Civil Rights Movement Chapter 14 Reading/Study Guide

The struggle to gain racial equality was fought in the courts through various organizations trying to achieve equality for African Americans. African Americans challenged the legality of local segregation and Americans of all races joined the fight. Conducting non-violent protests, sit-ins, marches and various other demonstrations all proved that most Americans were ready to stop the struggle for equality and move toward the democracy America portrayed to the world.

1)  What are de jure segregation and de facto segregation?

2)  What were the Jim Crow laws and what did they do?

3)  Why did WWII accelerate the Civil Rights Movement?

4)  What did CORE stand for and what did they do?

5)  What happened in the Brown vs. Board of Education decision?

6)  What did President Eisenhower do about the schooling issue in Little Rock, Arkansas?

7)  What developed from the Montgomery bus boycott?

8)  What happened to many of the “sit-in” protestors?

9)  Why was SNCC formed?

10) What policy did Martin Luther King, Jr. and SCLC follow to make a change for Civil Rights?

11) Where did the focus of the civil rights movement shift from because of SCLC?

12) How were the SCLC and CORE similar?

13) What did the Freedom Rides hope to do?

14) Who was James Meredith and what did he do? Why did President Kennedy get involved?

15) Why did President Kennedy move slowly on civil rights at first?

16) Why did MLK, Jr. hold demonstrations in Birmingham, Alabama?

17) What did the March on Washington hope to achieve?

18) What happened after the Voting Rights Act 1965 was passed?

19) What are President Johnson’s Civil Rights Act of 1964 & Voting Rights Act of 1965 considered to be?

20) What did Malcolm X want African Americans to do?

21) What was the purpose behind Freedom Summer and the Selma March?

22) How did Stokely Carmichael change SNCC?

23) What was black power and how was it supposed to be used?

24) What was the National Urban League and what was their purpose?