Old Lyme Rowing Association

MINUTES for Board Meeting of Monday, August 24, 2015

Attendees: Greg Hack, Chris McCawley, Jane Montanaro, Joan Rivigan, Kira Drummond, Candace Fuchs

  1. Approval of the Minutes from Board meeting of July 20, 2015. approved
  1. Treasurer’s report
  • including bank balance total current assets $59K,
  • $1500 received for silent auction red sox tickets,
  • oars have been ordered ($3270)
  1. Review and vote on SAFE SPORT policy
  • Chris, Kira and Candace made some editorial suggestions.
  • Chris suggested that we just have coaches watch the training and sign a waiver, replacing the 30 page document
  • Also suggested that we recommend that coaches, athletes and parents familiarize themselves with the policy and take the training, but not required.
  • If incidents are reported to the board, what do we do with that information ?We could suggest that the police be contacted most likely by the person reporting the incident
  • Jane Montanaro suggested that the coaches take the training, and then communicate to the athletes several important talking points.
  • Greg Hack says the document is supposed to be reviewed by USRowing.
  • GH to ask USRowing if the training is adequate ? We suspect US Rowing will insist that a documented policy be on file.
  • GH to make the edits and send to US Rowing for comments with questions attached.
  1. News and updates:

●Update on Boathouse plans/ BHPIC activities: no additional information. No decision between scheme A and scheme E. A is slightly more expensive, but accommodates our space better. In A bathrooms are in the pavilion. In E, both bathrooms and flex space (potentially) are in the pavilion. BHPIC currently awaits further estimates for bathhouse/pavilion. Meeting scheduled for August 27 has been cancelled.

●Recap/review of summer program activities and revenues. Summer program was a success, cash flow was very positive, Discussion and approval of coaches’ bonuses and gifts. Executive committee approved bonuses for Steve, Paul and Andriel. Gift cards for the remainder. Total approx. $1500.

●Progress on purchase of additional sculling oars (6 pairs) purchased

●Report from masters: training for the Fall headracing season has commenced. We are looking forward to competing in several regattas as listed below:

Date / Regatta / Transportation Plan / location / participants
12-Sep-15 / Springfield Stake Race / small trailer / Springfield, MA / Masters
20-Sep-15 / Coastweeks / small trailer / Mystic, CT / Masters scullers, may also include a few juniors
26-Sep-15 / Head of the Merrimack / Methuen, MA / Masters only
27-Sep-15 / Green Mountain Head / small trailer / Putney, VT / scullers
3-Oct-15 / Laundon Loop / small trailer / Essex, CT / masters scullers
4-Oct-15 / Riverfront Recapture / big trailer / Hartford, CT / all
10-Oct-15 / Head of the Housatonic / it would be really nice to have the big trailer / New Haven, Ct / masters
11-Oct-15 / NE Championships / big trailer / Worcester, MA / juniors
18-Oct-15 / Head of the Charles / big trailer / Cambridge, MA / all
24-Oct-15 / Head of the Skuylkill / Philadelphia, PA / masters
31-Oct-15 / Head of the Fish / big trailer / Saratoga, NY / all
  1. Plans for fall juniors, including coaching staff and racing schedule. Coordinate racing schedule with masters, in particular with respect to when the big trailer is needed. Cost for Fall: need to manage expectations, perhaps manual should indicate that costs can double entry fees. Schedule is posted on the website. Ask Paul to add approximate fees for local and non-local races.
  1. Follow up on LTR II sessions for the fall: not addressed due to absence of relevant parties
  1. Equipment Committee issues.
  • Firm up plans to acquire Peinert 26(s) per Equipment agree to purchase. Post meeting note: this boat is no longer available for sale.
  • Need repair of 2 Maas trainers,
  • Vespoli 8+ has a fin rudder issue (when fin is tightened down, rudder no longer turns)
  • sell/dispose of Pocock 4+. Levator 1X needs to be disposed. What about Garafalo1X ? GH to ask Heather to work with Equipment Committee to identify boats to be disposed.
  1. Discuss rental truck arrangements. Consider seeking a local option that may be more cost effective, vs monthly rental from Enterprise (appears that we may only need rental for the month of October).
  2. $1450 for truck rental + 300 for damage waiver. Liability is another $800, but is covered by our existing policy. We think that the per day rental is about $300, so this makes sense. Can we build a trailer fee into the program fees ?
  1. New business?
  • Kira Drummond reports that the Parent Handbook should be available in the next couple of weeks
  • Next meeting October 5

Date / Task / Responsible
27APR / Fix speakers in sweep boats / Equipment committee
Agree to name 4+ (Vespoli ?) after Rob Roach; invite him to banquet
Auction right to name some of the older, smaller boats at the banquet / Candace Fuchs
20JUL / Determine how many hatchet oars will go to HOCR for free repair; call ahead to warn Concept 2 / Bill Plage
20JUL / Repair Maas and Vespoli 8 / Paul Fuchs
20JUL / Inquire about cost to get a new superstructure on existing trailer / Bill Plage
20JUL / Talk to Steve Hargis about Dev Camp future / Greg Hack
24AUG / Submit Safe Sport document to US Rowing / Greg Hack
20JUL / Install second gangway / Bill Plage to lead a work party
20JUL / Ask Kira about progress on Parent Handbook / Candace Fuchs
24AUG / Estimate costs for local and non-local regattas and post on website / Candace Fuchs
24AUG / Make arrangements to rent truck / Greg Hack
24AUG / Distribute bonuses to coaches / Heather Stone