Management 3050

Decision Science

Instructor: Dr. M. Yasin

Office: Sam Wilson 203

Office Hours: As Posted

Phone: (423) 439-5877

Fax: (423) 439-5661



Text: An introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making (10th Edition) by Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams. South-West College Publishing, 2000.

Prerequisites: CSC 1010, ECON 2080 and Junior Standing.

Course Perspective: This course is intended to provide an in-depth knowledge of quantitative decision making models with an emphasis on both manual and computer solution techniques. While linear programming will be the primary tool of analysis, other techniques will also be derived and applied. A basic working knowledge of commonly used computer software packages is assumed.

Specific topical areas to be covered include:

·  Introduction (Quantitative Analysis and the Decision-Making Process)

·  Linear Programming: The Graphical Method

·  Linear Programming Applications

·  Linear Programming: The Simplex Method

·  Linear Programming: Computer Solution

·  Simplex-Based Sensitivity Analysis and Duality

·  Transportation, Assignment, and Transshipment Problems

·  Waiting line Models

·  Integer Linear Programming

·  Project Management PERT/CPM

·  Inventory Models

Grading Policy

The course grade is assigned based on various aspects of work weighted as below:




First exam / 100
Second Exam / 100
Term Paper/Homework Assignments and Quizzes / 150
Final Comprehensive Exam / 150
Total possible points / 500

Course grade is determined as below:

Points Earned / Course Grade
463-500 / A
450-462 / A-
438-449 / B+
413-437 / B
400-412 / B-
388-399 / C+
363-387 / C
350-362 / C-
338-349 / D+
300-337 / D

Homework: While homework will be assigned on a regular basis, a given homework may or may not be collected and graded.

Make-Up Exams: Any absence in any test or a quiz is an automatic zero unless the student provides a legitimate reason in writing. Then, a make- up may be considered by the instructor.

Attentance Policy: Students are expected to attend class, and will be responsible for any work or material missed. Unannounced quizzes will be given to keep track of attendance.

Special needs' students: Please check with instructor.

Tentative class schedule

Block 1

Chapters 1-4 and related material

First Exam (Date to be announced in class)

Block 2

Chapters 5 and 6 related material

Second Exam (Date to be announced in class)

Block 3

Chapters 7, 8, 10,11,13,16 and related material.

Final Comprehensive Exam