PPM1O Health Unit (April 2009)


Your assignment is to identify several local sexual health resources and plot their locations on a Google map.

To use Google Maps:

  1. Proceed to http://maps.google.ca
  2. Click on the "My Maps" button"
  3. Sign in to your Google account. If you do not have a Google account you must create one. Click "create an account now" located on the right and follow the instructions. Return to step 2.
  4. Click "create a new map" and name it. Your map should use the following format for naming: John Doe's Sexual Health Map (replace John Doe with your name!)
  5. Using the search function locate the required items and plot them.
  6. Save your map and print it and the associated pages. Make sure your name is on it and submit it to me before period 1 of the next day you have gym.

You need to locate and plot the following items:

·  Your house

·  A hospital located close to your house

·  Two other Toronto hospitals

·  Five City of Toronto sexual health clinics

·  A needle exchange location

·  The University of Toronto Student Health Service



Level 1 (below 60%) / Level 2 (60%-69%) / Level 3 (70%-79%) / Level 4 (80%+)
Knowledge / Demonstrates limited
knowledge of facts and terms / Demonstrates moderate
knowledge of facts and terms / Demonstrates considerable
knowledge of facts and terms / Demonstrates thorough
knowledge of facts and terms
Thinking Skills / Uses thinking skills with limited effectiveness / Uses thinking skills with moderate effectiveness / Uses thinking skills with considerable effectiveness / Uses thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness
Communication / Communicates information
and ideas
with limited clarity / Communicates information
and ideas
with some clarity / Communicates information
and ideas
with considerable clarity / Communicates information
and ideas
with a high degree of clarity
Inquiry Skills / Applies few of the skills involved in an
Inquiry process / Applies some of the skills involved in an
Inquiry process / Applies most of the skills involved in an
Inquiry process / Applies all or almost all of the skills involved in an inquiry process

This assignment will be marked out of 10.