Meeting Record

1.00pm – 2.50pm


•Michelle Graffeo, Representative, Community and/or primary health

•Joanne Gell, Representative, Community Health/Registered Training Organisation

•Sue Daly, Representative, Department of Health and Human Services (Regional office)

•Narelle Biedermann, Representative, Higher education providers

•Mark Yates, Representative, Higher education providers

•Deborah Pascoe, Representative, Higher education providers(Deputy Chair)

•Michelle Walker, Representative, Private health and/or not-for-profit

•Heather Phillips, Representative, Public health (via teleconference)

•Deidre Harrington, Representative, Public health(via teleconference)

•Joaquin Benedicto, Representative, Public health

•Wendy James, Representative, Public health (via videoconference)

•Denielle Beardmore, Representative, Public health (Chair)

•Michelle MacGillivray, Representative, Victorian Medicare Locals

•Pam Shackleton, Representative, Vocational Education Training (VET) providers

•Sue Thorpe, Secretariat, Grampians CTN Coordinator, Department of Health and Human Services

•Emily Brady, Minute Secretary, Information Support Officer, Department of Health and Human Services


•Barry Wright, Executive Director VET, Federation University


•Jo Warren, Representative, Aboriginal health

•Helen Farnsworth, Representative, Aged Care

•Maria Noonan, Representative, Private health and/or not-for-profit

•Sue Campigli, Representative, Public health

•Anna Wong-Shee, Representative, Public health


•Jan Milliken, Representative, Community and/or primaryhealth

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  1. Welcome
  1. Apologies
  2. Declaration of conflict of interest
  1. Listed above.
  2. No conflicts of interest were declared
  • Nil

  1. Business arising from previous meeting
  1. Site visit Nhill
  1. Site visit of Nhill student accommodation has been completed by the CTN coordinator. Accommodation is now ready for students, and this completes the 2011 Strategic project
  • Nil

  1. Sector Representative Reports
  • Victorian Medicare Locals representative updated the committee on the transition to Western Victoria Primary Health Network effective 1 July. Following the last CTN meeting, five videoconferencing units have been redistributed in the Grampians region
  • Community health representative attended a focus group run by the Expanded settings program on Wednesday 10 June in Ballarat
  • Department of Health and Human Services (Regional) representative updated the committee on innovative chronic pain management and funded advance practice roles in allied health and nursing
  • Public health representative attended a conference in Sydney last week and presented a summary of the work undertaken within the Grampians region
  • Higher education providers representative reported that the revised schedule of fees is still a focus in the sector. The representative reported that she will be attending the Council of Health Deans meeting next week
  • Public health representative advised that work is continuing in the Wimmera region with allied health to assist with placement planning

  1. Department of Health and Human Services programs update
  1. Networks & Governance
  2. Clinical Training Programs (Expanded Settings, Simulation and Clinical Supervision)
  3. Data, Quality and Funding
  1. Victorian Clinical Training Council (including reporting entities) update
  1. 20 March 2015 meeting update
  2. 19 June 2015 meeting agenda items
  3. State-wide Advisory Groups update:
  • Advisory Group for Standardised Student Induction (AGSSI)
  • Relationship Agreement Advisory Group (RAAG)
  1. Clinical Placement Planning 2015 – The meetings have been conducted and Phase 2: Preparing for planning in viCPlace will commence 22 June. viCPlace training and support is available for new and existing users via the CTN staff.
The evaluation report summary of 2014 Clinical Placement Planning process is available online at and was distributed to committee members prior to the meeting.
Higher education providers enquired as to how areas with competing student requests (ie – Maternity) could manage placements if medicine was not using viCPlace, when other disciplines were. It was noted that viCPlace users can “block out” or reserve places for non-viCPlace professions who are being placed in the same locations as students who are recorded on the system.
  1. All members of the former Clinical Supervision, Simulation and Expanded Settings Expert Advisory Groups were invited to a symposium on 12 May at the Department, where a facilitated discussion on the best structure for advisory group consultation and advice was conducted. The consensus was that there would be one advisory group to provide advice to the Department, where sought, on innovation and quality in clinical education/training. The department will consider membership of a single Advisory Group, communicate with former EAG members regarding the work program, and aim to establish a new advisory group, with an initial meeting in later July.
Grampians region had two representatives who attended the symposium.
  1. Best Practice Clinical Learning Environment (BPCLE) – is a world first and has been implemented for the past year. The survey results are positive. Ongoing data collection and the survey will inform future developments. The next steps are to work with registered community health services (RCHS), further develop the BPCLEtool and conduct the public health service data collection which is due in February 2016.
  1. The Chair provided an update on the 20 March VCTC meeting. Minutes are available.
  2. The 19 June VCTC Agenda was discussed with the committee.
  3. Feedback is being sought on the Standardised student induction protocol developed by the Department in consultation with the Advisory Group on Standardised Student Induction (AGSSI) as published in the May-June newsletter. CTN committee members were to provide feedback from their sectors via the template supplied with the meeting papers and to submit the forms to the Grampians CTN coordinator by today or prior.
It is intended that this document will be a schedule of the Student Placement Agreement which is currently being finalised in consultation with the Relationship Agreement Advisory Group (RAAG). Significant legal consultation has been provided in the development of the Student Placement Agreement, and the Standardised student induction protocol has also been subject to legal review to ensure it aligns with the agreement. /
  • Members to note
  • For information
  • Committee members to complete and return completed form to the Grampians CTN coordinator by Friday 12 June

  1. Grampians CTN projects
  • All Clinical Supervision and Support and Simulation projects have been finalised and final reports have been submitted to DHHS.
  • Members to note

  1. Diploma of Nursing – Federation University
  • Diploma of Nursing course at Federation University TAFE will continue
  • Sue Thorpe will be the new Education Manager, Health from 29 June
  • Consultation with stakeholders will occur
  • The Chair advised that the Grampians CTN are highly supportive of continuation of the Diploma due to its value to workforce in the region
  • For information

  1. Workforce Development Implementation Plan Initial Consultation: Key questions
  • As per the VCTC Agenda item 6 paper supplied with the meeting papers, the Department is developing an implementation plan for workforce development to guide the work for the next four years.
  • The committee discussed the VCTC agenda item 6 and noted the following feedback;
Q1. What are the key actions and/or requirements that may improve inter-professional teamwork and collaboration between professional-entry students; and in the health workforce?
Inter-professional learning facilitator workshops and induction
Inter-professional simulated learning opportunities
Access to shared accommodation and facilities
Promotion of inter-professional learning after undergraduate study
Remove barriers to inter-professional collaboration and training
Q2. To build a sustainable workforce, what are the key actions and/or requirements that may inform approaches to developing flexible career pathways?
No input was provided to this question
Q3. What are the key actions and/or requirements that would improve the ability of the health workforce to engage positively with change?
Stop specialisation in professions early in career
Expand medical training in regions and support placements
Change in health service delivery
Highlight links between health professionals in care delivery and between organisations
Communication – seek stakeholder input
Promote and market rural and expanded settings placements
Understand the generational capacity for change /
  • Committee members to provide feedback to CTN coordinator by Friday 12 June

  1. Other Business
  1. Grampians CTN Terms of Reference 2015
  2. Meeting duration
  3. Resignations from the committee
  4. New Deputy Chair – Grampians CTN Committee
  5. Resignation of Grampians CTN Coordinator
  1. Terms of Reference were provided and noted by 2015 committee members
  2. The duration of the committee meetings were discussed. It was agreed that further 2015 meetings would be of two hours duration (1-3pm)
  3. Anna Wong-Shee and Michelle MacGillivray have resigned from the committee. Public health have several representatives remaining, however a new representative from Primary Health Networks will be sought after July 1.
  4. Deborah Pascoe was elected and welcomed into the role of Deputy Chair of the committee replacing Anna Wong-Shee, following nomination process.
  5. Sue Thorpe, Grampians CTN coordinator, has resigned from the role, effective 26 June.
  • Members to note

Next meeting 11 September 2015 (Deborah Pascoe to Chair)

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