2011-2012 Annual Report for Academic Support Committee
Daniel Graham
Tracy Livingston
Kenny Sibal
Alex Spatariu
David Durham
Don Blakeman
Helen Beaven
Sara Maria Rivas
Kenneth Sibal
Megan Norris
Rachel Woodall
Alec Lewis
· The committee explored ways that faculty could meet technology accommodations for special guests and guest speakers when the times of the events are after five. Since hiring outside personnel was not possible the best solution according to ITS is to plan ahead and make appointments with the ITS personnel to go through all the equipment needed to be prepare for any problems.
· We discussed with Winnie Bratcher about the available accommodations for students with special needs. Winnie indicated the available classrooms for special needs: First floor of Pawling(101, 102, 105, 106) and LRC (003, 012, 015, 150, 301 and Arnette room, First floor of Asher(102, 112, 131, 132, 133)
· Solved the petition of Dr. Borrallo-Solis for a code free DVD machine to watch European Films. Waiting for Dr. Borrallo Solis to specify the machine she thinks is best for the needs.
· Invited Jo Anna Fryman for an orientation of the issues that can be solved through the Provost Office.
· We dedicated extensive time to Dr. Allen’s request for possible solutions providing academic accommodations to students with disabilities on GC’s campus through the Counseling Center, and other committees and as a result:
· Invited Dr. Lloyd Clark to discuss the process of assigning academic accommodations for students with disabilities.
· Shared information regarding the special challenges professors have to face when he/she have a student with disabilities. This data was acquired through meetings with other committees dealing with professors ambivalence of what is to expect from them.
· We updated and expanded a sample form for exam proctoring or academic accommodations for testing/exam situations for to students with disabilities on GC’s campus
· We identified the real situation with students with special needs in Georgetown College. 37 students are identified but it is not a real number.
· Suggested possible solutions for the professor when they have to proctor special students with exams. The idea of Graduate students proctoring proved not to be a reliable solution due to the times that have available to help since most of the graduate students study and also have a job.
We suggested setting up a rotation of faculty and staff members to hold proctoring hours a few times a week to help with the proctoring and other special accommodations
· We dealt with various more minor issues and questions as they were brought before the committee.