2013 – 14 ATOD Risk Reduction Work Plan

Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By December 30, 2013 the ATOD Risk Reduction Coordinator in conjunction with UC Davis and City Of Davis Police will have planned and promoted Fall Enforcement activities to create environmental change. These efforts are aimed at promoting risk reduction in the student population. / 1.  Facilitate the coordination of Fall Enforcement operations between UC Davis and City of Davis Police Departments.
2.  Implement the communication feedback loop alerting the campus community to weekly aggregate statistics
3.  Letter from Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs and Mayor on Safe Party and Fall Enforcement
4.  Disseminate Safe Party visibility components to property managers over summer
5.  Purchase 6 Aggie ads to promote Safe Party website and statistics / 1.  June – Oct
2.  Sept – Nov
3.  Sept
4.  Aug – Oct
5.  Sept – Oct / ATOD RRC, Polly Paulson, UC Davis Police Department, City of Davis Police Department, City of Davis Mayor’s Office, Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs, Tamara, Holly / - Wanna Party? brochure
- Four Signs of Alcohol Poisoning magnet
- Aggie ads
- Fall Enforcement content on safeparty.ucdavis.edu / - Fall Enforcement statistics from UC Davis and City of Davis Police Departments
- # of Safe Party promotional items distributed
- # of Fall Enforcement updates on Safe Party website
- # of Fall Enforcement ads in Aggie
- Letter from Vice Chancellor and Mayor sent to all students / 1. Lt. William (Bill) Beermann from UCDPD and Sgt. Dan Powell from City of Davis PD are the new leads
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By October 13, 2013, train 11 student assistants and 15 volunteers on health education and promotion topics / 6.  Lead trainings on Health Promotion Theory, Campus and Community Partnerships, Turn the Curve activity, and developing timelines
7.  Train 3 student assistants and 19 volunteers on ATOD projects and ATOD risk reduction training sections
8.  Have one student assistant help with volunteer presentation
9.  Evaluate Student Assistant training / 6.  Sept
7.  Sept
8.  Sept
9.  Oct / ATOD RRC, Student Assistants and Volunteers / N/A / - Participant evaluations
- Evaluation of Alcohol Jeopardy teach back’s
By Oct 7, 2013, the ATOD Risk Reduction Coordinator will have partnered with Davis community members to plan Davis Neighbors’ Night Out (DNNO) and the ATOD team will have attended a minimum of 8 parties. / 10.  Attend DNNO planning meetings
11.  Promote the event to UCD students
12.  Identify and select DNNO parties hosted by UCD students to attend by connecting with Stacy Winton
13.  Attend parties and reward UCD student party hosts with Safe Party water bottles / 10.  Jul – Oct
11.  Sept – Oct
12.  Oct
13.  Oct / ATOD RRC and Student Assistants / - Safe Party water bottle
- Wanna Party? brochure
- Four Signs of Alcohol Poisoning magnet / - # of DNNO student hosted parties that student assistants visit
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By Dec 14, 2013 the three ATOD student assistants and interested volunteers will each conduct a ride-a-long or bike-a-long with UC Davis Police or City of Davis Police. / 14.  Communicate scheduling ride-a-long logistics
15.  Schedule Rides
16.  Complete Rides
17.  Submit reports
18.  Develop a plan to engage one-third of the volunteers to take advantage of the ride-a-long opportunity / 14.  Sept
15.  Sept - Oct
16.  Sept - Jun
17.  Sept – Jun
18.  Sept - Jun / ATOD RRC, Student Assistants and Volunteers / N/A / - # of ride-a-longs reports completed
By June 30, 2014, the ATOD team will have collaborated with other campus units and the Davis community to participate in a minimum of 2 special events to promote ATOD risk reduction behaviors. / 19.  Plan ATOD content for The Buzz
20.  Plan ATOD content for the Resource Fair, if invited
21.  Plan ATOD activities for the ASUCD Housing Fair, if invited
22.  Respond to additional requests for the ATOD team to participate in other special events / 19.  Aug – Sept
20.  Aug – Sept
21.  Aug – Jun
22.  Mar – Jun / ATOD RRC, Student Assistants, Volunteers, Student Housing, HEP / - Ads
- Flyers
- Safe Party promotional items
- Updates to the safeparty.ucdavis.edu / - # of participants
- Distribution of Safe Party promotional items
- Safe Party website updates for Drunk and Drugged Driving month
- Summary reports on meetings and events
By June 30, 2014, ATOD Student Assistants will have conducted 3 health promotion programs. / 23.  Train ATOD Student Assistants to conduct Alcohol Jeopardy
24.  Schedule programs
25.  Conduct programs
26.  Evaluate programs
27.  Facilitate administration of the volunteer program training
28.  Review program content for further improvement
29.  Update the Student Housing Bulletin Board / 23.  Sept
24.  Sept - Jun
25.  Sept - Jun
26.  Sept - Jun
27.  Sept - Jun
28.  Nov, Feb, May
29.  Sept - Oct / ATOD RRC, Student Assistants and Volunteers / - Updates to the Alcohol Jeopardy game board, as needed / - Updated Alcohol Jeopardy program descriptions and bulletin board on UCD Student Housing alphabet soup website
- Student Assistant facilitator evaluations
- Program participant evaluations
- Feedback from Student Housing
- Provide feedback to housing, as needed
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By June 30, 2014, the ATOD Risk Reduction Coordinator and RADD partners will promote the RADD designated driver program. Non-drinking, sober designated drivers can get a free non-alcoholic beverage in the Davis and Sacramento RADD Partner Establishments. Engage a minimum number of 15 bars to participate. / 30.  Utilize the RADD car to promote the designated driver program to students at The Buzz and hand out RADD cards
31.  Meet with bars to confirm their partnership in implementing Recording Artists, Athletes, Actors, and Athletes against Drunk Driving (RADD) program, a designated driver program
32.  Develop visibility for the RADD designated driver program / 30.  Sept
31.  Sept – Jun
32.  Sept – Jun / ATOD RRC, RADD, City of Davis bars, Student Assistants, Volunteers / - RADD updates to safeparty.ucdavis.edu, as needed / - # of RADD bars
- # of RADD cards distributed
- # of RADD visibility components
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By June 2014 the eCHECKUP TO Go will have been completed by 1500 UC Davis students. / 33.  Maintain eCHECKUP TO GO language on the incoming student health requirement webpage
34.  Promote eCHECK UP TO GO in all visibility opportunities / 33.  Sept - Jun
34.  Sept - Jun / ATOD RRC, Student Assistants, Volunteers / None / - # of students that complete the survey
ATOD Risk Reduction Coordinator will chair the Davis Alcohol and Other Drug Advisory Group (DAODAG). / 35.  Plan and facilitate agendas for four meetings
36.  Collaborate with partners to improve the safe and responsible service and consumption of alcohol in the Davis community on Picnic Day 2013
37.  Develop, plan goals for DAODAG in collaboration with the SHCS Director
38.  Foster and build investment in group by participants
39.  Warmly welcome new members and validated participation of longstanding members / 35.  Jul - Jun
36.  Jul - Jun
37.  Jul - Oct
38.  Sept - Jun
39.  Jul - Jun / ATOD RRC, Student Assistants / TBD / - Meeting agendas & minutes
- Collaborate with the SHCS Director to set meeting agendas
- ATOD RRC will serve as the DAODAG representative on the ad hoc Picnic Day Working Group as needed
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
The ATOD Risk Reduction Coordinator will continue to collaborate with campus and Davis community members to foster safer party environments on Picnic Day / 40.  Collaborate with campus and Davis community members to initiate policies and practices for a safer environment on Picnic Day 2014
41.  Connect with apartment managers to partner in informing students of safe party tips and Picnic Day policies
Market Picnic Day ATOD risk reduction to the campus community / 40.  Oct - Jun
41.  Oct - Jun / ATOD RRC, Picnic Day Working Group, if any, Student Assistants, Volunteers / - Ads
- Fliers
- Updates to safeparty.ucdavis.edu / - Action steps completed
- Safe Party collaborations
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By June 30, 2014, one or two (non-sanctioned) student organizations/ groups will have received TIPS training. / 42.  Partner with the ATOD Intervention Coordinator to implement and facilitate TIPS trainings
43.  The ATOD Risk Reduction Coordinator will take the lead in conducting TIPS trainings for student organizations interested in preventing the misuse of alcohol before and adverse event occurs
44.  Collaborate with the ATOD Intervention Coordinator, Housing, and the Greek Life Coordinator to improve the delivery of TIPS training / 42.  Sept - Jun
43.  Sept - Jun
44.  Sept - Jun / ATOD RRC, SL, PP, Housing, Greek Life Coordinator and Student Housing / TBD / - # of programs
- Attendance sheets
-Recommendations for improvements to the TIPS training process
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By June 30, 2014 the Safe Party website content will be updated and promoted for students to bookmark. / 45.  Review and update Safe Party website
46.  Promote Safe Party website in all programs, tabling events and visibility opportunities / 45.  Sept - Jun
46.  Sept - Jun / ATOD RRC, Student Assistants, Marketing, Adam, Volunteers / - Updates to safeparty.ucdavis.edu
- Safe Party promotional items / -Assess website traffic during evenings and weekends
- Distribution of Safe Party promotional items
- Develop strategies to engage students to bookmark the website
ATOD Risk Reduction Coordinator will continue to be an active participant in the City-UCD Student Liaison Commission. / 47.  Attend meetings
48.  Provide updates on the Safe Party Initiative activities & identify opportunities for collaboration / 47.  Oct - Jun
48.  Oct - Jun / ATOD RRC / TBD / TBD
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By June 30, 2014 ATOD will participate in the Smoke-free Policy implementation in a consulting role to student organizations. / 49.  Partner with the Smoke-free Policy Implementation Committee
50.  Continue formative research on UC’s and colleges to chronicle best practices / strategies as needed
51.  Promote implementation information and cessation resources to students through internal channels / 49.  Aug – Jun
50.  Aug – Jun
51.  Aug – Jun / ATOD RRC / TBD / TBD
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By June 30, 2013 work to help coordinate the 2012 – 2014 Biennial Review of UC Davis’ Alcohol and Other Drug Programs process, developed a template for future Biennial Reviews and make the Biennial Review publicly accessible / 52.  Finalize the 2012 – 2012 Biennial Review of UC Davis’ Alcohol and Other Drug Programs
53.  Post online and have a hard copy of the 2012 – 2014 Biennial Review of UC Davis’ Alcohol and Other Drug Programs / 52.  Aug – Jun
53.  Aug – Jun / ATOD RRC, PP / TBD / - Final draft of the 2012 – 2014 Biennial Review
- The 2012 – 2014 Biennial Review will be posted online and there will be a hard copy of the document
By August 30, 2013 disseminate Safe Party materials to local apartment and property managers to provide in student welcome packets. / 54.  Update property managers contact list from previous year
55.  Send out letter of inquiry and track responses in Excel
56.  Pull together requested materials to deliver directly to managers
57.  Deliver materials / 54. Jun-July
55.Jun- July
56. July-Aug / ATOD RRC, Tamara, Natasha / -Wanna Party? brochure
-Four Signs of Alcohol Poisoning magnet / # of managers interested in receiving materials
# of materials disseminated
Objective / Activities / Date(s) / Person(s) / Marketing Needs / Evaluation/
Deliverables / Update
By February 1, 2014 implement cigarette butt environmental scan / 58.  Update tools for volunteers to complete scans of on-campus buildings
59.  Conduct scan and collect results
60.  Use data from environmental scan to compare with results from previous year’s data
61.  Create report and share with stakeholders / 58. Jan
59. Feb
60. March
61. March / SAs, volunteers / New report
# of buildings scanned


Reduce high-risk alcohol consumption and the associated negative consequences. Continue to work towards a coordinated campus and community environment that promotes and supports low-risk drinking behaviors. Enhance promotion of ATOD risk reduction efforts, TIPS training, referrals, educational treatment and cessation support to students with alcohol, tobacco or other drug use concerns.