SCRIPTURE NOTE: They must really have thought they had their victim sewn up! If Jesus said he paid the Roman taxes, he recognised the Emperor, not God, as his Lord. If he said he didn’t pay, he was a traitor to Rome. Jesus turns the question back on them. First he makes them admit that they themselves recognise Rome as overlord by carrying a Roman coin, for the coin would carry the Emperor’s head. Next he puts them a question: what do they consider is due to Caesar? Finally he goes beyond their question, to interrogate their ultimate loyalty: in the last analysis, just what is due to God? At a superficial level this seems a little verbal tussle, in which Jesus outwits his opponents. But the story was remembered and passed on in the Christian community not because of Jesus’ cleverness, but because at a deeper level it is a question which Jesus puts to each of us: just where do our loyalties and priorities lie? Money? Respect? Sex? Fame? A good holiday? Comfort? Power? Jesus is not a dictator who imposes his will. He just asks the question and leaves us to give our own answer. To those who question him he gives no easy response, but always replies with another question. What takes priority in my life? Does God get a look-in? In what way?

REFLECTION The Church’s Mission is enlivened by a spirit of constant exodus. We are challenged ‘to go forth from our own comfort zone to reach all the ‘peripheries’ (margins) in need of the gospel.’ (Evangelii Gaudium, 20). The church’s mission urges us to undertake a constant pilgrimage across various deserts of life, as we hunger and thirst for truth and justice. The Church’s mission inspires a sense of constant exile, as we journey towards our final home in the Kingdom of Heaven. Mission reminds us that we should not be a self-referential, self-obsessed Church. We should be a ‘Church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a Church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security. Pope Francis


Heavenly Father, pour down on our Church your Holy Spirit, the fire of your love. Give us the courage, the wisdom and the faith to be salt for the earth and light for the world.

Help us to build warm and welcoming communities of faith in our families, our neighbourhoods, our Parish. May we carry the Good News by word and action into all our environments, especially those which are hostile and hurting.

Together with Mary, the first evangeliser we entrust all our efforts into the care of the Divine Spirit, who fills and renews the face of the earth.


/ Franciscan
Church of St. Francis of Assisi
277 Sandygate Road, Sheffield S10 5SD
Telephone 0114 263 0383

Registered Charity No. 512021
Parish Priest: Fr Kevin Thornton
Parish Deacon: Stephen Parker
Year A - Psalter Week 1
Mass Book pg 143.
Eucharistic Prayer The Church on the
Path of Unity pg 43.
Sunday / 22nd / 9:00 am / (Kathleen Nickson)
11:00 am / (People of the Parish)
Monday / 23rd / 10:00 am / ()
Tuesday / 24th / 7:30 pm / ()
Wednesday / 25th / 10:00 am / ()
Thursday / 26th / 10:00 am / Ss Chad & Cedd (Terry Connelly)
Friday / 27th / 10:00 am / ()
Saturday / 28th / 11:15-11:45 / Sacrament of Reconciliation
12 noon / SS Simon & Jude ()

Thank you for last week's OFFERTORY COLLECTION.

Today is WORLD MISSION SUNDAY and there will be a second collection for ‘Missio’. This is your chance to support missionaries and the Church in proclaiming the Gospel of Peace to those who suffer around the world. By supporting ‘Missio’, the Pope’s official charity for oversees mission, you will be sharing the peace and love of Christ with all people by helping everyone in need, regardless of background or belief. Today, your prayers and donations will help a spirit of peace spread across South Sudan and around the world. Please use a Gift Aid envelope if you are a taxpayer.

PLEASE PRAY for Alan, Alexander, Alison, Anthony Womack, AM, Bernard Kelly, Fr Bill Bergin, Dennis Gerrard, Dorry Kennedy, Edith Di Maio, Ellen Dalton, Ian Baxter, Jean Fahy, Jim Foley, John Denzil Joseph, John Hayes, John Rowan, Sr Julia Duignan, J&E.D, JTD, Karen Kilbride, Kathleen Giblin, KC, Leonora, Liz, Margaret Hanour, Margaret Paget, Mary Hunt, May Leonard, Nancy Lennon, Rachel Grace, Roger Kemp, Fr Roy Pannell, Sofia Rabello, Theodora-Angelica, Tony Mulchrone, Willow Grist and Yvonne Reaney who are sick and for Kathleen Nickson and Terry Connelly, whose anniversaries occur about this time.

The HALLAM NEWS for October is available in the narthex.

Rehearsals for the ST FRANCIS PANTO continue on Friday.

The Hallam Diocesan JUSTICE AND PEACE DAY will be held on Saturday 28th October from 10:30am to 3:30pm (Registration 10am) at Blessed Trinity Church, Wickersley, Rotherham. To book or for more details, contact or phone 2566410. Tea and coffee provided but please bring your own lunch.

The next meeting of HALLAM ASCENT will be a soup lunch on Wednesday 1st November in the Assisi Hall.

Come and find SACRED SPACE at St. Columba's Church at 7pm on Sunday 5th November. These monthly services seek to find an oasis of stillness in order to: REgain perspective; REstore energy; RElease anxiety; REnew vision and REengage with what matters.

There will be a FAMILY GAMES NIGHT at 7pm on Friday 10th November at Sacred Heart Church, Hillsborough. It will support the CAFOD Connnect2 El Salvador project. Tickets are £5 for adults, £2 for children or £14 for the whole family. Ring 2343580 for tickets.

There will be a SXTH FORM OPEN MORNING at Notre Dame High School from 10am to 12 noon on Saturday 18th November.

The ST FRANCIS PANTO will be on Friday 1st and Saturday 2nd December. All proceeds will go to CAFOD. Tickets will be on sale soon.

Please see the POSTERS ON THE NOTICE BOARD, which include:

·  Therapeutic Art Group, Tuesdays at Carmel Care.

·  Journey in Faith programme, Tuesday evenings in the Houlden Hall.

·  Course on Theology of the Body, Natural Family Planning and Fertility Issues at St Michael's Church (Wombwell), 7pm on Wednesday 1st, 8th and 15th November.

CALLING ALL SINGERS! Would you like to get involved in the music liturgy at the 11am mass during the Advent or Christmas masses? We are looking for enthusiastic singers to form a small choir on Christmas day as well as people to sing in parts and descants during advent. We also need psalmists. Rehearsals for the advent services will be after 11am mass on 5th and 19th November. A sign up list is on the notice board or you can email Nicky Johnson at with your name, availability, vocal range if known (eg. Soprano, Baritone etc.) and state if you would like to sing a psalm.

The minutes of the last PARISH COUNCIL MEETING are pinned to the noticeboard in the narthex. They are also available on the parish website at

Please donate your unwanted anoraks, fleeces, jumpers, socks, woolly hats (not shoes) and men's toiletries to the APOSTLESHIP OF THE SEA for distribution to seafarers who travel the seas to Immingham Docks. Last date for collection will be Sunday 29th October.

ALL SAINTS SCHOOL would love to hear from ex-students and staff who can share any memories or photos of their time at the school for a display for their 40th year celebrations. Please email any contributions to .

The POPE'S PRAYER INTENTION for October is Workers and the Unemployed - that all workers may receive respect and protection of their rights, and that the unemployed may receive the opportunity to contribute to the common good.

ST WILFRID’S CENTRE still needs volunteers. Did you know that volunteers in our kitchen and café gave around 370 hours in August and accounted for 30% of all volunteer hours. By volunteering with St Wilfrid’s Centre you will be helping to support homeless, vulnerable and socially excluded adults. We are always looking for new volunteers in our many different roles. We especiallly need door greeters (Monday afternoon), people to cover holidays and sickness and afternoon café volunteers. We offer training, support and pay travel expenses. If you would like more information, please contact Tracey on 2555720 or email .

There are a few CATHOLIC TRUTH SOCIETY BOOKLETS left in the rack on the wall. Now only £1 each.

Thank you for the TEA, COFFEE AND SUGAR donated for St. Wilfrid’s recently.