2017-18 Calendar

August 15 Family Information Night 6:30-8:00pm

18Faculty Religion Conference

21 Staff Development

22School begins; 8:00am – 1:30pm

23First full day all grades 8:00am-3:00pm

23All School Mass 8:00/Mass of the Holy Spirit *

23Extended Day begins (before school 7:00am. After school 3:00-6:00pm)

27Back to School Family Barbeque11:30-3:00

September 4Labor Day - No School

5-6Vision and Hearing Screening all grades

9All Ministers/All Volunteers Mass 9:00am

11Golf Outing - Riverside Golf Club 12:00 golf/6:00 dinner

11Religious Education Classes Begin

13Curriculum Night 6:30-8:00pm

18Picture Day Pre-School-grade 7

22Faculty Inservice – No School

30Blessing of Pets 11:00am Church Courtyard

October 1Spiritual Life Expoafter all Masses in the Narthex

6Faculty Inservice - No School

9Columbus Day - No School

15Oktoberfest/Food served 11:30-1:00/Raffle 2:30/Games end 3:00

November1All Saints Day - Masses at 7:00am, 9:00am, and 6:30pm

2All Souls Day - Masses at 8:00am and 7:00pm

7Picture Re-Takes

11End of 1st Trimester

17Report Card Distribution to Students grades 1-8

21Half day all grades 8:00-11:30

21Parent Teacher Conferences 12:30-8:00pm

22No School

23Thanksgiving - No School

23Thanksgiving Day Mass 9:00am

24No School

December 1Mandatory Fundraiser Raffle Proceeds due ($250/student, $500 max/family)

8Feast of the Immaculate Conception - Masses at 7:30am and 9:00am

10Parish Advent Lunch 11:30-1:00

21Christmas Program 7:00pm

22Last Day of Classes before Christmas Break

24Christmas Eve Family Mass 4:00pm

24Christmas Eve Mass 11:00pm

25 Christmas Day Masses 8:30am and 10:30am

31New Year’s Eve Mass 4:00pm

Mon, Dec 25 – Fri, Jan5 Christmas Break - No School


2017-18 Calendar

January 1New Year’s Day Masses 8:30am and 10:30am

8Classes Resume 8:00am

10School Attends Wednesday Morning Mass 8:00 *

15Martin Luther King Day - No School

247th/8th grade Science & History Fair after school

248th Grade Graduation Pictures

28 Catholic Schools Week Begins 10:30 Family Mass

28Open House/Pancake Breakfast

February13Palm Burning – School Courtyard 8:15am

14Ash Wednesday Masses 7:00am, 8:00am (school attends) and 6:30pm

16Staff Development - No School

16Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

19President’s Day - No School

21Adoration/Benediction 8:00 Mass

23Lenten Simple Supper 5:00pm

23Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

24First Reconciliation 11:30am

27Vespers 7:00pm Church

March2End of 2nd Trimester

2Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

6Vespers 7:00pm Church

7Parent Teacher Conferences by request. Half Day for All Students 8:00-11:30

9Report Card Distribution to Students

9Lenten Simple Supper 5:00pm

9Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

13Vespers 7:00pm Church

tbdConfirmation 7:30pm

16Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

20Vespers 7:00pm Church

23Stations of the Cross 7:00pm

24Day of Reflection: 9 Ways of Prayer Father Brian Walker 10:00am-3:30pm MFR

29Religion Inservice – No School

29Holy Thursday Mass 7:30pm

30Good Friday - No School

30Good Friday Passion 3:00 and 7:00pm

31 Blessing of Baskets 12:00pm Church

31Easter Vigil Mass 7:30pm

April 1Easter SundayMasses 8:30 and 10:3am

2-6Easter Vacation - No School

9Classes Resume

16-20Aspire Testing grades 3-8

21Spring Fling Dinner Dance and Auction

24Spring Portraits (optional)

28First Holy Communion11:30am/pictures 9:00-11:00am school

May6May Crowning 10:30 Mass (practice at 9:45am)

7Last Day of Religious Education Classes

25Faculty Inservice – No School

28Memorial Day - No School

June4Last Day for 8th grade

48th Grade Graduation Mass 7:00pm

8Final School Dismissal 1:30pm PreSchool-grade 7

11,12,13,14,15 Make-up days, if needed