1.The Alan Henning Community Volunteer Award
In memory of Alan Henning. Open to all volunteers who give their time freely in order to make a positive difference in Salford.
2.YoungVolunteer (under25) Award
Youngpeoplewhohavemadea differencetotheirownlifeprospectsand tothelivesofothersthroughvolunteering.
3.Trustee/Committee Member Award
Individualswhohavegiven their time in the role of a trustee, management committee or board member to ensure the effective governance and sustainability of a Salford voluntary, community or social enterprise organisation.
4.Over 55 VolunteerAward
Peopleover 55 who volunteerinthecityto makeadifferencetothelivesofothers.
5.The Josie Browne PersonalAchievementVolunteer Award
In memory of Josie Browne. Individualswhohavedeveloped personallythroughvolunteeringand/or mayhaveovercomepersonal/practical difficultiesinordertovolunteer.
6. Volunteering Team of the Year Award
Too hard to nominate just one volunteer? Then why not nominate your whole team of volunteers! Tell us why they should win our Volunteering Team of the Year Award.
Pleasenotethatnominatingorganisationsorindividualsare welcome tonominatein one individual volunteering category plus a volunteering team of the year
The judges will use the information on this form to help make their decisions. Please complete all relevant sections as fully as possible, taking care to write clearly.
Pleasegivefulldetailsofthenominee’svoluntarywork. Youcanuse oneadditional A4sheetif necessary.
Averagehoursperweek Lengthofservice
Pleasetellusherewhyyoufeelthenomineeshouldreceivethisaward(appliestoall categories). Please refer to the criteria overleaf.Pleaseprovideasmuchinformation aspossibleasthejudgeswillusethisinformation to helpmaketheirdecisions.Minimum 200 words, maximum 500 words. You can attach an additional sheet.
Signature ...... Date ......
All nominations will go before the shortlisting panel unless notified otherwise.
Completedapplicationsshouldbesigned,datedandreturnedbyFriday3rd November2017
to: Volunteer CentreSalford,TheOldTown Hall,5IrwellPlace,Eccles,M300FN.
Email: Tel:01617877795
TheAwardsCeremonywillbeheldonMonday 11thDecember 2017atAJ Bell Stadium, Stadium Way, Eccles, Salford, M30 7EY.