PPM1O Health Unit (April 2009)
Your assignment is to identify several local sexual health resources and plot their locations on a Google map.
To use Google Maps:
- Proceed to http://maps.google.ca
- Click on the "My Maps" button"
- Sign in to your Google account. If you do not have a Google account you must create one. Click "create an account now" located on the right and follow the instructions. Return to step 2.
- Click "create a new map" and name it. Your map should use the following format for naming: John Doe's Sexual Health Map (replace John Doe with your name!)
- Using the search function locate the required items and plot them.
- Save your map and print it and the associated pages. Make sure your name is on it and submit it to me before period 1 of the next day you have gym.
You need to locate and plot the following items:
· Your house
· A hospital located close to your house
· Two other Toronto hospitals
· Five City of Toronto sexual health clinics
· A needle exchange location
· The University of Toronto Student Health Service
Knowledge / Demonstrates limited
knowledge of facts and terms / Demonstrates moderate
knowledge of facts and terms / Demonstrates considerable
knowledge of facts and terms / Demonstrates thorough
knowledge of facts and terms
Thinking Skills / Uses thinking skills with limited effectiveness / Uses thinking skills with moderate effectiveness / Uses thinking skills with considerable effectiveness / Uses thinking skills with a high degree of effectiveness
Communication / Communicates information
and ideas
with limited clarity / Communicates information
and ideas
with some clarity / Communicates information
and ideas
with considerable clarity / Communicates information
and ideas
with a high degree of clarity
Inquiry Skills / Applies few of the skills involved in an
Inquiry process / Applies some of the skills involved in an
Inquiry process / Applies most of the skills involved in an
Inquiry process / Applies all or almost all of the skills involved in an inquiry process
This assignment will be marked out of 10.