Franklin Regional Middle School PTO

Meeting Minutes

November 15, 20179:30 AM - LGI


Members present: Paula Fetsko, Becky Maiman, Deb Rhea, Kate Sell, Nancy McCartland, Siobhan Bogler, Chris Sadoski

I. Call to Order: Paula Fetsko at9:38 AM

II. Welcome and Introduction ofMembers (Paula Fetsko)

III. Guest Speakers

  1. Career Connections Series (Mr. Coiner)
  1. Parents come in to talk about their careers to give students opportunities to discover which ones they like and don’t like- second year
  2. Part of the 339 Plan- a Career Guidance Plan that all districts have to complete
  3. There are 16 different career clusters- they’d like to have a speaker from each one
  4. Looking for speakers having jobs in Agriculture, the Arts, and a Food Scientist
  1. Holiday Help Program (Mr. Coiner)
  1. District is working together with Murrysville Alliance Church to provide assistance to families in need this holiday season. Call your child’s counselor or the Church office at (724) 327-7206.
  2. Forms were sent home for families who need help and those who would like to help with donations. Both are due by Friday, November 17.
  1. Volunteer Clearance Policy Update (Marlena Lang)
  1. Policy was updated in October- secretaries have since been trained
  2. Information can be accessed online on the District Website under the Parents/Community Tab by clicking on the Volunteer in Our Schools link or via the Policy Manual Tab under Policy 916 which addresses volunteers
  3. All volunteers must get the Child Abuse Clearance and PA Criminal History Check (PATCH)- these are free and can be completed online
  4. Level II Volunteers are also required to get their FBI Fingerprinting- these are volunteers who will have direct contact with students/will be alone with them, for example, coaches, tutors, chaperones
  5. Level I Volunteers can just sign the Affidavit if you’ve lived in Pennsylvania for the past 10 years- these are volunteers who just work in the buildings or help with school parties
  6. TB Tests are required if you volunteer for 10 hours or more per week- only once- costs $25
  7. All volunteers need to fill out a 6004 Form (available on the website)
  8. Volunteers should fill out a Volunteer Application so the district has a way to contact you- will be required starting next year (available on the website)
  9. Clearance Workshop was cancelled- will be rescheduled at a later date
  10. NOTE: Can’t get fingerprinting done from November 18-28- they are switching from Cogent to another company

IV. Secretary’s Report (Paula Fetsko)

A. September 13, 2017 Minutes- motion to approve by Nancy McGartland, second by Debby Rhea

V. Treasurer’s Report (Becky Maiman)

A. Becky corrected a previous error- changed our starting budget to $15,835.09- motion to approve by

Kate Sell, second by Nancy McGartland

B. Gifts Miscellaneous- Book Fair raised $1,153.20 in donations for the Mauriceville School in

Texas- the money was used to buy books for their library that was flooded during the recent hurricanes- Mrs. Belgiovane picked out books from the Book Fair and bought some on Amazon- $1,158.20 was spent- the PTO contributed the extra money

  1. October Budget Approval – motion by Debby Rhea, second by Siobhan Bogler

VI. Administrative Report- Mr. Leviski shared that the district raised over $15,000 for hurricane victims in Texas- there will be a video on the district website detailing these efforts

VII. New Business

  1. Introduced new Fundraising Chairperson- Nancy McGartland
  2. Fund Drive Fundraiser Raffle
  1. Raffling off 4 Penguins Tickets, 2 Fitbits, an HP Touch Screen Laptop that Nancy had donated from different sponsors [Monterey Bay Fish Grotto, Tedesco Body Shop, East Suburban Sports Medicine Center (ESSMC), and Bowser Automotive Group]
  2. Dr. St. Amant helped to get a baseball autographed by Josh Harrison from the Pirates
  3. We decided to include $10 gift cards to Dunkin Donuts and Starbucks too (several of each)
  4. Forms were given to Homeroom Teachers twice, could also be accessed via the PTO Website, Facebook Page, and the Constant Contact Message that was sent out
  5. Advertised daily on Prime Time, weekly in the eavesdropper, and by way of Constant Contact messages- Mr. Leviski to send out a final reminder via Constant Contact/Global Connect Call
  6. Any donation amount enters students in the raffle
  7. Donations are due by Friday, November 17
  8. Drawing held on Monday, November 20 by the principals during Prime Time
  1. Looking at additional fundraising options- decided to sell Kids Stuff Coupon Books in January- also considering selling Sarris Candy at Easter and holding fundraisers at Panera
  2. The PTO registered with Amazon Smile- go to to sign up- choose to donate to FRMS (Franklin Regional Middle School) PTO- make Amazon purchases there and the PTO will earn .5% from each qualifying purchase

VIII. CommitteeReports

  1. Coffee Fundraiser (Deb Rhea)
  1. Sold 206 bags of coffee (goal was 800)- earned $907
  2. Interest is waning- not planning to do this Fundraiser next year

B. Book Fair(Kate Sell)

1. $5,542.16 in total sales- the PTO earned $1,385.60

C. Premiums Programs - Box Tops (Paula Fetsko)

1. Collected 6,669 Box Tops for our first submission

2. Combined with earnings from the Bonus Box Top App our first check in December should be

for $669.90- that’s 66% of our goal of $1,100

  1. Next submission date is March 1- keep sending in Box Tops
  1. PTO Activity Night- next one scheduled for November 17 from 7-9 in the school caf/gym

IX. Adjournment: by Paula Fetsko at 11:31a.m.

Next PTO Meeting: January 17, 2017 at 9:30 a.m. in the LGI