Mr K Mear (Chairman), Mr C Dinsdale OBE, Mr C Ellis, Mr P Haines, Mrs N Litchfield, Mr D Richards, Mr D Venn
Mrs C Smeaton (CountyCouncillor)
Mr C Bishop (District Councillor)
18 members of the public
He reported that crime in the area remained very low, one of the lowest in Somerset. In the last month there had been 29 calls to the police for the Bradford on Tone area, seven of which had been for a fallen tree between Oake and Bradford on Tone. He reminded people that Power Tool Etchings take place at Build Base on the first Wednesday of each month between 12 and 2 pm and it was free! Mr Dinsdale thanked PCSO McAteer for his presence in the village.
Mike Lewis and Simon Briggs from Somerset Education Authority gave a short presentation on the consultation proposals for the above schools. The three linked proposals were:
(1)To close Oake and BradfordCommunityPrimary School wef 31 August 2010.
(2)To close Nynehead VC Primary School wef 31 August 2010.
(3)To open a new church school on the Oake and Bradford site wef 1 September 2010.
Mr Lewis gave Councillors a résumé of the background to the proposals, what was being proposed, what other issues the Governors faced, transport implications, what was a religious character and what about transfer to a secondary school.
There had been various meetings and drop-in sessions at both schools. The closing date for responses to the consultation document was 24 November 2008. There followed a short question and answer session, after which Mr Lewis and Mr Briggs were thanked by Mr Mear for their attendance.
A number of residents from Tone Green had attended the meeting in support of a letter written by Mr Johnsonof Willow Cottage, which again asked for traffic calming measures in Tone Green. He said there was a serious cause for concern with nine accidents in the last six months. The County Council did not record non-injury accidents. Mr Haines said the main problem was commuter traffic using Bradford on Tone as a shortcut to the motorway and A38.
Mrs Vernon spoke of the dangers to pedestrians and cyclists through the village, particularly at Berry’s Corner and outside the White Horse Inn. She asked that traffic calming measures be extended right through Bradford on Tone. Mr Dinsdale reiterated that the safe management of pedestrians through the village needed to be addressed.
After further discussions between County Councillor Smeaton, residents and Parish Councillors, it was agreed to hold an urgent site meeting at Tone Green with Mr Titcombe from the Highways Authority. The meeting needed to be held between 8 and 9 am during the working week and during the school period.
Mr Mear said that a special Council Meeting could be held early in the New Year to consider traffic calming throughout the village, but currently any site meeting should concentrate on the Tone Green area.
Mrs Smeaton left at 8.55 pm and Mr Bishop arrived at 8.55 pm.
The draft minutes, having been circulated, were taken as read and signed as correct. The proposer was Mr Haines, seconded by Mr Richards.
7.1English Courtyard Developments Ltd
The Clerk reported that this Company had gone into administration.
7.2Change of use at Trefusis Lodge Farm, Tone Green, Bradford on Tone
Councillors noted that Taunton Deane Borough Council had served an Enforcement Notice on the owner of this property. The reason was that without planning permission the owner had demolished the south east facing wall of the barn and partially demolished the remaining three walls of the barn and thereafter reconstructed the walls, erecting a two storey building. The Notice required the owner to demolish the building concerned in its entirety. The Notice took effect on 24 November 2008, unless an appeal was made beforehand.
7.3Residential Development at Cosy Nook, Bradford on Tone
A Breach of Condition Notice had been issued regarding the surface of the driveways and the relocation of the telegraph pole away from the edge of the public highway to the back of the footway. The Notice had 28 days before it came into effect and a compliance time of 28 days. Therefore the work was required to be carried out by 4 December 2008.
7.4Bradford on Tone Post Box
The Clerk had still not received a response from Royal Mail regarding the replacement of the existing post box by one with a larger aperture. A letter of complaint had been sent to Royal Mail Headquarters in Glasgow.
7.5Litter Bins
The Clerk said that no suitable litter bins had yet been chosen but he had sought the help of Taunton Deane Direct Labour Organisation.
These meetings were a mechanism whereby local communities would decide the priority issue which needed addressing. The relevant agency (eg Police/Council/Local Authority) would then be obliged to deal with the issue. Councillors decided that excessive speeding in the parish was the priority problem which should be addressed by PACT. Sergeant Bell at Wellington Police Station had suggested that PACT could appear on the Council’s agenda on a quarterly basis.
The Clerk reported that a new Model Publication Scheme had been prepared and approved by the Information Commissioner. It could be adopted without modification and without further approval but by 31 December 2008. The Scheme would be valid until further notice. A copy of the Scheme had been circulated to Councillors and is attached as Appendix 1.
On the proposal of Mr Haines, seconded by Mr Venn, it was unanimously agreed to adopt the scheme without modification. The Clerk said it was also necessary for the Parish Council to produce and publish methods by which specific information was made routinely available and updated so that it could be easily identified and accessed by members of the public. The Clerk would arrange this.
A further letter had been sent to Jeremy Browne MP claiming that the accident data collected by the County Council did not reflect the true picture of the numerous shunts and incidents which occurred in the vicinity of this junction.
A Hele resident had asked if the Parish Council could co-ordinate rubbish collections around Hele similar to those in Blagdon Hill, where volunteers periodically collected all rubbish.
Mr Venn said that some residents already picked up rubbish and he did not think there was a need for further action. This was agreed by Councillors.
Mr Haines had made a number of minor amendments to the new set of Standing Orders. On the proposal of Mr Dinsdale, seconded by Mr Haines, the amendments were approved. A copy of the revised Standing Orders is attached as Appendix 2.
The minutes of the meetings held on 8 July, 9 September, 5 and 26 October 2008 were taken as read and signed as correct. The proposer for 8 July was Mr Venn, seconded by Mr Richards. For the other minutes the proposer was Mr Richards, seconded by Mr Ellis.
13.2.1Conversion of garage to habitable accommodation, erection of detached car port and sheds at Oakview, HeathertonPark, Bradford on Tone. Parish Council met 8 July 2008 (Mr Mear declared a personal interest) – no objection.
13.2.2Display of church noticeboard, St Giles Church, Bradford on Tone. Parish Council met 9 September 2008. As on previous occasions where the Parish Council is the applicant, it was represented on site only to answer questions and made no comment.
13.2.3Erection of single storey extensions including link to garage, revised application to 07/2008/005 at The Warren, Heatherton Park, Bradford on Tone. Parish Council met 5 October 2008 – no objection.
13.2.4Management works to one fir at the Village Hall, Bradford on Tone (Conservation area). Parish Council met 26 October 2008. Following professional advice Councillors decided that for safety reasons and so as not to damage the adjoining wall, the fir tree should be completely removed.
13.2.5Erection of a two storey side extension at Haye, HeathertonPark, Bradford on Tone. Parish Council met 26 October 2008 – no comments.
Other Matters
13.2.6Erection of an industrial building at Fideoak Mill, Bishops Hull. Councillors discussed this application which, although outside the parish boundary, could have increased traffic implications through the hamlet of Hele. They considered the road through Hele was narrow with bends and already suffered from excessive traffic flows from other businesses. The application had not given sufficient traffic flow information. The Clerk would reply appropriately to Taunton Deane Borough Council.
13.2.7Appeal lodged against decision of Local Planning Authority to refuse planning permission for the removal of the agricultural tie condition at The Willows, Broom Lane, Oake. The Parish Council had made no comment on the original application dated 21 February 2008. There was nothing further to add.
13.2.8Mr Venn referred to the application to allow accommodation to be used in connection with the use of the existing house as a single family dwelling or rented accommodation at The Old Granary, Hele, Bradford on Tone. He had attended the Borough Council’s Planning Committee and spoken in favour of the application. Councillors had gone against the officer’s recommendation and approved the application.
13.3.1See 13.2.2 above – permission granted 3 October 2008.
13.3.2See 13.2.3 above – permission granted 29 October 2008.
14.1Accounts for Payment£
14.1.1Clerk’s salary October/November436.28
(Clerk’s revised salary wef 1 April 2008 NALC/SLCC)
14.1.2Clerk’s salary increase backdated to 1 April 2008 31.20
14.1.3Clerk’s expenses October/November 39.09
14.1.4Hire of Chant Room 17 September 2008 5.50
14.1.5British Legion wreath 22.00
14.1.6Printing costs for Standing Orders and amendments 48.00
14.1.7Maintenance of churchyard (to include TDBC grant of £420)592.20
14.1.8J Matthews – work on website 10.00
On the proposal of Mr Venn, seconded by Mr Ellis, it was unanimously agreed to approve these payments.
14.3Bank Balances
After taking the above transactions into account, the Parish Council’s bank balances totalled £2,930.
14.4Half Yearly Internal Audit
Mr Richards had carried out a successful audit of the Parish Council’s accounts.
14.5Budget and Estimated Precept for 2009/2010
The Clerk presented the budget and estimated precept, a copy of which is attached to the minutes as Appendix 3. He said that bearing in mind the external auditors’ comments on the Parish Council’s low reserves in 2007 it was important to maintain a reasonable level of reserves. The Clerk had suggested a precept of £5,000 for 2009/2010, a reduction of £250 compared to the current year. After a short discussion and on the proposal of Mr Richards, seconded by Mr Dinsdale, it was unanimously agreed to ask Taunton Deane Borough Council for a precept of £5,000 for 2009/2010.
15.1Taunton Deane Borough Council – BT Public Callbox proposals
15.2Community Partnerships in Taunton Deane
15.3Update on proposed works to alleviate flooding at Tone Green
16.1Berry’s Corner pothole reported to Dennis Quick 13 November.
16.2TDBC Strategic Housing Market Assessment 26 November
16.3East Nynehead road closed 19 December 1 night
16.4Allerford Road, Oake closed 5 December 1 night
16.5TDBC Homefinder update
16.6Network Rail was to put up a 15m high mast on railway land close to Trefusis Farm. The work which would improve signalling would start on 4 December. The Clerk had spoken to John Hardy, Enforcement Officer, TDBC. Network Rail had statutory powers under permitted development and were exempt from planning legislation.
16.7Mr Venn said he was relieved to see that flood alleviation works had been carried out on the A38 near Three Bridges. It had involved traffic lights, seven men and two lorries over a period of three days. He suggested a letter of thanks be sent to the Highway Authority, but commenting that it had taken a long time for the works to be carried out.
Mr Ellis raised the issue of a Parish Plan being prepared. He thought it would be to the benefit of parishioners by getting them involved in long term proposals/objectives in the parish.
Mr Dinsdale said that Parish Plans had been discussed in the past but Councillors had thought the time and effort put in by villages and expense involved would not have been worth the potential gains and commitment.
After some discussion Councillors agreed to take no further action.
The next meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 21 January 2009 at 7.30 pm in the Chant Room, Village Hall, Bradford on Tone.
Items for the agenda should be with the Clerk at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
The meeting ended at 9.40 pm.