21ST–22NDAPRIL 2012
*denotes a member of Council (voter)
Andrew Bennett*
Geoff Eastwood*
Richard Lloyd Jones*
Cath MacKay*
Jerry Pearlman*
Malcolm Petyt*
Paddy Tipping*
Rodney Whittaker*
Honorary Treasurer
Jonathan Kipling*
Board of Trustee member
Naseem Akhtar*
Kate Ashbrook*
Max Grant*
James Lawson*
Malcolm Newman*
Robert Peel*
Owen Plunkett*
David Thomson*
Keith Wadd*
Laurie Young*
Agenda Committee member
John Esslemont*
Elizabeth Lawie*
Eileen Linfoot*
Brian Reader*
Neill Schofield*
Avon Area
Jill Fysh*
Sylvia Popham*
Bedfordshire Area
Paul Boatfield*
Tony Kimble*
Berkshire Area
John Moules*
Lee Pattison*
Bucks, Milton Keynes & W Middx Area
John Elfes
Paul Rhodes*
John Wainwright*
Adam Young
Cambs & Peterborough Area
Janet Cartwright*
Stephen Horner*
Cheshire East Area
David Bates*
Cornwall Area
Graham Ronan*
Sylvia Ronan*
Derbyshire Area
Geof Cole*
Mike Hufton*
Devon Area
George Coles*
Joan Long*
Dorset Area
Laurie Fairhurst*
Kate Gocher*
E Yorks/Derwent Area
Les Atkinson*
Peter Ayling*
Pauline Hakeney
Dany Wlodarczyk
Essex Area
Kevin Clark*
David Harvey*
Mags Hobby*
Forth Valley, Fife & Tayside Area
Ben Douglas*
Gloucestershire Area
Jill Byrne
Richard Davis*
Bernard Gill
Mavis Rear*
Grampian Area
Anne MacDonald*
Alison Mitchell*
Greater Gwent Area
Maggie Thomas*
Greater Manchester & High Peak Area
Salle Dare*
Gloria Gaffney*
Hampshire Area
Vicky Booth*
Patric Curwen*
Peter Sollars*
Herefordshire Area
Tom Fisher*
June Handy*
Herts & N Middx Area
Roger Bangs
Phil Escritt*
Norman Jones
David Smith*
Highland & Islands Area
Vic Royce*
Inner London Area
Phil Marson*
Clare Wadd*
Isle of Wight Area
John Hague*
Michael Slater*
Kent Area
Alison Hargreaves*
Margaret Lubbock*
Lake District Area
Pauline Goodridge*
Leics & Rutland Area
Roy Denney*
Michael Parr
Peter Williams*
Lincolnshire Area
Geoff Mullett*
Stuart Parker*
Colin Smith
Miriam Smith
Merseyside & West Cheshire Area
Dave Callan
Margaret Hems*
Carol Walsh*
Mid Lancashire Area
Kevin Matthews*
David Morris*
Norfolk Area
Peter James*
Richard May*
Northamptonshire Area
David Craddock*
Andrew Knapman*
North & Mid Cheshire Area
Keith Doughty*
North East Lancs Area
Susan Baxendale*
Michael Counter*
North Strathclyde Area
Eleanor Peacock*
Barry Pottle*
Northumbria Area
Neil Allender*
Malcolm NcVey*
Tim McVey
North Yorks/S Durham Area
Jo Bird*
Simon Gotch*
Nottinghamshire Area
Judith Anson
Jenny Fillingham
Rod Fillingham*
Chris Thompson*
Oxfordshire Area
Dave Cavanagh*
Nick Morley*
Peter Stone
Pembrokeshire Area
George Allingham*
Jeanette Allingham*
Renfrewshire, Cowal & Bute Area
David Collinson*
Hilary Graham*
Shropshire Area
Peter Carr*
Joy Nisbet
Alison Parker*
Somerset Area
David Thompson*
Les Stather*
S Yorks/NE Derbys Area
Terry Howard*
Diane Parkin
Allen Pestell*
Staffordshire Area
Graham Evans*
George Greensides*
Muriel Taylor
Ted Taylor
Suffolk Area
Richard Tyson*
Roland Wilson*
Surrey Area
John Hauxwell*
Martin Matthews*
Sussex Area
Clive Grumett*
Stephen Kisko
Anne Parker*
Warwickshire Area
Bill Burton*
Leander Oldbury*
Andy Page
West Riding Area
Martin Bennett
Michael Church*
David Gibson*
Wilts & Swindon Area
Pat Crabb*
Margaret White*
Worcestershire Area
John Coleman*
Peter Wright*
HF Holidays
Alex Greenwood
Matthew Humphreys
Alison Smith
Brian Smith*
Long Distance Walkers Association
Paul Lawrence*
Open Spaces Society
Jean MacDonald*
Ramblers Holidays Group Ltd
Kathy Cook
Annette Cotter*
Tony Maniscalco
Ian Showell
Red Rope
Adrian Jones
Don Kinnibrugh*
Steve Wright
YHA (England & Wales)
Chris Hunt*
Jane Davidson
Des Garrahan
Steve Hindle
Huw Irranca-Davies
Joanna Irranca-Davies
Terri McNerney
Ian Wilkinson
Simon Barnett
Justin Bend
Paul Butler
Maria Castellina
Angela Charlton
Richard Colwill
Justin Cooke
Janet Davis
Des de Moor
Anastasia French
Richard Granville
Tony Hall
Lucy Humphrey
Dave Morris
Thomas Moulton
Sam Newby-Ricci
Gwenda Owen
Emma Pearson
Gemma Petty
Nicky Philpott
Clare Power
Hazel Robinson
Nicky Russell
Emily Shaw
Jo Smith
Benedict Southworth
Angelah Sparg
Rhiannon Wadeson
Robin Walton
Caroline Wheeler
Area Helpers
Anne Bates
Terry Bates
Bob Collins
Nick Crowley
Kiran Daxini
Anne Donegan
Elaine Easom
Sue Elliott
Rita Gildroy
Kay Gosling
Mark Hewitt
Rachel Hooke
John Howells
Vicky Howells
Martin James
Rob Jones
Nick King
Trevor Martin
Tom Merry
Audrey Osler
Mary Rooks
John Sim
Sue Sim
Jennifer Smith
Tony Smith
Ken Storer
Teresa Sykes
Andrea Wanless
Ken Wanless
Stan Warren
Sally Wilson
Mark Woodall
1.1On behalf of the Leicestershire & Rutland Area, Peter welcomed General Council to Leicestershire, observing that, with a heavy agenda, there would be little chance to get out into the beautiful towns and countryside of Leicestershire although he hoped delegates would be interested enough to come back at a future date to visit some of the delights that the area had to offer.
1.2He added that many of the Area’s local experiences might illuminate Council’s discussions. First and foremost was that in the early 1990s, Leicestershire (together with parts of Derbyshire and Staffordshire) became the location of the new National Forest, created to link Charnwood Forest in Leicestershire to Needwood Forest in Staffordshire. Included within its 200 square miles were the despoiled landscape of the South Derbyshire and North West Leicestershire coalfields, some magnificent former country estates around Calke, Bradgate and Staunton Harold and some fairly ordinary, but productive farmland. The area had been transformed since 1995, with the conversion of some 6% woodland cover to 19% today, and turning the former derelict landscape of the coalfields into a landscape that people flocked to visit. It now contained important sites such as the National Memorial Arboretum in Staffordshire, and a number of new Forestry Commission woodlands and sites, all to be linked by the National Forest Trail.
1.3At the time of the creation of the National Forest Company the government’s decision not to create woodlands or access by compulsion was controversial and there were many who said that without compulsory powers the project was doomed to failure. In the event, not only did the planting proceed apace but the improved access on the newly created woodlands gave access to 8,300 hectares of land in the developing forest. While this land did not have access on the scale of the rights granted under the Countryside and Rights of Way Act, its land was generally in areas where people wanted to walk, close to where they lived and felt welcome. His point was that compulsion is not necessarily the only way to create additional public benefit—and this might well have relevance to discussions on coastal access.
1.4The second experience which Peter shared was the successful partnership which Ramblers in the Area had developed with the highway authorities in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland. They were fortunate in that rights-of-way budgets had been relatively well protected and that rights-of-way were seen as routes that providedsustainable transport options, were important for people’s health and wellbeing, and should be a core element of the infrastructure of a civilised society. In addition, a Get Walking Keep Walking funding award, based on the City of Leicester,had been made which would be supported by Ramblers Groups. There was also a ‘Gap, Gate and Stile’ programme under which, in the last five years, a stile a day has been removed from the network (about 1,800 obstructions).
1.5Peter finished by saying that Leicestershire & Rutland was a traditional Ramblers Area, focussing on rights-of-way campaigns and on encouraging Groups in their walking activities. The eight Groups organised some 1000 guided walks a year and actively protecteddefinitive rights. Many representatives from those Groups were present at General Council, working to make this an enjoyable, and hopefully successful, meeting. Peter hoped that Council would be a productive occasion and that all delegates would enjoy their time in Leicester.
2.1Apologies for absence were received fromAlan Mattingly, John Bunting and David Grosz (vice-presidents), Eleanor Harris, Andy Rogers and Denis McAteer (Board of Trustees), Damian Wheeler, and Jim Young.
Tellers: Bob Collins, Elaine Easom, John Howells, Vicky Howells, Mary Rooks, Audrey Osler, Andrea Wanless, Ken Wanless, Sally Wilson.
Scrutineers: Kay Gosling, Nick King, Tom Merry, John Sim, Sue Sim.
Subject to the corrections listed below it was proposed by Cath MacKay, seconded by Owen Plunkett, and agreed, that the Chairman be authorised to sign the minutes of General Council 2011 as a correct record.
Attendance List: the East Yorks & Derwent Area delegate was Les Atkinson, not Len Atkinson
P.7, paragraph 7.4: the Appendix was not sent with the version of the minutes provided to delegates, or published on the Ramblers website.
P.8, paragraph 7.6: should refer to Nick Savage, not Mike Savage
P.17, Motion 12: should read “proposed by Elizabeth Lawie”
P.17, Motion 15 should read “was proposed”.
5.1Council noted a report from the Agenda Committee which had met to consider the resolutions,motions and amendments, and the order in which they should be debated.
5.2An amendment submitted by Shropshire Area to Motion 1 was ruled out of order on the grounds that if passed it would result in a material change to the nature of the motion. The Agenda Committee did not accept a representation from Renfrewshire, Cowal & Bute Area that their motion on subscription rates should have been considered before that of Dorset Area on the same subject. Although Motions 2 and 3 both dealt with subscription rates it was considered that they stood alone, and that the passing of one would not invalidate the other since it was for the Board to set subscription rates and the motions were only advisory.
6.1Council noted this report and a number of additional comments and questions were raised.
6.2Clare Wadd (Inner London Area) observed that the changes to Standing Orders made by Motion 1 at General Council in 2011 were not yet on the website and asked for this change to be made.
6.3John Esslemont (Agenda Committee) said that a written response on matters relating to Motion 4 on HS2 had been promised at General Council but had not yet been provided.
6.4Jerry Pearlman (Vice-President) said that he hoped that the Rights of Way Sounding Board would be involved in the review of the rights-of-way strategy referred to in the report on Motion 7 from 2010.
6.5Phil Marson (Inner London Area) expressed concern about the lack of progress with Motion 7 (Regional Structures), in particular in respect to the operation of the Ramblers in Greater London. He felt that this meant opportunities were being missed, for example, in the context of the forthcoming election for Mayor of London.
7.1In presenting the accounts, Jonathan Kipling gave an overview of the financial situation. At the end of the financial year there was an operating surplus of £696,000, with over £2 million in unrestricted funds. The surplus had arisen because of legacies amounting to over £700,000 but it was impossible to budget for such income. However it did mean that the books had balanced. The surplus would be used for investment in new systems and to add to the fund set against long-term liabilities. Jonathan thanked Paul Butler and the Finance Team for all of their work during the course of the year and in preparing the accounts.
Questions and comments on the Annual Report and Accounts
7.2Council noted a paper setting out a number of written questions and answers on the Report and Accounts (this appears as an Appendix to these minutes). The following additional points were raised.
7.3Brian Reader (Agenda Committee) said that, following devolution, the fourth paragraph on p.24 was not accurate in respect of the functions of Scottish and Welsh Councils. The Chairman agreed that this should be corrected.
7.4Annette Cotter (Ramblers Holidays Group Ltd) queried the £780,000 pensions liability mentioned in Note 23 to the accounts. This amounted to 15% of the Ramblers income and so was a large sum. Paul Butler, Director of Finance and Administration, was invited to respond on this point. He explained that the liability would only arise if the Ramblers withdrew from the scheme which it had no intention of doing. It was also the case that the deficit fluctuated over time and that an actuaries’ update was expected at the end of May. The Chairman assured Council that the pensions liability was regularly discussed both by the Finance & Administration Sub-committee and the full Board. Neill Schofield (Agenda Committee) said that he was reassured by the Chairman’s comments because the Ramblers needed to be a responsible employer.
7.5John Esslemont (Agenda Committee) expressed concern that the report (p.7) appeared to misrepresent the ‘Mystery Walker’ scheme as a measure of legal compliance of the right-of-way network. Benedict Southworth accepted the point but said that the scheme needed to be viewed in the wider context of Ramblers strategy, in particular engagement with a wider public.
7.6John Esslemont also observed that there was an incomplete sentence in the second paragraph on p.13. This should have read “ … and we are about to start a new three-year Get Walking Keep Walking scheme in Leicester.”
7.7 Subject to necessary corrections, it was proposed by Brian Reader (Agenda Committee), seconded by John Hauxwell (Surrey Area) and agreed by Council that the Annual Report and Accounts for the year to 30 September 2011 be adopted.
President:Kate Ashbrook
Proposed by Rodney Whittaker, seconded by James Lawson
Past presidents who automatically continue as vice-presidents:
Andrew Bennett, Julia Bradbury, Chris Hall, Mike Harding, Peter Melchett, Chris Smith, Janet Street-Porter.
Vice Presidents
John Bunting, Geoff Eastwood, John Foster, David Grosz, Jack Ibbott, Richard Lloyd Jones, Cath Mackay, Alan Mattingly, Jerry Pearlman, Malcolm Petyt, John Riddall, David Sharp, Paddy Tipping.
Proposed en bloc by Owen Plunkett and seconded by Naseem Akhtar
Chairman:Jonathan Kipling
Proposed by David Thompson, seconded by Robert Peel and Malcolm Newman
Honorary Treasurer:Robert Peel
Proposed by Max Grant and seconded by Keith Wadd and Naseem Akhtar
All officers were elected overwhelmingly by Council.
The firm of Crowe Clark Whitehill was proposed by Malcolm Newman, seconded by Jim Lawson and agreed by Council.
There were five candidates for four ordinary Board member places. Candidates with the three highest votes were to serve for a term of three years, the candidate with the fourth highest vote was to serve for one year.
Des Garrahan, James Lawson and Mike Church were elected to serve for three years and Maggie Thomas for one year.
There was no ballot for membership of the Agenda Committee as there were five candidates and five positions available. The following persons would serve on the Agenda Committee:
John Esslemont, Elizabeth Lawie, Sylvia Popham, Brian Reader and Clare Wadd.
12.1Council considered the addition to the agenda of two late motions.
12.2Geoff Mullett of Lincolnshire Area submitted a late motion as a matter of urgency on matters relating to Ramblers Worldwide Holidays and HF Holidays. Council voted by the required two-thirds majority to grant urgency and to debate the motion which is set out as motion [5A] below.
12.3Chris Thompson of Nottinghamshire Area submitted a late motion as a matter of urgency on matters relating to the 2026 cut-off date. Council voted by the required two-thirds majority to grant urgency and to debate the motion which is set out as motion [7A] below.
[1]Maintaining and Protecting Public Rights of Way
The following motion was proposed by Sylvia Popham of Avon Area and seconded by Jill Fysh of that Area.
This General Council considers that Areas and Groups have an increasingly important role in actively maintaining and protecting public rights of way.
This General Council requests the Board of Trustees to support, financially and otherwise, Areas and Groups in developing schemes providing local authorities with footpath maintenance services to professional standards by fully trained teams of volunteer wardens.
The following amendment was tabled by West Riding Area but was withdrawn without debate:
Add at end:
“Council also considers that any such scheme should be insured by the Local Authority rather than the Ramblers.”
The following amendment was tabled by Shropshire Area but was ruled out of order by the Agenda Committee as in their opinion it would result in a material change to the nature of the motion:
Re-write the motion to read:
“This General Council requests that the Board of Trustees make representation to central government that local authorities remove unnecessary bureaucratic obstructions that prevent volunteers from undertaking footpath maintenance work.”
The original motion was carried.
[2]Membership Subscriptions