
New Year’s Eve
a) LT reported that evening had been marred by young people under influence of alcohol. Anti-social behaviour started about 9:00pm and the private ambulance had been kept busy until 2:00am dealing with, drunk young people including an 11 year old.
b) AB stated that having viewed CCTV coverage of the night there needs to be a road closure in place for Blake Street as well as Duncombe Place for next year’s event.
c) GC stated that if Blake Street were closed arrangements would need to be made to relocate the taxi rank on St Sampsons Square, as taxis would not be able to access it. / SS to liaise with Charlie Croft
JC to write to club.
DB, AF & SM to action.
8. / Touring Events (circus /stunt show type of events)
a) PB questioned whether these events should be brought to the attention of the SAG.
b) GC stated that any event held on council land would be brought to the attention of SAG, but it was agreed that it was not possible to monitor events on private land.
c) PB requested event manual for the 2014 Monster Truck Event to be held on council land to be submitted to SAG.
9. / Road Closures for Public Events
a) AB stated that an amended guidance was being prepared and he would consult further with PB once completed.
10 / Any Other Business
a) JE stated that he was standing down from SAG and Paul Brown would be taking his place. SS thanked him for his contribution to SAG over the years.

Next meeting to be held at 10:30am on Wednesday 12 February 2014

in The Green Meeting Room, West Offices