1/ 09/20/2018

LTA Referee WorkshopsScenarios

  1. If the ball touches any part of the line, it is…
  2. In
  3. Out

Correct Answer: A


A nice easy one to get everyone started!

  1. For the 2017 Summer Season, which age group(s) may a player born on 28 August 2004 compete in for an LTA tournament?
  2. 12 & under and older
  3. 14 & under and older

Correct Answer: B


Competition Age Groups are calculated by a player’s age on the last day of the competition season. The dates of the 2017 Summer Season are 1st April 2017 – 31st August 2017 so age groups are calculated based on a players age on 31st August 2017. On the 31st August 2017 the player would be 13 so can play in 14U and older events in this season.

  1. A is playing B on a hard court. You (official) are watching the match. A plays a shot which lands clearly inside the baseline and sideline however B who has no chance of making a return calls it out. Do you…
  2. Go onto court, ask B if he is sure of his call & if he is tell them to play a let.
  3. Go onto court, ask B if he is sure of his call & if he is tell him he was wrong and award the point to A
  4. Do not go on court, as this was the first ‘bad’ call but watch the match more closely.

Correct Answer: B


This is a rule change for 2017 and can be found in the Duties & Procedures for Officials (page 40).

If you see a blatantly incorrect line call in the first instance you treat this as an unintentional hindrance and will replay the point unless it was a point-ending shot in which case you would award the point to the opponent.

Subsequent mistakes are treated as a deliberate hindrance and the player will lose the point. You may also wish to issue a code violation for unsportsmanlike conduct if you are sure this is on purpose.

  1. In a doubles match Bill is serving and hits Tom (his partner) with his first serve on the back of the head. Is it –
  2. Let, First serve
  3. Second Serve
  4. Loss of point

Correct Answer: B


In the case of the server’s partner being hit by a serve this would be considered a service fault (Rule 19 d) therefore as the question referred to a first serve; a second serve would be played. However had the serve hit the receiver’s partner then the serving team would win the point, unless it was a service let where the serve would be replayed (Rule 24 Case 7).

Here’s a video of this happening at the Australian Open 2 years ago

  1. In a Grade 3 14U Boys Singles event what is the acceptance criteria?
  2. Ranking
  3. Rating & Ranking
  4. Rating & Recent Form

Correct Answer:A


Since 1st April 2015 all Junior Grade 1 – 3 events have used Ranking as the primary method of acceptance and seeding.

  1. During a first set tiebreak the players ask the court supervisor to settle a score dispute. Player A says that the score is 6-6. Player B says the score is 7-5 to him. On questioning the players the last score they the both agreed in the tiebreak was 1-0 to player B. They are unable to agree how any other point played out. At what score should the match re start.
  2. 6-6
  3. 7-5 to B
  4. 1-0 to B
  5. 6-5 to B
  6. 0-0

Correct Answer: D


The ITF Duties & Procedures for Officials state:

If the Referee is called to court to resolve a score dispute, he/she should discuss the relevant points or games with the players to find out the points or games that the players agree on. All points or games which the players agree on stand, and only those in dispute should be replayed.

In this dispute we know based on the two scores, both players agree that 12 points have been played and only 1 point is disputed. It’s important to remember that all points played and agreed stand and we only take away points that cannot be agreed. Player A agrees that Player B has won 6 points. Player B agrees that Player A has won 5 points. This method is known as the worst case scenario.

A – B

Player A: 6 – 6

Player B: 5 – 7

The worst case scenario is 6 – 5 to Player B even if both players cannot agree on any points apart from the first. The same method would be used if the score was disputed at 25-23/24-24! This method can be used for any score dispute in a standard game, tiebreak or the score in a set.

  1. As the Referee, you are called on to court to resolve a score dispute for the third time in the match. After making a decision, one player approaches you and says, “Are you being racist towards me?”. What do you do?
  2. Give a code violation for unsportsmanlike conduct
  3. Explain you are following the rules and offer to discuss concerns after the match
  4. Default the player
  5. Nothing

Correct Answer: B


As a general rule, a player should not be penalised for expressing what they may consider to be a genuine concern. At the same time, a Referee should not ignore the concern. Whilst it depends on how the question/statement is worded and delivered by the player, we would strongly advise talking to the player after the match.

  1. Results for all competitions grade 1 – 7 must be submitted to the LTA within…
  2. 24 hours
  3. 48 hours
  4. 72 hours
  5. 96 hours

Correct Answer: C


Most people responded to this question with a variety A, B or C which is great. The regulations state they should be submitted within 72 hours but the sooner the better.

  1. At Mini Tennis Orange which of these scoring formats should not be used
  2. Best of 3 tie breaks
  3. Match tie break
  4. One short set
  5. Two short sets with MTB if required

Correct Answer: D


From 1st September a Match Tie-break was introduced to 9U competition at Grades 4 and below to support the transition from Mini Tennis Red to Orange. Two short sets MTB is the only format that cannot be used at 9U.

  1. A Point Penalty has been awarded in the match. The score is 3 games all when Player B further offends resulting in a Game Penalty being awarded. Player A served the 6th game. Who serves next?
  2. Player A
  3. Player B

Correct Answer: A


This is the only situation where a player will serve for two games back to back. As Player B has lost the 7th game as a result of receiving a code violation we start the 8th game with Player A serving again.

  1. Having served a fault with a first serve, the server throws up the ball for his second serve when a ball rolls across the court from an adjoining court, the server does not see it but his opponent does and puts his hands up to stop play. What is the correct decision?
  2. Retake the second serve, as the server did not see it and could not have been hindered
  3. Replay the entire point (i.e. first serve)
  4. Play continues as the server did not know about the "stray" ball and was not hindered

Correct Answer: B


The whole point is replayed as the player had started his service motion.

  1. Two days before the 14U Girls Singles event, the number 1 seed withdraws. The event has reserves and is being played using a 16 Compass Draw.
    How should the draw be amended?
  2. The reserve replaces the number 1 seed on line 1
  3. The number 5 seed is placed on line 1 and the reserve moves into to vacated line of the number 5 seed.
  4. The number 2 seed moves to line 1, the number 3 seed moves to line 16, the number 5 seed moves to the line vacated by the number 3 seed and the reserve moves into the vacated line of the number 5 seed.
  5. Issue a walkover and the opponent progresses to round 2

Correct Answer: C


Where it is practical to do so the draw should be amended. If the number 1 seed withdraws the number 2 seed moves to line 1, the number 3 seed moves to line 16, the number 5 seed moves to the line vacated by the number 3 seed and the reserve moves into the vacated line of the number 5 seed.

  1. During a tiebreak in a doubles match (A&B v C&D), where Player A served the first point, the score reaches 5-3 (to A & B) when it is realised that Player B served the last point by mistake. What should happen?
  2. Replay the last point (from 4-3 or 5-2) with A serving
  3. Score stays as 5-3 and B serves next point, with their order of serving changing (so that A serves the next time it is their turn)
  4. Score stays as 5-3 but order of service reverts back to correct order immediately (A serves next point)

Correct Answer: C


The procedure for correcting errors is documented in Rule 25 and the table below. Most importantly all points played stand and in most cases we correct immediately. As this was the first point of a players turn in a tie-break the error is corrected immediately and Player A serves the next point.

Error / Rule 27 / In a regular game / In a tie-break
Player serves from the wrong half of the court / a / Points stands – correct immediately
Service fault stands
Players are at the wrong end of court / b / Points stands – correct immediately
Service fault stands
Player serves out of turn / c
d / Points stands – correct immediately
Singles: service fault does not count
Doubles: if partner serves out of turn  service fault stands
Games completed: order remains as altered  ball change: one game later than agreed / Point stands
-If discovered after even number of points correct immediately
-If discovered after odd number of points order remains as altered
Singles: service fault does not count
Doubles: if partner serves out of turn  service fault stands
Error in receiving (doubles) / e / Remain as altered until end of the game
Resume original order for next game in which partners receive
Tie-break set instead of advantage set / f / If only one point played – correct immediately
After second point in play – finish set as tie-break set
Advantage set instead of tie-break set / g / If only one point played – correct immediately
After second point in play – set continues as advantage set until score reaches 8-8, 10-10, 12-12, etc. …(divisible by 4) – then tie-break played
Tie-break set or advantage set instead of MTB / h / If only one point played – correct immediately
After second point in play – player/team that wins three games, wins match (3-0,3-1,3-2)
If score reaches 2-2 play a tiebreak (to 7 points)
If second point of fifth game is played – set continues as a tie-break set
  1. During the second set tiebreak in a doubles match there is an error in the order of receiving and this is discovered after the first point has been completed. What happens?
  2. The players revert back to the correct order the next time they receive (i.e. after 2 more points)
  3. The order of receiving remains as changed for the rest of the tiebreak
  4. The first point is replayed with the receivers in the correct order

Correct Answer: B


As per the above all points previously played stand but this is the only situation where we do not correct immediately. In this instance we continue with the game as altered and correct the next time the team are due to receive.

  1. The draw for a singles event is made with 6 entries but it falls to 4 players before the event starts.This will count for rankings.
  2. True
  3. False

Correct Answer: A


Where the event has 6 players at the draw date this event will count for Rankings. Should it fall to fewer than 5 players after the draw has been made the players shall remain in draw but it will still count for Rankings.

  1. You are refereeing a Grade 5 competition and you hear a player telling his opponent ‘you’re so gay’. What do you do?
  2. Go on court and give the player a ‘soft warning’, telling him that language is unacceptable
  3. Go on court and give the player a code violation for Verbal Abuse
  4. Issue an Immediate Default to the player for Verbal Abuse and report to the LTA Disciplinary Officer within 48 hours
  5. Ignore it, as no-one is watching the match

Correct Answer: C


It’s important to identify who the comment was directed at. Players should not in any case be making such comments. As this sexual orientation is a Protected Characteristic if it was directed at their opponent an immediate default is the only option. Whilst the word ‘gay’ may be used by youth a lot it is not acceptable. A similar decision would be madeif you were to replace the comments made regarding their sexuality with race or any other protected characteristic.

  1. A player contacts you, to request a late entry into your competition. You notice that the player would be seeded. What is your decision?
  2. You cannot accept a late entry who would be seeded, but this is permitted if you award the player a Wild Card
  3. You cannot accept a late entry, who would be seeded
  4. Advise the player that you will add him to the reserve list and will accept him if you receive any withdrawals

Correct Answer: A


A late entry may not be seeded however the tournament committee may wish to allocate a wild card to a player. A wild card may be seeded however wild cards must be stated at the time of making the draw and cannot be added once the draw is made. When publishing wild cards on the entry list online, please ensure they have the status by their name.

  1. A player has 2 matches to play in the day. The first match lasts 1 hour 52 minutes and the score was 7-6 6-1. How long is the minimum rest the player is entitled to before their next match?
  2. 30 minutes
  3. 45 minutes
  4. 60 minutes
  5. 90 minutes

Correct Answer: A


For matches which are 20 or less games the minimum rest permitted is 30 minutes. For matches which are 21 games or more the minimum rest time is 60 minutes.

  1. During a game a player has a nose bleed. How long can they have as a medical time-out?
  2. 3 minutes
  3. 5 minutes
  4. They cannot have any time as this is "a loss of condition"

Correct Answer: B


If a player is bleeding, the medical time-out is 5 minutes.

  1. When setting up 4 round robin groups of 4 with the players finishing 1 and 2 in each group going into one 8 player compass draw and the players finishing 3 and 4 going into another, what draw stage is the compass draw for those that finished 3 and 4 set to?
  2. Stage 1
  3. Stage 2
  4. Stage 90
  5. Stage 99

Correct Answer:D


As the players who have finished 3rd and 4th in the Qualifying Groups and have not played in the main draw they cannot play in a consolation draw as a result the draw with count for Ratings Only and will be a Stage 99 draw.

  1. In a Grade 5 12U Girls Singles event what is the seeding criteria
  2. Ranking
  3. Rating & Ranking
  4. Rating & Recent Form

Correct Answer: B


The acceptance and seeding criteria for Grade 4 & 5 junior events remains as Rating & Ranking.

  1. As a result of bad weather, the length of matches has to be reduced. What is the recommended abbreviated method of scoring you can use at a Grade 3 14U event?
  2. One short set (with tie break at 4-4)
  3. FAST4
  4. One set (with tie break at 6-6)
  5. Two short sets with MTB if required

Correct Answer: D


Where an event is affected by bad weather the recommended abbreviated method of scoring for Grade 3 is two short sets with MTB if required. This format will still count for Ratings purposes.

  1. The match format is two sets and a 10 point Match Tiebreak in place of a 3rd set. You are the referee and the players report that the score was 7-4 in the final set match tiebreak.
    Do you –
  2. Send the players back to court and make the players play on until one reaches 10 points and leads by at least 2 points
  3. Send the players back to court and make the players restart the tiebreak and play to the correct score format
  4. Call the next match - this one is completed.

Correct Answer: C


In this case both players have accepted the match is over and are reporting the score to you so the match is completed. If one player was still on court not happy with the decision you would send their opponent back on to court to finish the match.

  1. 65 players enter an event. It is decided to have a Qualifying for 16 players with 4 qualifiers joining a main draw of 48. In the Main Draw it is decided that players will only play one match per day. A player who has a bye into the 2nd Round withdraws after the 1st days play in the Main Draw. What should happen?
  2. The player who won their 1st Round match receives a "walkover" in the 2nd Round
  3. The highest Rated (then Ranked) player who was on the reserve list replaces the withdrawal
  4. The first eligible Lucky Loser from the Qualifying replaces the withdrawal

Correct Answer: C