Trace Analysis

This is a self-paced unit that needs to be complete by Dec 10. That is a total of 26 days. You will also be able to work on your video project during this time. You will need to set some benchmarks for completing the various components of this unit. All work should be easily labeled in your notebook. You may want to start a new section for ease of finding your work. The group will also be given a folder to put common work in. When your group has completed the research and reports, then they may ask to take the test. Please give me a couple of days notice to put together the test as well as the next items you want to analyze.

Work to be turned in

Crime Scene Evidence / Questions / Labs / Report / Test
Blood sample on cloth/tube / Blood & DNA
Fiber sample / Hair and Fiber
Hair sample
White powder / Drugs and Toxicology
Soil sample / Soil, Glass and Document Examination
Glass fragment sample
Hand-written note
Shell casing and/or bullet / Firearm Identification, Ballistics, Impressions and toolmarks
Casted shoe print
Window casing with toolmark

Research the science behind forensic analysis of the evidence

Answer the questions for the evidence (found on the course website)

Look up a case study for each piece of evidence to report on

Do the accompanying labs to test the evidence along with reference samples

Film any footage for your video while doing the lab.

Complete a Forensic Evidence Report for each piece of evidence.

View a Trace Analysis Powerpoint

Take the quiz/test for each set of evidence


Forensic Analysis


Blood sample on cloth/tube
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

  • Blood & DNA Test

Fiber sample
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

Hair sample
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

  • Hair & Fiber Test

White powder
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

  • Drug & Toxicology Test

Soil sample
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

Glass fragment sample
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

Hand-written note
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

  • Trace Evidence Test

Shell casing and/or bullet
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

Casted shoe print
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

Window casing with toolmarks
  • Questions

  • Labs

  • Report

  • Casting & FirearmsTest