Student Advisory Curriculum

Grade 12

Theme: Personal Passions, Interests and Fun Stuff

This theme includes lessons on:

§ Marking theme days like Earth Day, International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination, Remembrance Day ...

§ Recognition of accomplishments, birthdays, awards ...

§ Cultural celebrations and holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Kwanzaa ...

§ Sharing personal interests, hobbies, projects ... and playfulness


§ A Review of Grade 12

§ Celebrate Success

§ Deciding on Advisory Activities

§ Drop Everything and Read

§ End of the Year Rituals

§ Exploratorium

§ Good-bye Letter

§ If I Had a Wish

§ Passionate Presenters

§ Thought or Story of the Month

§ Games … Brain Teasers … Puzzles … Energizers

o  Rebus Puzzle 1

o  Rebus Puzzle 2

o  Sudoku Puzzle 1

o  Sudoku Puzzle 2

New Lessons – added 2008/2009

§ Word and Phrase Puzzle – (added Jan. 8, 2009)

§ Alpha Grid Puzzle 1 – (added Jan. 8, 2009)

§ December Fun Stuff Puzzles – (added Dec. 11, 2008)

§ Name the Words and Phrases – (added Dec. 4, 2008)

§ Just Add Salt Logic Puzzle – (added Nov. 19, 2008)

§ Fun Stuff Rebus Puzzles – (added Nov. 18, 2008)

§ Super Tough Brain Baffler – (added Nov. 13, 2008)

§ Friday Fun Stuff Puzzles – (added Nov. 13, 2008)

§ Boys in the Band – (added Nov. 5, 2008)

§ Digi Search – (added Nov. 5, 2008)

§ Number Cruncher – (added Nov. 5, 2008)

§ Sports Anagram 1 – (added Nov. 5, 2008)

§ Sports Anagram 2 – (added Nov. 5, 2008)

§ Halloween – (added Oct. 27, 2008)

§ Halloween Logic Puzzle – (added Oct. 27, 2008)

§ Logic Puzzle – (added Oct. 23, 2008)

§ Friday Passions and Fun Stuff – (added Oct. 16, 2008)

§ Name the Words or Phrases – (added Oct. 2, 2008)

§ Disorder Puzzle – (added Oct. 1, 2008)

§ Battleship – (added Sept., 2008)

§ Denza Quiz – (added Sept., 2008)

§ Friday Nearly Impossible Brain Bafflers – (added Sept., 2008)

§ Scavenger Hunt – (added Sept., 2008)

§ Who Owns the Fish – (added Sept., 2008)

THEME: Personal Passions, Interests and Fun Stuff

Lesson: A Review of Grade 12 Activities

Learning Outcomes

§ Students will reflect on what they have done during their grade 12 year.

§ Students will discuss their grade 12 year and some of their high school memories.

Essential Questions

§ Was your grade 12 year the best year of high school for you?

§ Are you happy that high school is over?

§ What will you do, at post secondary or on a job, that you failed to do in high school?

§ Do you think you will remain close to your high school friends?


§ Grade 12


§ 2 x 15 minutes (or more, as required)


§ Write the Essential Questions on the board

§ Handout: Grade 12 Reflection


1. Read over the essential questions.

o  Was your grade 12 year the best year of high school for you?

o  Are you happy that high school is over?

o  What will you do, at post secondary or on a job, that you failed to do in high school?

o  Do you think you will remain close to your high school friends?

2. Divide the class into five discussion panels to work on handout. Distribute the handout.

3. Have each panel report their answers to the class.


§ Memories are an important part of our life. It is important to remember "old" memories, but continue to make "new ones" also. High school and senior year are important times in the life of teens.


§ Choose an appropriate Rubric from Assessment and Evaluation.

Grade 12 Reflection

What are the three best things about high school?

1 ______

2. ______

3. ______

What is your fondest senior year memory?

If you could, what would you do over again?

What activities would you recommend to the junior class?

What activities have you heard grade 12 students at other schools do that sound like fun?

THEME: Personal Passions, Interests and Fun Stuff

Lesson: Celebrate Success

Learning Outcomes

§ Students will be recognized for individual accomplishments.

§ Students will celebrate other students’ talents and competencies.

Essential Questions

§ What important things do I do or have I done outside of school?

§ What is my definition of success and excellence?


§ Grade 9 - 12


§ 1 x 15 minutes (whenever needed)


§ Write the Essential Questions on the board.


1.  Recognizing individual accomplishments is as important as recognizing whole –group successes. Our competitive “I win, you lose” culture too often doesn’t support taking pleasure in accomplishments of others. Create opportunities that encourage students to appreciate the efforts of their peers.

2.  We don’t often recognize students’ talents and competencies if they aren’t used in the classroom. When you acknowledge that students do important things in their lives outside of school, you have the power to help students broaden their definitions of success and excellence, as well as break down stereotypical views of their classmates.


§ Choose an appropriate Rubric from Assessment and Evaluation.

Used by Permission. Copyright ©2004 Educators for Social Responsibility, All Rights Reserved.

THEME: Personal Passions, Interests and Fun Stuff

Lesson: Deciding on Advisory Activities

Learning Outcomes

§ Students will feel as though each of them is an important part of the group.

§ Students will celebrate throughout the year.

Essential Questions

§ What kind of activities can we do throughout the year to build a sense of team?

§ What can we do to celebrate the talents of the members of the group?


§ Grade 9 - 12


§ 3 x 15 minutes


§ Write the Essential Questions on the board.

§ Handout: “Suggestions for Advisory Activity”.


1. Read the essential questions:

o  What kind of activities can we do throughout the year to build a sense of team?

o  What can we do to celebrate the talents of the members of the group?

2.  Read over handout: “Suggestions for Advisory Activity”. Identify the activities the students would like to participate in throughout the year. Brainstorm any other activities the group would like to do.

3.  Create a monthly calendar for the year so students are aware of the activities planned. Have the students transfer the activities into their agenda book at the beginning of each month or for the whole year... make sure you are aware of school-planned activities, for example fundraising, Adopt-a- Family, etc….many of these school-based initiatives may be in the agendas already.


§ Choose an appropriate Rubric from Assessment and Evaluation.

Suggestions for Advisory Activity

Customize this list to your comfort, and the talents and dynamics of your group. What may work well in one advisory group may not in another. Brainstorm with your group any additional activities – share with other advisory groups!

Relationship Building Activity / Time (approx) / Grade
9 / Grade
10 / Grade
11 / Grade
Birthday celebrations
(list each students’ birthday somewhere in the classroom These can be celebrated by the month or by the day) / 1 advisory class per student. / x / x / x / x
Advisory Breakfast
(out of the school.) / 45 minutes / x / x
Pizza Lunch / 1 hour / x
Restaurant Lunch
(out of the school) / 1 hour / x
(to build student/teacher trust) / x / x / x / x
Potluck / x / x / x / x
A – thon activities
(as a fundraiser or as a community service activity) / x / x / x / x
Family Tree Activity / 5 advisory sessions / x / x / x / x
Show and Tell
Talent Show (in the advisory group) / x / x
30 second speeches
(tell us something about you that we don’t know) / 3 advisory groups / x / x / x / x
Movie Day / 2 hours / x / x / x / x
Decorating for special events
(Hallowe’en, Christmas, seasons) / x / x / x / x
Field Trips / x / x / x / x
Time Capsule / x / x
Letter to Self / x
Humor Day
(jokes…………) / x / x / x / x
Current Events Day
(discussion about any interesting current events taking place) / x / x / x / x
Game Day
(either 1 advisory or a competition between advisories) / x / x / x / x
Bulletin Boards
(class photos throughout the year) / x / x / x / x
Develop a Advisory name/theme song/ motto / x
Theme Day
(Remembrance Day, Earth Day, Elimination of Racism Day etc.) / x / x / x / x
Trivia Challenge / x / x / x / x
Silent Reading
(a particular article/story from a Chicken Soup etc.) / x / x / x / x

THEME: Personal Passions, Interests and Fun Stuff

Lesson: Drop Everything and Read

Learning Outcomes

§ Students will drop everything and read for pleasure.

§ Students will rate what they are reading for other students’ information.

Essential Questions

§ What do you enjoy reading?

§ What are you currently reading?

§ How would you rate it?


§ Grade 9 - 12


§ 1 x 15 minutes (repeated throughout the year as decided by the group


§ Write Essential Questions on the board

§ Books/magazines/articles

§ Space where students can record what they are reading and rate the reading material.


1.  Read over the Essential Questions at the beginning of the year:

o  What do you enjoy reading?

o  What are you currently reading?

o  How would you rate it?

2.  Do a quick survey to check what students like to read. If students read novels, encourage them to bring them. If there are particular magazines or articles they enjoy, work with the resource librarian.

3.  Whenever the group decides, the whole group will drop everything and read for the advisory period. There will be groups that really enjoy that time and others that would prefer to do other things. Read your group and carry on.


§ Choose an appropriate Rubric from Assessment and Evaluation.

Used by Permission. Copyright ©2004 Educators for Social Responsibility, All Rights Reserved.

THEME: Personal Passions, Interests and Fun Stuff

Lesson: End of the Year Rituals

Learning Outcomes

§ Students will focus on closure and celebration.

§ Students will reflect on the school year and what they have learned, appreciated and experienced in your advisory class.

Essential Questions

§ What have I learned this year?

§ What have I appreciated this year?

§ What advice would I give new grade 9s for next year?


§ Grade 9 - 12


§ 5 x 15 minutes


§ Write the Essential Questions on the board


1.  Activities that focus on closure and celebration are important aspects of the end of the school year. We get so caught up in the testing and grading cycle that it takes incredible discipline to invite students to stop and reflect on the school year. Develop rituals that give students the opportunity to reflect on what they have learned, appreciated and experienced in your advisory program.

2.  Give every student the name of someone in the advisory. Their task is to write a note to that person that might include something they appreciated about this person; something they got to know about this person that they found interesting; something this person did in advisory that they thought was cool, funny, smart, impressive or unexpected. Collect the cards and pass them out on the last day.

3.  Make the time to write a personal note to each student, noting something you appreciated about them this year, a positive change you noticed as the year progressed, a challenge they met, one way they earned your respect and admiration and/or something you will remember about them.

4.  Create a Memory Bulletin Board: Students can write their responses to any of these sentence starters:

o  One thing I won’t forget about advisory this year is……..

o  I am no longer uncomfortable about………Advisory has helped me…..about……..

o  The best thing about this year has been…..

o  In September, I thought….Now, I think……..

o  Advisory got me to think more about……….

o  The biggest challenge for me this year was……..

o  I surprised myself this year by………

o  The one thing I never want to do again is……….

o  One thing I really learned how to do well this year is………….

5.  Assessing your Advisory Goals: Review the goals and expectations your advisory set for this year. Discuss whether the advisory met the goals/expectations.

6.  Letter to New Students: ask students to write a letter to students who will be entering their school. Here are some ideas for what students might include in their letters.

o  What can you look forward to doing/learning/contributing in the advisory group?

o  What are two things you liked best this year and two things you would like to change?

o  What was your biggest challenge this year? How did you meet this challenge? What did you learn about yourself?