MARKS: 150

TIME: 3 hours

This memorandum consists of 10 pages.

This Question Paper is the intellectual property of Karen Nelsen and St. Cyprians Girls High. You may use this paper or individual questions from it, to examine your grade 11 learners for the end -of-Year examination (November) - writtensection -task 7. But you must acknowledge ownership of the content. Thank you Karen for sharing your excellent work with the educators.


1. You have been allocated TEN minutes reading time before the

start of the examination.

2. Read through the paper carefully before answering questions.

3. This question paper consists of TWO sections.

4. SECTION A consists of THREE questions:

·  QUESTION 1: Essay Question: A Doll’s House

·  QUESTION 2: Realism and Modified Realism

·  QUESTION 3: Elizabethan Theatre

Answer ALL the questions from SECTION A.

5. SECTION B consists of THREE questions. QUESTIONS 4, 5 and 6 are


6. Number the answers correctly according to the numbering system

used in this question paper.

7. Pay attention to the number of marks allocated to each question.

8. Present your answers clearly and neatly and leave a marking column on the

right hand side of your answer sheets.

9. While classroom knowledge can be used to answer the questions,

independent and creative thinking will be to your advantage.

10. Write neatly and legibly.




A Doll’s House is a scathing criticism of the traditional roles of men and women in Victorian marriage.

In an essay of 300 – 350 words, discuss the validity (truth/accuracy) of this statement. In your discussion refer to:

·  The characters in the play

·  The subject matter of/themes in the play


1.2 Provide ONE word answers to the following questions.

Write only the word next to the question number (1.2.1 – 1.2.7) on your

answer sheet.

1.2.1  In which country is the play set?

1.2.2  At what time of year is the play set?

1.2.3  What profession did Torvald Helmer practise before becoming manager

of the bank?

1.2.4  How many children do the Helmer’s have?

1.2.5  Which character is the first to ‘complicate’ the lives of the Helmers?

1.2.6  Which character dies toward the end of the play?

1.2.7 Which set item is vital to bring the play to a dramatic ending? (7)

1.3 Why do you think Ibsen called his play A Doll’s House? (3)



2.1 Realist playwrights modelled their play on the WELL-MADE PLAY.

2.1.1 Who perfected this set of specific conventions (guidelines/rules)

for creating a play? (1)

2.1.2 Describe the plot structure of a WELL-MADE PLAY. (6)

2.1.3 In which ways could the WELL-MADE PLAY be considered restrictive? (3)

2.2 After a period of theatrical experimentation, Realism re-emerged as a

popular theatrical style in the mid twentieth century – but with some

changes, thus referred to MODIFIED REALISM.

2.2.1 What was this modified Realism called in Britain and America? (2)

2.2.2 Identify ONE theatrical movement of the twentieth century that influenced

this new form of Realism. (1)

2.2.3 Why were the characters in this new form of realism sometimes described

as anti-heroes? (2)

2.3 Realist plays of the 20th century were often set on proscenium arch stages

such as the one below, using a BOX SET.

Discuss the suitability of using this kind of stage and set for staging

Realist plays.


2.4 Stanislavsky designed a System for actors to use as a guide when

preparing to perform in Realist plays. List the TEN points highlighted

by this system. (10)



3.1 Did Elizabethans call their theatres Playhouses or Theatrehouses ? (1)

3.2 Provide labels for the numbered features on the illustration below.


3.3 Explain how the structure and configurations of private and public theatres

differed. (3)

3.4 Match the people in column A with the appropriate job description in

column B. Write the appropriate letter from column B next to the number

from column A.

Column A / Column B
3.4.1 / Stagekeepers / A / Looked after the companies costumes.
3.4.2 / Housekeepers / B / Collected the audience’s payments in a box.
3.4.3 / Bookkeepers / C / Stage hands.
3.4.4 / Tiremen / D / Theatre owners.
3.4.5 / Gatherers / E / In charge of the production ‘book’.


3.5 Discuss a typical production of ONE of Shakespeare’s plays in a

public theatre. In your discussion refer to the following:

·  The actors and their acting style

·  Costumes

·  Staging (sets and props)

·  Special effects (music; scenic)

·  Actor/audience relationship (5 x 3) (15)






Read the extract from the denoument (resolution) of A Doll’s House.

Imagine that you have been cast as Nora in a production of the play and answer

the questions that follow.

TORVALD: Oh, you’re talking and thinking like a stupid child. 1

NORA: Perhaps…But you don’t talk or think like the man I could bind myself

to. When your first panic was over – not about what threatened me,

but about what might happen to you – and when there was no more

danger, then, as far as you were concerned, it was just as if nothing 5

had happened at all. I was simply your little songbird, your doll, and

from now on you would handle it more gently than ever because it

was so delicate and fragile. [Rising] At that moment, Torvald, I

realized that for eight years I’d been living here with a strange man,

and that I’d borne him three children. Oh, I can’t bear to think of it – 10

I could tear myself to little pieces!

4.1 List the first FIVE steps of a thorough vocal warm-up used to prepare for

rehearsals and performances? (5)

4.2 Identify ONE effect that tension would have on your voice. (1)

4.3 Explain why you would use intercostal diaphragmatic breathing when

speaking this text. (3)

4.4 You have lines of varied length to speak. Name one exercise that you

could use to develop breath support and control. (1)

4.5 What do the three dots (…) in line 2 indicate? (1)

4.6 ‘you’ in line 4 is written in italics. What clue for vocal interpretation

does that give you? (1)

4.7 Nora rises in line 8 of the text, indicating a change of mood

and intention.

Discuss how you would speak/deliver the lines that Nora speaks once

she has risen (from “At that moment…”)? In your discussion consider:

·  Context

·  Content

·  Sentence structure

·  The thoughts of the speaker

·  The emotional state of the speaker

·  The speaker’s intention

Please ensure that you provide justified reasons for your choices. (8)



5.1 . Identify the choreographic tools associated with the following terminology:

5.1.1 Jump; twist; gesture; travel (1)

5.1.2 Time (fast or slow); Space (curved and straight); Weight (heavy and light) (1)

5.2 Examine the source material on the following page.

With reference to the source material, discuss the power of GESTURE

and FACIAL EXPRESSION in Physical Theatre performances.


Lionel Newton and Andrew Buckland Ellis Pearson and Bheki Mkhwane


(2x3) (6)

5.3 Describe ONE exercise that will prepare the body for performance

in a movement or physical theatre piece. (4)

5.4 In Term 1 you created physical theatre pieces inspired by Dr Seuss

stories. Explain, in some detail, the process that your group used to create

your movement piece and evaluate the success of your chosen process.

You may use any of the following forms to explain your process:

A written explanation OR

A mind map OR

A flow chart OR

A storyboard




You performed either a scene (with a partner) or a monologue for your

mid-year practical examination.

6.1 EXPLAIN how you selected the piece that you chose to perform and

EVALUATE whether or not you thought it was an appropriate choice. (5)

6.2 Which character did you play in your scene/monologue and what did

you do to ensure a realistic portrayal of your character? (4)

6.3 Explain how you used any TWO of the following staging elements

to capture the style of Realism in your performance?

·  Set

·  Props

·  Costume (2 x 3) (6)

6.4 What do you feel are the most important elements to consider when

Preparing for a practical examination. (5)
