Text consolidated by Valsts valodas centrs (State Language Centre) with amending regulations of:
3 January 2012 (No. 16) [shall come into force from 7 January 2012];
23 October 2012 (No. 714) [shall come into force from 26 October 2012].
If a whole or part of a section has been amended, the date of the amending law appears in square brackets at the end of the section. If a whole section, paragraph or clause has been deleted, the date of the deletion appears in square brackets beside the deleted section, paragraph or clause.
Republic of Latvia
Regulation No. 733
Adopted 7 July 2009
Regulations Regarding the Amount of the Knowledge of the Official Language and the Procedures for Examination of the Knowledge of the Official Language for the Performance of Professional Duties and Duties of Office, Receipt of the Permanent Residence Permit and Obtaining of the Status of a Long-term Resident of the European Union and the State Fee for Examination of the Fluency in the Official Language
Issued pursuant to
Section 6, Paragraph five of the Official Language Law,
Section 24, Paragraphs five and 5.1 of the Immigration Law,
Section 3, Paragraphs four and five of
the Law On the Status of a Long-term Resident
of the European Community in the Republic ofLatvia
I. General Provisions
1. This Regulation prescribes:
1.1. the extent of knowledge of the official language required for the performance of professional duties and duties of office, and the procedures for examination of fluency in the official language for the persons referred to in Section 6, Paragraphs one, two and three of the Official Language Law;
1.2. the extent of knowledge of the official language for receipt of a permanent residence permit and the procedures for examination of fluency in the official language, the exemptions in the taking an examination of knowledge of the official language and the exemptions from examination of fluency in the official language for the persons referred to in Section 24, Paragraph one, Clauses 2, 3, 6 and 7 of the Immigration Law;
1.3. the extent of knowledge of the official language for receipt of the status of a long-term resident of the European Union and the procedures for examination of fluency in the official language, the exemptions in the taking an examination of fluency in the official language and the exemptions from examination of fluency in the official language for the persons referred to in Section 3, Paragraph one of the Law On the Status of a Long-term Resident of the European Community in the Republic of Latvia;
1.4. the amount of the State fee for examination of fluency in the official language for the receipt of a permanent residence permit and obtaining of the status of a long-term resident of the European Union (hereinafter – State fee), as well as the procedures for payment of the State fee.
[3 January 2012]
2. The level and grade of fluency in the official language of a person shall be evaluated and determined in an examination of fluency in the official language (hereinafter – examination).
3. The level and grade of fluency in the official language necessary for the performance of professional duties and duties of office for the persons referred to in Section 6, Paragraph one of the Official Language Law are specified in Annex 1 to this Regulation.
4. The level and grade of fluency in the official language necessary for the persons referred to in Section 6, Paragraphs two and three of the Official Language Law shall be determined by the employer, for an individual merchant and self-employed person – by the person itself. The minimum level and grade of fluency in the official language for the performance of professional duties and duties of office are specified in Annex 2 to this Regulation.
5. The persons referred to in Section 6, Paragraphs two and three of the Official Language Law whose profession or office is not referred to in Annex 2 to this Regulation, but who have a direct contact with consumers in their work, shall ensure consumers with a possibility of receiving the necessary information regarding goods or services in the official language.
6. Within three months after registration of activity an employer shall, in accordance with the Classification of Occupations and Paragraph 4 of this Regulation, create a list of professions and offices of an institution, organisation or undertaking, in which the level and grade of fluency in the official language corresponding to the relevant office and profession are indicated.
7. An employer whose activity has been registered in accordance with the procedures specified in regulatory enactments until the day of the coming into force of this Regulation and who has not created a list of professions and offices of an institution, organisation or undertaking, shall carry out the activities referred to in Paragraph 6 of this Regulation within three months after coming into force of this Regulation.
8. The State Language Centre has a duty, within a month, to provide an opinion on the level and grade of fluency in the official language necessary for the performance of the duties of the relevant professions and offices upon the request of an employer.
9. The persons referred to in Section 6, Paragraphs one, two and three of the Official Language Law shall be responsible for the use of the official language in conformity with the requirements specified in regulatory enactments.
10. A person is entitled to apply for the receipt of a permanent residence permit or the status of a long-term resident of the European Union, if he or she has acquired the official language at least in Grade 2 of the basic level (A2).
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11. [3 January 2012]
II. Exemption from the Examination and Exemptions in Taking the Examination
12. The examination shall not be taken by persons:
12.1. who have acquired primary, secondary or higher education in accredited programmes in the Latvian language;
12.2. who have acquired an accredited minority educational programme and have taken a centralised examination in the Latvian language (minority educational programmes for Grade 9) or a centralised examination in the Latvian language for Grade 12, certified by a certificate of basic education or general secondary education;
12.3. who have functioning limitations related to the state of health or the diagnoses referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation.
[3 January 2012]
13. The persons who in accordance with Sub-paragraph 12.3 of this Regulation are exempted from the examination shall present an opinion of a doctor-rehabilitationist to the employer or the official of the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs.
14. The examination with exemptions shall be taken by persons with functioning limitations referred to in Annex 3 to this Regulation.
III. Extent of Knowledge of the Official Language
15. The extent of knowledge of the official language shall be divided into three levels of the language fluency:
15.1. basic level – A;
15.2. medium level – B;
15.3. highest level – C.
16. Each level of fluency in the official language shall have two grades: the lowest – Grade 1 and the highest – Grade 2.
17. The level and grade of fluency in the official language shall indicate the following extent of the knowledge of and fluency in the official language of a person:
17.1. Grade 1 of the basic level (A1) – the person is able to communicate in phrases and short sentences on simple everyday subjects, minimally uses the professional vocabulary, reads and understands short and simple texts (for example, advertisements, commercials, notices), is able to write personal data (for example, given name, surname, address, education, occupation), comprehends and understands slowly enunciated small texts of rudimentary structure on familiar topics;
17.2. Grade 2 of the basic level (A2) – the person is able to communicate in simple sentences on everyday subjects and professional subjects familiar to him or her, reads and understands simple texts on everyday life and work, is able to fill in standard documents (for example, forms, invoices, receipts), is able to write short texts of personal nature, comprehends and understands naturally paced enunciated small texts related to the work and everyday life of the person;
17.3. Grade 1 of the medium level (B1) – the person is able to maintain a simple dialogue on everyday subjects and professional subjects familiar to him or her, is able to phrase his or her opinion, reads and understands texts of simple content and different subjects, is able to write standard documents (for example, submissions, authorisations, deeds), as well as simple texts regarding everyday life topics or topics related to the work of the person, comprehends and understands naturally paced spoken texts of simple structure on professional or everyday life topics;
17.4. Grade 2 of the medium level (B2) – the person is able to communicate on everyday subjects and professional issues, to clearly phrase and justify his or her opinion, reads and understands texts of different content, is able to write the documents necessary for work (for example, statements, summaries, minutes, reports, deeds), as well as expanded texts regarding everyday life and professional topics, comprehends and understands naturally paced spoken texts on different topics;
17.5. Grade 1 of the highest level (C1) – the person is able to communicate freely, to express and justify his or her opinion on different topics to sufficient extent, reads and understands texts of different content and complexity, is able to write different official documents (for example, recommendations, characterisations, official letters), as well as other texts, comprehends and understands naturally and fluently paced spoken texts of different structure on different topics without difficulties;
17.6. Grade 2 of the highest level (C2) – the person is able to communicate freely, to have an extensive discussion on different topics (also less known and complicated topics and problems), is able to form a conversation according to the situation, to vary the linguistic means of expression, completely comprehends texts of different content, complexity and style, understands implication and shades of meaning; is able to write documents of different types, as well as other texts, comprehends and completely understands texts of different structure and subjects spoken at any pace.
18. For educatees in minority educational programmes the total evaluation in percentage obtained in a centralised examination in the Latvian language in the basic education certificate shall conform to the following level and grade of fluency in the official language:
18.1. evaluation from 5 to 29.99 per cent shall conform to Grade 1 of the basic level;
18.2. evaluation from 30 to 49.99 per cent shall conform to Grade 2 of the basic level;
18.3. evaluation from 50 to 67.99 per cent shall conform to Grade 1 of the medium level;
18.4. evaluation from 68 to 84.99 per cent shall conform to Grade 2 of the medium level;
18.5. evaluation from 85 to 94.99 per cent shall conform to Grade 1 of the highest level;
18.6. evaluation from 95 to 100 per cent shall conform to Grade 2 of the highest level;
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IV. Documents Certifying Fluency in the Official Language
19. Fluency in the official language shall be certified by:
19.1. a certificate of fluency in the official language issued by the National Centre for Education of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Latvia (hereinafter – Centre) (Annex 4), in which the level and grade of fluency in the official language are indicated. A person shall present the certificate of fluency in the official language to the employer. The levels and grades of fluency in the official language referred to in certificates of fluency in the official language, which have been issued prior to the coming into force of this Regulation, shall conform to the following levels and grades of fluency in the official language specified in this Regulation:
19.1.1. the levels and grades indicated in certificates of fluency in the official language, which have been issued from 2001 until the day of coming into force of this Regulation (Annex 5): Level 1, Grade A (1A) – to Grade 1 of the basic level (A1); Level 1, Grade B (1B) – to Grade 2 of the basic level (A2); 2, Grade A (2A) – to Grade 1 of the medium level (B1); Level 2, Grade B (2B) – to Grade 2 of the medium level (B2); Level 3, Grade A (3A) – to Grade 1 of the highest level (C1); Level 3, Grade B (3B) – to Grade 2 of the highest level (C2);
19.1.2. the grades indicated in certificates of fluency in the official language, which have been issued from 1992 until 2000 (Annex 5): Grade 1 (the lowest) – to Grades 1 and 2 of the basic level (A1 and A2); Grade 2 (medium) – to Grades 1 and 2 of the medium level (B1 and B2); Grade 3 (the highest) – to Grades 1 and 2 of the highest level (C1 and C2);
19.2. a basic education certificate issued by the Centre, in which the level and grade of fluency in the official language is indicated according to the total evaluation in percentage in the centralised examination in the Latvian language (in accredited minority educational programmes for Grade 9), or a certificate of general secondary education, in which evaluation in the centralised examination in the Latvian language is indicated. A person shall present the certificate to the employer. The procedures for the issuance of a basic education or general education certificate shall be specified in the regulatory enactments regulating the field of education;
19.3. the following educational documents issued until the day of the coming into force of this Regulation:
19.3.1. a certificate of general secondary education issued by the Centre in 2000. The Levels A and B obtained in the centralised examination in the official language indicated therein shall conform to Grade 3 (the highest) of fluency in the official language, Levels C and D shall conform to Grade 2 (medium) of fluency in the official language, Levels E and F shall conform to Grade 1 (the lowest) of fluency in the official language;
19.3.2. a transcript of academic achievements from a basic education certificate issued until 1 September 2003 – for educatees who are acquiring accredited minority education programmes and, when finishing Grade 9, take examination in the Latvian language. The level of fluency in the official language shall be granted according to the evaluation obtained in examination in the Latvian language. A transcript of academic achievements shall be presented to the employer upon the request thereof. 10-9 points obtained in the examination shall correspond to Level 2, Grade B of fluency in the official language specified in this Regulation, 8-7 points — to Level 2, Grade A, 6-5 points – to Level 1, Grade B, 4 points – to Level 1, Grade A. The Centre, on the basis of a submission by an educatee, shall make an entry into the transcript of academic achievements of the basic education certificate that the educatee who has acquired accredited minority educational programmes and, upon finishing Grade 9 in the study year 2000/2001, has passed the examination in the Latvian language, has been granted the relevant grade of fluency in the official language;
19.3.3. a certificate of basic education issued by the Centre from 1 July 2004 until 31 August 2009, in which the Level F indicated shall conform to Level 1, Grade A (1A) of the official language, Level E – to Level 1, Grade B (1B), Level D – to Level 2, Grade A (2A), Level C – to Level 2, Grade B (2B), Level B – to Level 3, Grade A (3A), Level A – to Level 3, Grade B (3B);
19.3.4. a certificate of general secondary education issued by the Centre from 1 July 2001 until 31 August 2009, in which the Level F indicated shall conform to Level 1, Grade A (1A) of the official language, Level E – to Level 1, Grade B (1B), Level D – to Level 2, Grade A (2A), Level C – to Level 2, Grade B (2B), Level B – to Level 3, Grade A (3A), Level A – to Level 3, Grade B (3B);
19.3.5. a certificate of basic education or general secondary education issued by the Centre from 1 September 2009 until 31 August 2011, in which the Level F indicated shall conform to Level A, Grade 1 of the official language, Level E – to Level A, Grade 2, Level D – to Level B, Grade 1, Level C – to Level B, Grade 2, Level B – to Level C, Grade 1, Level A – to Level C, Grade 2;
19.4. a document confirming that the person has acquired basic, secondary or higher education in accredited programmes in the Latvian language and which is presented by the person to the employer.
[3 January 2012]
20. After coming into force of this Regulation the certificates of fluency in the official language issued from 1 January 1992 until 31 January 2001 shall be valid only for the performance of duties of office and professional duties, and if the certificate is necessary for the person for such purpose only, the fluency in the official language need not be re-examined.
V. Taking of the Examination
21. The head of the Centre shall, by an order, approve the locations and time of examinations and shall insert the relevant information on the Internet home page of the Centre.
22. A person who wishes to take the examination shall, not more than one week prior to the particular examination, submit a written submission (hereinafter – submission) (Annex 6). The person shall submit the submission in person to the employee of the Centre in the town where he or she wishes to take the examination or shall send it in the form of an electronic document or in a letter by post (postal stamp not later than 10 days prior to the particular examination) to the address indicated on the Internet home page of the Centre. If functioning limitations related to the state of health have been established to the person, due to which the person is unable to write, the submission shall be filled in by the legal representative of the person.
23. If the person is entitled and wishes to take the examination with exemptions, he or she shall append an opinion of a doctor-rehabilitationist, in which the functioning limitations related to the state of health are indicated (Annex 3).
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24. If the person submits the submission in person, he or she shall present:
24.1. a valid personal identification document;
24.2. if the person is entitled to pay the State fee in a reduced amount – a document certifying such right.
25. If the person sends the submission in the form of an electronic document or by post, the documents referred to in Paragraph 24 of this Regulation shall be presented upon arrival to the particular examination.
26. The employee of the Centre shall notify the location and time of the particular examination to the person within not more than three working days after registration of the submission:
26.1. in writing, if the person submits the submission in person. The person shall sign for receipt of the relevant information;
26.2. in writing (in a registered letter by post), if the person has sent the submission by post;
26.3. in the form of an electronic document, if the person has submitted the submission in the form of an electronic document.
27. If the person cannot arrive to the examination at the location and time indicated, the person shall, not later than one working day before the examination, notify thereof the employee of the Centre in the town where it has registered for the examination.