Product Training Call Dec 28, 2011 Ilene Gottlieb Presenter

Ilene Gottlieb: Private practice as an R.N. and facilitator of healing utilizing vibrational healing techniques: Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Certified as a Medical Intuitive and Quantum Practitioner, Conscious channel, and Akashic Records Consultations.

Intention Disc and Sodalite Pendant Clearing Set

Clearing Incoherent Energy from the Body and How to Manifest Intentions

This is an EXCERPT taken from the call and is focusing on the details of “how to” and what to say. For the complete information (which is very important!) please be sure to listen to the entire call.

Clearing Incoherent Energy from the body:

·  With the Intention Disc in left hand and Sodalite Window Pendant in the right hand (or if you don’t have these tools yet look at a picture of them so you can visualize holding them).

·  Close my eyes and for a moment connect in with what I believe would serve me to let go of at this time, that I am complete with, that has been holding me back in whatever part of my life that I’d like to create change in.

·  As I connect with it remember a lot of “it” is not what I am consciously aware of, so allow for the subconscious thoughts that I don’t know, that I am constantly thinking or experiencing.

As this phrase is spoken allow myself to be in the experience:

“I clear with grace and ease, any and all frequencies of emotions, of thoughts, of beliefs, that no longer support me in being the person I choose to be. I release these frequencies with grace and with ease, effortlessly. Any and all frequencies of emotions, thoughts or beliefs that prevent me from achieving my highest potential and success in ___(fill in the blank for your own goals)___, I release with grace and ease and effortlessly.” (Just take a few deep breaths)

If you notice any parts of your body that brings their awareness too- just be kind to yourself, be aware and breath deeply into that part of your body. Many may notice a sigh, or a sense of feeling lighter. Without judgment- just be aware- in the moment.

“I clear with grace and ease any and all fears, conscious and subconscious, from this energy system that is me and in its place, only Love exists. Only strength exists. I AM a Loving presence unto myself and successful in all my endeavors.” Take a nice breath… Relax

This is one way to utilize the Intention Disc and Sodalite Window Pendant as tools for clearing thoughts, emotions, beliefs- paving the way for what I choose to manifest. I can do this as often as I want, can do it before retiring, create a quiet space to do this in and it will be more powerful when done in this way.

How to use these tools to manifest:

The Key is Conscious Languaging, the Language of Mastery. Recommend studying Robert Stevens of North Carolina.

1st clear the disc. Hold disc and say “It is my intent and purpose through my higher self that I immediately clear all programs from this disc. Begin Harmonics Now.”

Now disc is open to put 3 intentions in it. (FYI: A broken disc that has had all its pieces glued back together will still clear toxic frequencies from water and other things but it will NOT hold intentions- you will need to get a new disc.)

·  Write down stated outcome - intentions. Use words in the first person: I, my, myself, I have, I experience. Avoid words like: don’t or not.

·  Keep your intentions short, concise, personal, easy to remember. Positively stated and in the present moment- as if it has already manifested. Figure it is already here- just at a higher frequency so it may not be currently visible. The Intention Disc raises our frequencies to match the frequencies of what we choose to manifest.

·  Write down statement of what I want. Example of an intention sent in to me is someone wanting to manifest going to Cancun with ZeroPoint Global in August. Be specific- but not too specific- find the balance. Example: “I have abundance.” –an abundance of what? State what you want an abundance of or you might get what you didn’t have in mind. “I have infinite financial abundance.” is more clear.

·  Think of how this feels: “I successfully achieve the rank of Executive Director by May 30, 2012 and am paid as Executive Director through June 30, 2012 and beyond. And attend the ZeroPoint Energy Summit in Cancun in Aug 2012.”

·  This is languaged in the present; it speaks about all the different increments needed to achieve that goal. Its personal and the more you say it the more it feels comfortable to you, the more you keep saying it every day, the more bring it into Being.

Another example of languaging for the question-How do I get the money needed to get to the Dallas conference in February 2012? Notice what you feel is the block for you to accomplish the goal, what is the outcome that you choose? So for example let’s say you want to build your ZeroPoint Global business to bring in the extra funds in order to get to the event. So you might consider this:

·  “I attract in the month of January 2012, with grace and ease, 4 dynamic and successful network marketing business builders that enthusiastically join my ZeroPoint Global team.”

·  Could also say: “I have infinite financial abundance and prosperity that flows to me.”

There are so many ways to language this. Look at the Face Book fan page for Team ZeroPoint to see if we are able to post more examples of how to use the Language of Mastery.

·  Write your statement out. Write up to 3 of them if you choose. Be sure you can feel passion as you language it. Read it about 6 times to hold it in your short term memory.

·  Hold the cleared intention disc in you left hand and repeat “It is by intent and purpose that I now program this disc with my intention to: (read your first intention). Wait a few seconds and read your 2nd intention statement, wait a couple seconds and read your 3rd intention statement.

·  Once a day bring your intention back to saying your intentions with very conscious intent!

This will resonate throughout your body and cells. This can be very empowering.