Department of Linguistics Research Grant Application Form (2013-2014):Faculty
-If you are applying for funding for more than one project, use a separate form for each project.
-Submit the form as a Word file to by 5 pm November 22, 2013.
-The average award amount per application for 2012-2013 was $324.
1 / Name of Investigator2 / Title of project
3 / Email
6 / Request type / Research expense: ( ) participants ; ( ) equipment
Research travel: ( ) Canada ; ( ) USA ; ( ) Other
Conference: ( ) Canada ; ( ) USA ; ( ) Other
7 / Dates of travel or research activities
9 / Sum requested
10 / Applied for other sources of funding for this project? / ( ) No
( )Yes
funding source: :
11 / Conference information
(For conference requests only) / Name:
Estimated number of participants:
Abstract is accepted:( ) Yes ( ) Not yet
12Project Description (up to 150 words)
13Detailed Budget
a. PARTICIPANTS (Number of participants * Hourly rate = Total)
[Normal participant pay for English speakers is $10/hour and consultants for fieldwork are generally paid between $15 and $30 per hour. The rate may vary depending on the population, task, location, and other conditions.]
b. TRAVEL(Conference or research)
[Provide estimated costs of transportation and lodging and provide supporting documents (e.g., printout fromtravel websites).]
14Budget Justification
a. PARTICIPANTS (50 words max)
[Provide justifications for the number of participants you are requesting,taking into consideration other similar studies in the literature.]
b. RESEARCH TRAVEL (50 words max)
[Provide justifications for the location of research and explain why the same research cannot be conducted in Toronto.]
c. CONFERENCE TRAVEL (50 words max)
[Explain the importance of this conference in the context of your research.]
15Contingency plan(100 words max)
[Given the limited amount of funding available, your request may not be funded at 100%. Describe your contingency plan in case of partial funding. (e.g., other funding sources, possible modifications to the research plan, an alternative conference, etc.)]
16Funding history
[If you have previously received support from SIG, list the year, the amount awarded, the amount spent, and the result of the activity.]
Date / Amount awarded / Total spent: / Result of activity:17Ethics approval
Any research involving human participants requires ethics approval. Approval is given at the Department level for linguistic elicitation and at the Research Ethics Board for all other research. If you do not yet have ethics approval, funds cannot be released until you receive it.
Protocol needed? ( ) Yes ( ) No
Protocol number: Date of approval:
November 2013