/ Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Outreach Programs
www.tsbvi.edu | 512-454-8631 | 1100 W. 45th St. | Austin, TX 78756

Instructions for Annual Registration for Students Who Are Visually Impaired for Students Enrolled on January 05, 2015

The person responsible for completing this Annual Registration of Students Who are Visually Impaired is strongly advised to read ALL the instructions contained in this booklet before completing the registration. There have been some changes, which will impact the accuracy of your data. The teacher of students with visual impairments is the best person to respond to several of these data items.

Statement of Confidentiality

All personally identifiable data collected for this registration

Will be considered confidential and treated as such.

If you have questions about this Annual Registration of Students Who Are Visually Impaired, contact:

Sue Enoch

Phone: (512) 206-9270

Fax (512) 206-9320


Table of Contents

New or deserving of special attention this year 3

General Information 4

Definition, Purpose, and Authority for Data Collection 4

District Responsibility 4

Who to Register 5

School-Age Students (Birth to 22) in Public Schools (Including Charter Schools) 5

School-Age Students (Birth to 22) in Nonpublic Schools 6

Adults (22 Years of Age or Older) 6

Instructions 7

To access VI Annual Registration on-line 7

Description of the Components of the VI Registration 8

Student identification data 8

Grade Level 8

Ethnicity 9

Primary Language of Learner 9

Visual acuity/field 11

Current Eye Report 12

Parent Consent 13

Handicapping Condition 14

Reading 15

Textbook Level 15

Other 16

Additional Reading Medium (ARM) 17

Orientation and Mobility 18

Receiving orientation and mobility 18

Orientation and Mobility Evaluation 18

Use of Assistive Technology 19

Primary and Secondary Cause of Vision Loss 20

VI Teacher of Record 21

Superintendent’s Signature Page 21


New or deserving of special attention this year

Deadline for completion is January 31, 2015.

Items requiring particular attention

·  Part C students (students under 3 years old) receiving services from the teacher of students with visual impairments in your district should be included on this registration.

·  Students who are deafblind or coded AI and VI should be included on this registration.

·  Students with multiple disabilities that include a visual impairment should be included on this registration.

·  Please carefully check the grade level of students who were previously coded as IP (infant parent) or PS (preschool). Those grade levels do not automatically change.

·  Please use the Federal definition of assistive technology (AT) when answering the question about AT. The definition is quite liberal and you will most likely find that almost all students with visual impairments are using some kind of AT under this definition.

IDEA 2004 Section 300.5 “The term ‘assistive technology device’ means

any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially off the shelf, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of a child with a disability.

·  Students who are home schooled and are visually impaired should be included in this registration. Parents should contact Sue Enoch for instructions. (512-206-9270 or ).

·  Students who are visually impaired and attend a private school by parental choice should be included in this registration. Parents should contact Sue Enoch for instructions. (512-206-9270 or ).

Change to an information field

·  Students who are receiving accommodations for a visual impairment under 504 should be included on the registration. Under handicapping conditions, primary disability, 504 is an option. This option is just for students who are not receiving special education services. There is a separate login for 504 coordinators to use.

·  Provide each student’s TSDS identification number. This unique Texas ID number is required for all students enrolled in public school. If a student is aged birth to 3 and has not been assigned a Unique Texas ID number, they may be identified by the last 4 digits of their social security number.
General Information

Definition, Purpose, and Authority for Data Collection

The Annual Registration of Students Who Are Visually Impaired is the count of eligible students who are visually impaired in each school district in Texas on the first Monday in January. The “as of date” for 2015 is Monday, January 5, 2014. The registration of students who are visually impaired also includes students who are deafblind (DB or AI and VI). Students enrolled at the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired on January 5, 2015 will be placed on the TSBVI registration and not on the LEA registration.

This registration serves the following purposes

·  Generates federal funds for educational materials from the American Printing House for the Blind, Federal Quota Program.

Reference: Section 101-106, 20 United States Code Annotated

·  Qualifies students for braille and large print textbooks through the Division of Textbook Administration of the Texas Education Agency.

Reference: Section 31.028, Texas Education Code

·  Qualifies students for services available through State Supplemental VI funding for the unique needs of students with visual impairments.

Reference: Section 30.002, Texas Education Code

·  Facilitates local, regional, and statewide program planning.

Reference: Section 30.002, Texas Education Code

District Responsibility

·  Each school district must provide accurate registration data on students with visual impairments who are enrolled in their district on January 5, 2015.

·  The Superintendent’s verification no longer requires a paper form. It will be approved on line with the district’s administrative sign in. In order to be approved by the superintendent, the following conditions must be true:

o  VI Reg regular must be closed

o  VI Reg 504 must be closed

o  DB Child Count must be closed

o  Superintendent Status must be (R)eady.

o  Setting the districts to “ready” will be done on a specific date at the end of Registration period. The Superintendent or designee (usually the Special Education Director) will sign in and verify their data as approved. This action will lock the data to change.

Who to Register

School-Age Students (Birth to 22) in Public Schools (Including Charter Schools)

1.  A student must be enrolled on January 5, 2015, in an education program of less than college level. Children under the age of three receiving services from an LEA teacher of student with visual impairments and/or orientation and mobility specialists should be included on the registration.

(Note: Students who are served in nonpublic schools through contract arrangements should be registered through the public school district contracting for the service.)

2.  A student must have an individualized educational plan (IEP) or an individualized family service plan (IFSP) on file in the district that is registering the student. An admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee or an IFSP team must determine that the student meets the eligibility criteria for visual impairment.

3.  Students with disabilities in addition to a visual impairment (e.g., MR/VI, LD/VI, OH/VI, AI/VI, DB) should also be registered.

4.  There must be an eye report by an ophthalmologist or optometrist on file in the district and it must be current within 3 years*.

*If the ARD committee accepts an eye report that is older than 3 years, then that eye report is considered current. Only the ARD committee can make this exception based on the eye specialist’s report.

5.  A student enrolled in the Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired (TSBVI) on January 5, 2015, must be registered by the TSBVI, not the student’s home school district.

School-Age Students (Birth to 22) in Nonpublic Schools

1.  A student must be enrolled on January 5, 2015, in an educational program of less than college level in an approved nonpublic school.

(Note: This does not include students being served in nonpublic schools through contract arrangements with public schools. Those students should be registered through the public school district contracting for the service.)

A student must have an IEP, IFSP, or other written educational plan on file in the school.

2.  An eye report by an ophthalmologist or optometrist must be on file in the school and must be current within three years. A reasonable exception will be made for students who are totally blind or whose eyes have been enucleated or who have proven non-changing eye conditions.

Adults (22 Years of Age or Older)

1.  The adult must be enrolled in an educational program of less than college level for 20 hours or more of instruction per week. The adult must be enrolled on January 5, 2015, and must attend the program on a regular basis. Regular basis has been defined as 12 weeks of work at 20 hours a week. Those weeks do not have to be consecutive.

2.  An adult must have an IEP or other written plan on file in the program that specifies the instruction being provided. Social and leisure programs alone do not qualify.

3.  An eye report by an ophthalmologist or optometrist must be on file in the program and must be current within three years. A reasonable exception will be made for persons who are totally blind or whose eyes have been enucleated or who have proven non-changing eye conditions.


To access VI Annual Registration on-line

Go to https://www.tsbvi.edu/VIReg/.

·  Your user name is the county-district number for the district. Use only the numerals; do not include the hyphen.

·  The password was sent in an email to the director of special education provided by your ESC.

·  If you serve multiple districts, for each district you must enter the county-district number as the user name and the eight digit number password for the district. To change to another district, you will need to shut down your browser (for example, Microsoft Explorer, Safari, or Mozilla) and then open in a new window.

·  You will be notified if your login was successful.

·  Read and follow the “Entry Instructions” carefully.

·  Your district will not register as closed until you click on “Close All Entry for District” on the page called “Visually Impaired Registration Menu”. Until you close, you can change student records.

·  The Superintendent’s verification no longer requires a paper form. It will be approved on line with the district’s administrative sign in. In order to be approved by the superintendent, the following conditions must be true:

o  VI Reg regular must be closed

o  VI Reg 504 must be closed

o  DB Child Count must be closed

o  Superintendent Status must be (R)eady.

o  Setting the districts to “ready” will be done on a specific date at the end of Registration period. The Superintendent or designee (usually the Special Education Director) will sign in and verify their data as approved. This action will lock the data to change.

Description of the Components of the VI Registration

Student identification data


A unique^ten digit number assigned to a student by the Texas Education Agency.

Students who do not have a unique TX ID may use the last 4 digits of their social security number. These should mostly be students birth-three.

Student Name

Last Name

First Name

Do not report middle initial. Do not submit a name with only the initial of the student’s first name.

Date of Birth

Give the student’s date of birth in numbers in this sequence: Month-Day-Year (e.g., 06-03-1985).

Grade Level

IP / Infant Program
The student must be under 3 years of age on January 6, 2014. Use this code for infants and toddlers served through an IFSP by an ECI Program.
PS / Preschool
The student is three years of age or older on January 6, 2014, and is being served in an early childhood (including PPCD) or pre-kindergarten program.
KG / Kindergarten
01, 10, Etc. / Grade
This grade should be the one assigned to the student by the school for PEIMS and attendance accounting purposes.
OR / Other Registrant
A student with this code is 18 through 22 years old, not graduated and continuing in an ungraded special education setting.
AD / Adult
Use this for students who are 23 years or older on the first day of school.
FC / Functional Curriculum Students.
Grades 01-12 working toward a graduation certificate or non-traditional diploma.
TR / Transition Students
Students of school age, as determined by state law, in secondary instructional programs designed to supplement the traditional curricululm.
AN / Academic Non-graded
Students of school age, as determined by state law, who are working to acquire skills necessary for placement in a regular grade.


A code from the chart below must be used to indicate the student’s ethnic background. "Other" is not an option. The code used should be the same as reported on the district’s PEIMS report for the student. Do not leave this item blank.

1 / American Indian or Alaskan Native
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North America and who maintains cultural identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition.
2 / Asian
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or Indian subcontinent. This includes, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam.
3 / Black, not of Hispanic Origin
A non-Hispanic person having origins in any of the Black racial groups of Africa.
4 / Hispanic
A person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South America, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race.
5 / White, not of Hispanic Origin
A non-Hispanic person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, North Africa, or the Middle East.
6 / Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander
A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or the Pacific Islands.
7 / Two or more races
A person having origins in two or more of the race categories listed above. Does not include persons of Hispanic/Latino ethnicity.


A code from the chart must be used to indicate the child’s language used for instruction in the classroom. or at home if the child is under 3 years of age. If the child uses any speech, even one or two words, then choose “English”, “Spanish”, or “Other”.. For children who use more than one language, report the language of the textbooks the child is using or use your best judgment to pick just one response.