Old Lyme Rowing Association
MINUTES for Board Meeting of Monday, August 24, 2015
Attendees: Greg Hack, Chris McCawley, Jane Montanaro, Joan Rivigan, Kira Drummond, Candace Fuchs
- Approval of the Minutes from Board meeting of July 20, 2015. approved
- Treasurer’s report
- including bank balance total current assets $59K,
- $1500 received for silent auction red sox tickets,
- oars have been ordered ($3270)
- Review and vote on SAFE SPORT policy
- Chris, Kira and Candace made some editorial suggestions.
- Chris suggested that we just have coaches watch the training and sign a waiver, replacing the 30 page document
- Also suggested that we recommend that coaches, athletes and parents familiarize themselves with the policy and take the training, but not required.
- If incidents are reported to the board, what do we do with that information ?We could suggest that the police be contacted most likely by the person reporting the incident
- Jane Montanaro suggested that the coaches take the training, and then communicate to the athletes several important talking points.
- Greg Hack says the document is supposed to be reviewed by USRowing.
- GH to ask USRowing if the training is adequate ? We suspect US Rowing will insist that a documented policy be on file.
- GH to make the edits and send to US Rowing for comments with questions attached.
- News and updates:
●Update on Boathouse plans/ BHPIC activities: no additional information. No decision between scheme A and scheme E. A is slightly more expensive, but accommodates our space better. In A bathrooms are in the pavilion. In E, both bathrooms and flex space (potentially) are in the pavilion. BHPIC currently awaits further estimates for bathhouse/pavilion. Meeting scheduled for August 27 has been cancelled.
●Recap/review of summer program activities and revenues. Summer program was a success, cash flow was very positive, Discussion and approval of coaches’ bonuses and gifts. Executive committee approved bonuses for Steve, Paul and Andriel. Gift cards for the remainder. Total approx. $1500.
●Progress on purchase of additional sculling oars (6 pairs) purchased
●Report from masters: training for the Fall headracing season has commenced. We are looking forward to competing in several regattas as listed below:
Date / Regatta / Transportation Plan / location / participants12-Sep-15 / Springfield Stake Race / small trailer / Springfield, MA / Masters
20-Sep-15 / Coastweeks / small trailer / Mystic, CT / Masters scullers, may also include a few juniors
26-Sep-15 / Head of the Merrimack / Methuen, MA / Masters only
27-Sep-15 / Green Mountain Head / small trailer / Putney, VT / scullers
3-Oct-15 / Laundon Loop / small trailer / Essex, CT / masters scullers
4-Oct-15 / Riverfront Recapture / big trailer / Hartford, CT / all
10-Oct-15 / Head of the Housatonic / it would be really nice to have the big trailer / New Haven, Ct / masters
11-Oct-15 / NE Championships / big trailer / Worcester, MA / juniors
18-Oct-15 / Head of the Charles / big trailer / Cambridge, MA / all
24-Oct-15 / Head of the Skuylkill / Philadelphia, PA / masters
31-Oct-15 / Head of the Fish / big trailer / Saratoga, NY / all
- Plans for fall juniors, including coaching staff and racing schedule. Coordinate racing schedule with masters, in particular with respect to when the big trailer is needed. Cost for Fall: need to manage expectations, perhaps manual should indicate that costs can double entry fees. Schedule is posted on the website. Ask Paul to add approximate fees for local and non-local races.
- Follow up on LTR II sessions for the fall: not addressed due to absence of relevant parties
- Equipment Committee issues.
- Firm up plans to acquire Peinert 26(s) per Equipment agree to purchase. Post meeting note: this boat is no longer available for sale.
- Need repair of 2 Maas trainers,
- Vespoli 8+ has a fin rudder issue (when fin is tightened down, rudder no longer turns)
- sell/dispose of Pocock 4+. Levator 1X needs to be disposed. What about Garafalo1X ? GH to ask Heather to work with Equipment Committee to identify boats to be disposed.
- Discuss rental truck arrangements. Consider seeking a local option that may be more cost effective, vs monthly rental from Enterprise (appears that we may only need rental for the month of October).
- $1450 for truck rental + 300 for damage waiver. Liability is another $800, but is covered by our existing policy. We think that the per day rental is about $300, so this makes sense. Can we build a trailer fee into the program fees ?
- New business?
- Kira Drummond reports that the Parent Handbook should be available in the next couple of weeks
- Next meeting October 5
Date / Task / Responsible
27APR / Fix speakers in sweep boats / Equipment committee
Agree to name 4+ (Vespoli ?) after Rob Roach; invite him to banquet
Auction right to name some of the older, smaller boats at the banquet / Candace Fuchs
20JUL / Determine how many hatchet oars will go to HOCR for free repair; call ahead to warn Concept 2 / Bill Plage
20JUL / Repair Maas and Vespoli 8 / Paul Fuchs
20JUL / Inquire about cost to get a new superstructure on existing trailer / Bill Plage
20JUL / Talk to Steve Hargis about Dev Camp future / Greg Hack
24AUG / Submit Safe Sport document to US Rowing / Greg Hack
20JUL / Install second gangway / Bill Plage to lead a work party
20JUL / Ask Kira about progress on Parent Handbook / Candace Fuchs
24AUG / Estimate costs for local and non-local regattas and post on website / Candace Fuchs
24AUG / Make arrangements to rent truck / Greg Hack
24AUG / Distribute bonuses to coaches / Heather Stone